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If Somalia is divisible so is Somaliland

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After 20 years what we have is a clan claiming to be an independent state, with no international recognition forthcoming. The measure of statehood is not flags and cyber claims. Somaliland is a peace of region, but so is Puntland, so is Galmudug. The issue of defeating Woyanne is tied to the matter of reviving a strong Somalia state. The task is also made difficult by the betrayal of SNMites who play dirty skirt to Ethiopia. Ending the daydreams of clanists and installing a genuine Somalinimo-believers on their grave is central to the success of the Somaligalbeed cause.

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After 20 years i have a functioning government my institutions are intact and indeed a genuine democracy with a smooth transition of power. Where one african leader accepts defeat and the other new president inaugurated . Now that's what i call statehood. Compare it to the lawless stateless Koonfurians with no direction nor future a hotel president running like a headless chicken around the world being protected in his own capital by foreign mercenaries, or a pirate in the north of Somalia in his fiefdom claiming to fight piracy trying to fool the world. And then you have abtigis who blames Xaaji Xunjuf and the noble people of Somaliland for his Woyane occupation. What he fails to realize is they were his own ancestors Abduraxman Sayid Maxammad cabdulla xassan the son of the mullah who served Ethiopia and the Emperor haile selassie as a loyal servant and interior minister of the Abyssinian Empire. There is nothing i can do for you nor the lawless failed Somalia can help you, every nation and people fight for their own rights and independence or atleast to determine their own future. and you my friend failed the past 127 Years.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;684233 wrote:
After 20 years i have a functioning government my institutions are intact and indeed a genuine democracy with a smooth transition of power. Where one african leader accepts defeat and the other new president inaugurated . Now that's what i call statehood. Compare it to the lawless stateless Koonfurians with no direction nor future a hotel president running like a headless chicken around the world being protected in his own capital by foreign mercenaries, or a pirate in the north of Somalia in his fiefdom claiming to fight piracy trying to fool the world. And then you have abtigis who blames Xaaji Xunjuf and the noble people of Somaliland for his Ethiopian occupation. What he fails to realize is they were his own ancestors Abduraxman Sayid Maxammad cabdulla xassan the son of the mullah who served Ethiopia and the Emperor haile selassie as a loyal servant and interior minister of the Abyssinian Empire. There is nothing i can do for you nor the lawless failed Somalia can help you, every nation and people fight for their own rights and independence or atleast to determine their own future. and you my friend failed the past 127 Years.



Well said.

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Xaji, what your fiefdom can do is respect international refugee protocols and conventions and protect civillians who sought protection from it. What it shouldn't do is raid houses in the darkness of night, take out wailing mothers and hand them over to rapists and torturers. Or does arresting mothers and refugees all that you are capable of doing to please Meles Zenawi? When armed groups tresspass through your lands with the ease with which tourists with knowledgeable guides pass through Awash park, it is the usual phantom hareeraysi which ends with no captive to show for camera.

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Abti, you should make up your mind. Cause now your saying its not good when we catch ONLF'ers and at the same time its not good when we don't catch them.

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No , I am not saying. Your english is good enough to know what I said. I am saying don't arrest old-lady who sought refuge in your abode of shame and servility, purely because they had nowhere else to go. Arrest armed ONLF members when they cross your territory, if you can live with the consequences.

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Abti, Somaliland only arrests ONLF members on the request of the O people in jigjiga. If you have problem with that go to

your own people in Jigjiga who arrest and torture ONLF members and if you have problem with those recruiting ONLF members, then go to your other people in Jigjiga who recruit ONLF and tell them that. This is an internal O clan issue. Your people cant seem to choose or unite on a single issue. Even a simple issue as self-determination or freedom.


Dont hate us for being united on our self-determination and statehood. Cause that seems to be your real issue with Somaliland.


Put your energy on informing and uniting your own people instead of hoping for disunity within Somaliland. thats just an advice from your abti.

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