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Somalilnad Court Put Charges on the Cargo Plane

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War Deg Deg Ah : Maxkamada Gobolka Hargeisa oo xukun ku riday Diyaaradii hubka u siday Puntland iyo shaqalihii saaranaa…



Maxkamada Gobolka Hargeysa ayaa xukuno kala duwan ku riday diyaaradii ku soo xad gudbtay Hawada Somaliland Agabka Ciidamadana u siday Maamulka Puntland ,Shaqaalihii diyaradii iyo agabkiiba .



Maxkamada ayaa Ku xukuntay Shaqaalihii diyarada watay oo dhamaa lix nin min Hal Sanno oo xadhig ah iyo Ganaax dhan Saddex Milyan oo Somaliland Shilling ah.

Halka ay diyaaradiina ku xukuntay 23 Milyan oo Somaliland Shilling ah.



Agabkii saarnaa Diyaaradana waxay xukuntay dhamaanteed in ay la wareegto xukuumada Somaliland.

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Hargeysa(Waaheen) Maxkamdda Gobolka Hargeysa oo maant soo gabagabaysay Dacwadii loo haystay diyaaradii Puntland u siday Saanada Milatari waxaanay ku xukuntay in lala wareego Saanadii saarnayd oo dhan, Ganaax dhan 23,000,000 sadex iyo laabatn Milyan oo Diyaarada la ganaaxay iyo Xabsi min hal sano ah oo Duuliyayaasha lagu xukumay.


Xukunkan ayaa soo gabagabeeyay kadib markii ay Xeer ilaalinta iyo Guddi loo saaray Kiiskaasi ay dhawaan Maxkamadda u gudbiyeen xadgudubyada ay ku kaceen, isla markaana Maxkamaddu laba fadhi ooh ore u qabatay Xeer ilaalinta iyo Qareenadii Difaaacayay.



Sida la filayana waxa isla maantaba lixda nine e Ruushka ah ee lagu xukumay min sanadka loo dhaadhicinyaa dhinaca Xabsiga Mandheera, iyadoo Saanadana isla maantaba laga soo dajin doono Diyaaradda oo lagu wareejin doono Xukuumadda

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Somaliland jails Russians over weapons for Puntland



Six Russians have been jailed in the northern Somali breakaway territory of Somaliland.



Their aircraft was seized earlier this month carrying military equipment bound for the neighbouring semi-autonomous state of Puntland.



A court sentenced them to a year in jail and fined them $500 for supplying military equipment to an enemy.



The charterer of the plane, Saracens International, denied that the cargo was illegal.




The Russians were also convicted of violating Somaliland's airspace. The uniforms and mines which were found on board the aircraft were confiscated by the court in the Somaliland capital, Hargeisa.





Disputed territory


After the arrests were made, the interior minister of Somaliland, Mohamed Abdi Gaboosi, said the cargo was in violation of the United Nations arms embargo on Somalia.



Saracens - a private military contractor, which is based in Uganda and South Africa - told the BBC at the time that the cargo was destined for its operation in Puntland, where it is training an anti-piracy force.




Somaliland declared itself independent from Somalia in the early 1990s, but is not internationally recognised. It is relatively stable, unlike the rest of Somalia, and even organises regular elections.




However, it has a border dispute with Puntland and the two security forces occasionally clash.



Unlike Somaliland, Puntland says it does not seek recognition as an independent entity, wishing instead to be part of a federal Somalia.


Somalia has not had an effective national government since 1991.





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Unlike Somaliland, Puntland says it does not seek recognition as an independent entity, wishing instead to be part of a federal Somalia.


Somalia has not had an effective national government since 1991.


..........Thats the important bit lads, pay attention. Puntland is bringing Somalia together, while you are chasing after uniforms and UN embargo on a country you do not belong to....







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^^ War waxaan iska daa, tell us what the PL grapevine says about this plane and the bad publicity that followed?


A country we don't belong to? Make your mind up dee. :D

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NGOONGE, wallahi you are wasting your time. Let me tell you some info. Your uncle is isolated and alone in Hargaysa, his trip to the UK was a huge failure. The international community [uS]is looking to bring the Somali entities together to confront the Al Shabaab and Somaliland is dragging its feet, as it can not reconcile its secessionist position with the real politic on the ground. Puntland has endorsed the plan and is being rewarded big time. The training is continuing and the heavy armor has already arrived in Bossaso months ago.


For Puntland this is a non issue, for you it’s all about 1988 and that says a great deal.

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General Duke;684115 wrote:
NGOONGE, wallahi you are wasting your time. Let me tell you some info. Your uncle is isolated and alone in Hargaysa, his trip to the UK was a huge failure. The international community [uS]is looking to bring the Somali entities together to confront the Al Shabaab and Somaliland is dragging its feet, as it can not reconcile its secessionist position with the real politic on the ground. Puntland has endorsed the plan and is being rewarded big time. The training is continuing and the heavy armor has already arrived in Bossaso months ago.


For Puntland this is a non issue, for you it’s all about 1988 and that says a great deal.

If the shoe was on the other foot I would certainly share with you any tidbits I've heard from the SL side. Why are you being too defensive warya? This is news. Bad news for PL actually and it requires some spin. What do the spin doctors say? Ignoring it will not make it go away, you know. I mean even South Africa is getting on in the act. Wax fahan.

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^^^NGOONGE, you know this is a non issue for Puntland. Its the only card you have to play, and one undertsands the great length you have taken to publicise it and mention Puntland name every day.

Though we have bigger things on our mind, the new Somali wide conference and the game tommorrow.

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^^ Ok. But when the news refuses to go away and Imam Farole hastily comes up with some rubbish argument don't say I didn't tell you. :D

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The secessionists are going mad about everything and anything that comes with the brand name Puntland.


So what has some arrested russians and fined business plane got to do with Puntland, oh it must be that it was destined for Puntland ha haha


This is a non issue, come up with something original boyz, rather this shows your desperate attention seeking tendencies. Puntland does not care about you, nor will it give you any attention and the world will not recognize hence easy with the madness.

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