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Gebilay: Af-Soomaaliga oo Weerar Lagu Hayo

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Gebilay waxaa ka dhacday xaflad looga hadlay halista ay luuqadaha kale ay ku hayaan af-Sooomaaliga.


Ismaaciil Farjar


Jimco, 24 December 2010


Magaalada Gebilay ee Somaliland ayaa lagu qabtay xaflad looga hadlayay Af-Soomaaliga iyo barabixinta ay ku hayaan luuqada ajnabiga.

Maxamed Baashe Xaaji Xasan oo qoray buugaag badan oo ka hadlay xafladaasi ayaa sheegay in luuqaddu ay u baahan tahay barbaarin iyo ilaalin joogta ah.

Wuxuu soo hadal qaaday erayo badan oo laga soo qaatay luuqado kale oo af-Soomaaliga loo adeegsado.

Cabdirisaaq Sheekh Aadam, guddoomiye ku xigeenka gobolka Gebilay oo ka qeybgalay xafladdaasi ayaa walaac ka muujiyay magacyada luuqadda Ingiriiska ah ku qoran. Wuxuu ka codsaday duqa degmada Gebilay inuusan u oggolaan ruqsad in la siiyo mehradii la baxeysa magac qalaad.

Xafladdan waxaa soo qaban qaabiyay Naadiga Timo Cadde ee ka dhisan Soomaaliland.

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Well done by Gebiley.


Those who pollute the Somali language with for example Italian or English should be trialed before a Jury of language Judge's

and defend themselves and explain why they pollute our languate with Italian and English.

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