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Triumphant Puntland Army Units return from Galgala campaign - Media

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Large contingents of Puntland army units have returned from their victorious campaigns in Galgala after a visit from President Cabdiraxman Maxamed Faroole. They are headed to their capital with pride!







Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo xubno ka tirsan xukuumada ayaa maanta 23.12.2011 kusoo dhoweeyey magaalo madaxda Garowe ciidamo ka tirsan daraawiishta kuwaasoo dib uga soo noqdey buuraha Galgala.


Ciidamadaan oo ka qayb galey howlgaladii buuraha ku dhow tuulada Galgala looga sifeynayey kooxaha Al-Shabaab ee uu hogaamin jirey ninka lagu magacaabo Attam.


Madaxweynaha Puntland oo hadal kooban ugu jeediyey ciidamadaan duleedka Garowe ayaa u sheegey in howlgalkaan ay ku sifeeyeen kooxahaan uusan shacabka Puntland ilaawi doonin sida ay u guteen wajibaadkooda isaga oo tacsi direy dhamaan eheladii askartii dhimatey dagaaladaas.


Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Farole iyo xubnihiisa ka tirsan Xukuumada ayaa ciidamadaan u soo horkacey xerada ciidamada 54aad oo ku taal duleedka Garowe.


Dadweynaha Puntland gaar ahaan kuwa ku nool magaalada Garowe oo safnaa dhinacyada wadooyinka ayaa ku dhawaaqayey hal ku dhagyo ay kusoo dhoweynayeen ciidamadaan.


Magaalo madaxda Puntland ee Garowe ayaa dhinaca kale la ciirciireysa dadka ka qayb galay tartanka cayaaraha gobolada Somalia.

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