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What every Muslim should know about fasting!

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Assalamu Alaikum,


Insh'Allah I hope we are all in the best state of health and Imaan!


Virtues of the Month of Ramadan:


Fasting the month of Ramadan is the third pillar of Islam, which Allah made obligatory on Muslims in the second year of the Prophet's migration (Hijrah) to Madinah with the statement: "O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may gain Taqwa (piety" (2: 183)


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "He who fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeking reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven." (Bukhari) Ramadan is a unique opportunity for Muslims to seek forgiveness and repentance from Allah. It is also a month of opportunity for enormous reward. Allah says: "Fasting is Mine and I shall reward for it (as I wish). A Muslim gives his (sexual) pleasure, food and drink for My sake. Fasting is a shield. He who fasts has two joys: a joy when he breaks his fast and a joy when he meets his Lord. The change in the breath of the mouth of he who fasts is sweeter to Allah than the smell of musk." (Bukhari and Muslim)


Definition and Pillars of Fasting:


Fasting in the context of Islam refers to abstaining from all the things that invalidate it from the break of dawn (fajr) till sunset (Magrib), coupled with the intention of doing so as an act of worship. Fasting the month of Ramadan is obligatory (Fard) on every Muslim who has reached the age of puberty, who is sane, and is able to fast without it being hazardous to his health and due to illness.


The first pillar of fasting is the intention, and the place of the intention is the heart, hence uttering the intention verbally is something which is not legislated. It is mandatory to have the intention at night, that is, before the break of dawan (Fajr). Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Whoever does not intend fasting prior of Fajr, then there is no fasting for him." (Abu Dawud)


The second pillar of fasting is to abstain from the things that break a person's fast from the break of dawn till sunset, along with a continued intention between these two periods. If a person makes an intention to break their fast, but does not come across anything to break their fast with from food or drink until sunset, then they must make up that day after Ramadan. This is because maintaining the intention between Fajr and Magrib is from amongst the pillars of fasting.


The third pillar of fasting is that a person must fast during the days of Ramadan and not during the nights. Fasting the nights instead of the days is not acceptable because Allah says: "...and eat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to you distinct from the black thread (of night), then complete your fast till the night-fall..." (2:187)


Nullifiers of Fasting:


1. Eating and drinking deliberately! Any Muslim who eats or drinks intentionally has broken their fast. Whoever does this must repent to Allah, asking Him for forgiveness. Many Muslim scholars are of the opinion that this day should be made up for before the next Ramadan. Imam Abu Hanifah holds the opinion that in addition to repenting and making up for the day, he/she must also feed a poor or needy person. This view is also held by Imam Malik.


2. Induced vomiting! The soundest view amongst the scholars of Islam is that as long as vomiting is unintentional then the fasting remains valid. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "If someone had a sudden attack of vomiting, no atonement is required of him, but if he vomits intentionally he must make atonement." (Abu Dawud) If any vomit is accidentally swallowed, the fast is not affected.


3. Supplements and nutritional injections or drips! These dietary intakes also break the fast as they defeat one of the main objectives of fasting, namely, to undergo thirst and hunger, and hence break the fast. The days in which the fast was broken must be made up before the next Ramadan.


4. Apostasy! If a fasting person becomes a disbeliever (Allah forbid), then their fasting becomes void, as Allah (Most High) says: "If you commit shirk (associate other in worship with Allah), then surely (all) your deeds will be in vain..." (39:65)


More to come Insh'Allah.

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Assalamu Alaikum,


Who is Exempt from Fasting?


- Non-Muslims, For fasting to be accepted a person must firmly believe that Allah is the ONLY God worthy of worship, and that Muhammad (pbuh) is His final Messenger. Furthermore, they must believe in the 6 articles of faith, and act upon the five pillars of Islam.


- The Sick, Those who are sick but are able to fast must do so! However, if fasting is detrimental to a person's health, due to illness, then this person is not required to fast. Those who have no hope of recovery are to compensate by paying Fidyah-The feeding of a needy person for every day missed. Those who are temporarily ill are to make up the missed days after they recover before the next Ramadan.


- Travelers, A traveler who will face no difficulty in fasting may choose not to fast, but fasting in this case is preferable. If however, fasting will cause the traveler hardships, then it is advised to take up the favor and concession of Allah granted to him and break the fast. The missed days must be made up before the next Ramadan.


- Children, Fasting is not required of children until they reach the age of puberty. If a person turns the age of 15 and none of the signs of puberty have appeared, then they are considered to have reached the age of puberty. Although children are not obligated to fast prior to puberty, they should be encouraged to fast if there is no fear of it harming them, as this will train them to fast.


Controversial Issues:


Unintentionally eating or drinking after the break of Dawn or before Sunset- The correct opinion concerning a person who eats or drinks believing that the break od Dawn has not commenced, or that the sun has set when it actually hasn't taken place, is that this person does not need to make up for that day. During the leadership of Umar (May Allah be pleased with him)some people broke their fast and some moments later the sun appeared. They asked whether they should make up for this day to which Umar responded by saying "No, by Allah, we did not have any inclination towards wrongful action." In addition we the incident whereby Asnaa' (May Allah be pleased with her)said: "We broke our fast on a cloudy day during Ramadan at the time of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), then the sun apeared." (Bukhari) Ibn Taymiyyah said: "This suggests it is not obligatory to make up for the day, for if the Prophet (pbuh) had ordered them to make up for that day, this would have been widely known, just as the news of breaking of their fast was widely circulated."


Use of Nose Drops, Eye Drops, Intravenous Injections and Perfume- The Scholars of Islam differed about the use of these things during fasting. The correct opinion-and Allah knows best-is that these things do not nullify the fasting, and that no compensation is required if used, even if the nose or eye drops pass through the throat. This is the opinion of Ibn 'Umar, Anas Ibn Malik, Abu Hanifah, ash-Shaafi, and Ibn Taymiyyah. There is nothing authenically mentioned by the Prophet (pbuh) prohibiting their use.


Water entering the stomach accidentally -Water that enters into the stomach as a result of sniffing or rinsing out of the mouth has also caused controversy amongst Scholars. The correct opinion is that the fast is not broken, as this has occurred unintentionally. Although sniffing water up the nostrils during wudu is desirable, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) advised that it should be avoided during fasting. Bathing and showering are permissible actions when fasting. Swimming is also permissible as long as care is taken not to swallow water. If however a person knows from past experience that they may swallow water whilst swimming, then it is not permitted to swim whilst fasting.


The use of Puffers- According to a number of Scholars, the use of puffers for Asthma does not break the fast. This is because the puffer is considered as compressed gas that goes to the lungs, and does in no way nourish or quench the thirst.


To be continued Insh'Allah

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