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Garowe: Governor of Banadir [Tarzan] arrives in Puntland Capital Audio

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Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Oo Soo Gaaray Garoowe [Maqal]


December 31, 2010 | 0 comments


Guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ee DKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Maxamuud Axmed”Tazan”iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo maanta kasoo degay magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa galabta gelinkii danbe soo gaaray magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland.


Maxamuud Axmed”Tarzan”oo waraysi khaas ah siiyey Idaacada Horseed Nedia ayaa sheegay in uu ku aad ugu faraxsan yahay socdaalka uu ku yimi deegaanada Puntland ,wuxuuna xusay in dawlada Puntland uu uga mahadcelinayo marti gelinta ciyaaraha Soomaaliya 20-sano ka dib.


Wuxuu intaasi ku daray in uu soo dhaweynaayo nabada iyo horumarka ay ku talaabsatay Puntland isla markaasina gobolada kale u rajeynayo in tusaale wanaagsan oo ku dayasho muddan ay ka qaataan Puntland.


Mudane Tarzan ayaa sheegay in ay tahay markii ugu horeysay oo u yimaado Puntland isla markaasina khibrad wanaagsan ka qaadan doono.


Mar uu ka jawaabayey su’aal ku aadaneyd is barbar dhiga labada caasimadood ayuu sheegay in magaalada Muqdisho oo ah magaalo madaxda dalka ay xasilooni daro ka jirto isla markaasian aysan suutagal ahayn in horumar laga sameeyo goob dagaal uu ka taagan yahay.


Magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada dawlada Puntland ayuu xusay in ay tahay magaalo balaaran oo laga sameeyey dhismayaal cusub oo hagaajinaysa bilicda magaalada.


Mr. Tarzan ayaa sheegay in uu rajeynayo in bilicda magaalada Muqdisho ay soo noqon doonto haddii ay joogsadaan dagaalada daba dheeraaday ee ka socda muddada ku siman 20-ka sano.


Ugu Dambayntii wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in uu filayo in Ciyaaraha gobolada ay ku dhamadaan nabada.


Si kastaba arrimahaan ayaa kusoo beegmaya xili maalinta beri ah oo taariikhdu ku beegan tahay 31.12.2010 ay gobolada Bari iyo Banaadir ku baratami doonaan hanashada Koobka gobolada Soomaaliya.


Cabdiqani Cabdillaahi Cabdi

Horseed Media


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It's remarkable that such a character now acknowledges his mistakes in the past and utters the high praises whereas before it was all spitefulness. I praise the government of Puntland in showing not any animosity and brining former enemies into the State so that they see for themselves what Puntland is about. Every Somali whether friend or foe needs to come to Puntland and experience the land and the people, the cities and villages in order for them to see and learn from those experiences.


The 15 teams from the 15 regions as I hear from the organisers, some who are over 1,500 km2 apart from where the games where held in peaceful Garoowe said that they have no intention of returning and some of the farewell parties tears were shed and as today all the southern teams are in Garoowe only the Puntland teams have left, these speaks for their desire in staying in a peaceful climate and where they can actually found employment such is their likening to Puntland. Without this and the people coming together it wouldn't have been possible.


Indeed this 18th Tournament brining together 15 regions was a historic one that will be remembered not only for the game and winner Banadir but for people like Tarzan who came to Puntland on his first visit ever and which showed that Puntland isn't a place of vengeance or even grudges held.


For that kudos to the State and the People. Sports is a tool for brining together the fiercest nemesis and where friendship can be harboured and forged between the different spectra.

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