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Breaking News: Its the Clash of the TITANS: Banadir [Mogadishu] Vs Bari[Bosaso]

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GhelleT, wixi hore iska daa Xamarbaad rabtaa inaad lasoo oradid, from now on waxaas oo dhan waxaa dominate garayn doonta Bari. Bari is not only the commercial centre and the Business super power of the nation, it has proved to be a soccer power house and will dominate any kind of sporting, cultural, educational and what have you of the nation.


Bosaaso is massive, developing and home for all, home of the free and land of the brave, hence Bari leads and will lead way...

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^^^ lool kalluun baan soo gadanayaa, bal ila soo gaar qaar annasmileys.gif



Qandalaawi, brother, bal yara naso, Banaadir lee maantoo dhan lee maa guree, hadeysan banooni waxba ka aqoon maxaa keenay finalka ay uga soo baxeen the so-called death group, ama penalty haku raayana ama si kale, sxb give the team the credit they deserve.



I am actually more happy to see all these teams meeting than supporting an actual team, yes, I support Banaadir FULLY, and had being predicting from the start that they will come to the finals, but I have being also giving credit to the great teams such as Nugaal, Mudug, Hiiraan, Jubooyinka, Shabeelaha and Bari who did good job in coming to the finals.


You were saying Banaadir had easy ride and had minor teams in group stages, are you saying Mudug don't know how to play footie, sxb naga daa dee waxan, both ended with 5 points qualifying to the next round, mudug and banaadir were in both same group, so as was Sool who did well.



To be honest, I would love to see Banaadir win this tournament, but it would be a difficult task, I would like to see both teams perform well in front of the largest gathering in 20 years, if Bari wins, it is a Somali win, if Banaadir wins, it is a Somali win, and it is a good signal that sports is essential tool in bringing people together, when this is achieved on Friday afternoon, many people will have high hopes, and would go further in achieving more towards final stability and peace for the whole country.



Sxb, bal fiiri the big picture, waan ogahay inaad fan is nacey tahay oo hooligan dhaafeysmileys.gif



Ps: I can see many Solers are cheering for Banaadir now, wlcme backGheele, and sorry for the elimination of Nugaal, hope they fight for third place on Friday morning.

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Qandalawi, maya camu, gobollo kale aa ku khatarsanaa sports-ka kale ee sheegay. In anyway, since my team has been eliminated in the semis, i am trying to stay neutral in finals. Haddiise ay Xamarawis kaaga bataan meesha, count on me!!

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if Bari wins, it is a Somali win, if Banaadir wins, it is a Somali win, and it is a good signal that sports is essential tool in bringing people together

Well said laakiin jimcaha hadaan badiyo kaluunka PM ka baan kuu soo dhex dhigayaa hadii kale no kaluun dee.:)

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Nuune, Lool@ Bari hooligan tahay, sxb waa iska caadi we have to make it more exciting soo ma ahan.


I know this was a historic event, and a win for Somalia and Somalinimo. If both teams win it is a Somali win. Laakin bahasha waa in lamaceeyaa, maanta dhan inaan kuhayno dadka isku yimid ayaa kamuhiimsan ma ahan, dadka waa isku imaadeen and we have over hundreds of Somali young boys representing different regions of the country taking part. However, we should move on from that, oo bahasha la isku xaraareeyaa markaasay xiiso yeelanaysaa.


Anigu waxaan rabaa in la iga soo horjeesto oo ragga kale Banaadir sifiican utaageeraan anna aan Bari iyo Wiilasha kalluunka caanihiisa soo cabay aan sidaa uduuliyo, hadhow hadii la iga badiyona waa iska caadi oo waa football. anagoo Arsenal taageeraynaba waa nalaka badiyaa (Actually Arsenal is playing against Wigan now, we are 1-0 down unfortunately- watching now).



Saaxib marka Bari aan duuliyee iga leexo adigana Banaadir duuli loooooooooooool



Top scorer of the tournament - Daacad (Bari Team)



Xaniyya Weeynaa waa wiil Kalluun kasoo Dhargay looooooooooooool

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Mayaani;683800 wrote:
Baayo Bari kaluun laga raysay Baasto iyo Bariis la baray.

Boowe nin kaluunku dhib awalba ku hayey baa ka raaysta laakiin reer bari kaluunka waba ku dhintaan see uga raaystaan. :D

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