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Bosaso: Mayor on Eminent Development Projects for city:

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Maamulka Degmada Boosaaso:Magaalada Boosaaso Mashaariic Ayaan Ka Fulinaynaa”

December 30, 2010 | 0 comments



Duqa Degmada Boossaso Maxamuud Faarax Beeldaaje oo u waramayay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in dhawaan ay kutala jiraan in magaalo gacasiga Puntland ee Boosaaso ay ka hirgalinayaan mashaariicyo wax tar u leh bulshada ku dhaqan degmada.


Maxamuud Faarax Beeldaaje ayaa sheegay in mashaariicda iminka la qabanayo ay ka mid yihiin:


1. Hagaajinta wadada Airport-ka ka timaada ilaa mida tagta madaxtooyda Boosaaso.

2. Boosteejooyin loo sameynayo baabuurta dadweynuhu racaan”Basaska”.

3. Dhirayn lagu sameyn doono magaalada Boosaaso ilaa 5000 oo geed(Shan kun oo geed).

4. Suuqyo dhawaan laga hirgelin doono degmada Boosaaso.

5. Tuulooyinka Karin iyo Kalabeyr oo loo sameyn doono biyo gelin iyo kuwa kale.


Wuxuu kaloo sheegay in dhamaan mashaariicdaan kala duwan ay si wada jir ah isaga kaashanayaan hay’addaha UN-ka iyo dawlada hoose,isagoona xusay in hawshaasi ay fulinayso dawlada hoose ee degmada Boosaaso.


Sidoo kale wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqay in qorshahaani ay dejiyeen 2010,wuxuu kaloo intaasi ku daray in uu jiro qorshe kale oo ku asteysan 2011 oo la filayo la fuliyo.


Duqa degmada Boosaaso Maxamuud Faarax Beeldaaje ayaa dadweynaha kunool degmada ay si daacadnimo ay ku jirto ay ula shaqeeyaan cidda hawshaasi qabaneysa.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee arrimahaan ayaa haddii ay hirgalaan waxay wax weyn ka bedeli doontaa bilicda degmada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari.


Cismaan Turaabi

Horseed Media


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Masha'alah its great to see the local Puntland government in Bosaaso is understaking these great projects. Renovate the roads, build bus stops, plant more and more to make the city green, construct new and modern shopping centres in different areas of the city (move the city away from only concentrating on the old town center's Bosaaso market) and bring tap water supplies to the areas that need the most.


That's all that Bosaso needs to become a modern developed city.


Also I suggest the admin should invite the Businessmen of Puntland to participate, invest and take part in these mashaariic, a worthwhile mashaariic with huge returns. The should privitise some of these things instead of being government led and controled all the time.

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It is pertinent that Bosaso assert its role as Somalia's second capital, and development is the road to that end. I commend all the works of the entire leadership of Bari region. This is the future of Somalia. I look forward to more works.

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Let me picturize all this. Now the suuqyo the mayor is talking about can only be these golis initiaves which is being constructed.

Tawakal Investment to create new bank/hotel complex



Or the golis initiave to create HQ In the city an 8 story building



It cant be these ones because these ones are intended for garowe



Garowe Shopping Center 3-5 Stories



So those suuqs the mayor is talking about is either the tawakal investment or the 8 storey golis head-quarter. Because other shopping centers have opened like this one below



Bus Stop idea was originally stolen from garowe when he went to garowe just yesterday, I bet they told him to install similar ones in Bosaso which is good idea if u ask me



The water project for karin and kalabayr is refreshing news. Its good to see where moving the water projects out into the rural areas since the cities are tapped up and no donkey carts needed like hamar lol. I think even the refugee camps are tapped up also from the last massive water project in Bosaso was for the IDPS so its all good now. Idp and Citizen have access to clean running water in all our major cities.


The rural towns is going to be mamoth task because we will need to start one by one but inshallah we will get there and all our people no matter where they city or country side have access to clean running water.


The road project for bosaso airport road im not sure what he means by hagaajinta. Does he mean upgrading the road system with stop signs and give way signs or does he mean repairing road surfaces. Im not sure but either one is good


Finally the 5000 trees are welcome addition more trees the better. It would be yet to aim for installing 5000-10000 trees every year for 5 years annually. We should make it past-time tradition in puntland where its public holiday and its just for tree planting. Good job mayor of bosaso lets just now wait to see you deliver on your promises.

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