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Somalilnad Court Put Charges on the Cargo Plane

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They keep saying Faroole muxuu uhadli waayay, muxuu wax nooga sheegi waayay looooooooool, even their President was saying this crying for attention, kulahaa Puntland si reer magaalnimo/farsamo ah ayay arinta uga gaabsatahay looooooooooooool, at least wuu uqiray in Puntland reer magaalnimada iyo farsama kaga fiicantahay laakiin iyaga iyo SL cidina kama hadlin.


Desperate attention seekers. Adeerayaal, Faroole does not know you nor care about you, kabahiisa idinkama yaqaan muxuu idinka hadlaa.

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^^ I agree. I think a year in jail is too much, they were only pilots. :(

But what about the South African story? War xishoodka jooji oo ila hadal dee.

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Jacaylbaro;684065 wrote:
Somaliland jails Russians over weapons for Puntland


The men were sentenced not charged so change the thread headline to ^^^:):):)

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General Duke;684115 wrote:


For Puntland this is a non issue, for you it’s all about 1988 and that says a great deal.

Confusing Cause and Effect at display..Smarten up

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Jacaylbaro;683930 wrote:

Agabkii saarnaa Diyaaradana waxay xukuntay dhamaanteed in ay la wareegto xukuumada Somaliland.

I couldn't help but LOL @this part!!! Sheeko.


This sentencing isn't gonna stick, mexey been isugu sheegaayaan kuwaan horta? Faroole keeping quiet about this matter should be the least of their worries...Waxaan kabaqaa mardhow markab xaar wado oo Pland usocdona iney dhahaan waan rabnaa! Toloow '88kiina amey dhahaan xaar baa nalagu daadiyay!!!! :D Anything Puntland mexey la gariiraan horta? Alloow Alle!

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Xaji u know us well. The response has been posted already by Garowe-Online and the Puntland response will be following shortly after be prepared for a hell of a fight because your messing with the BIG BOYS now

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