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I demand a fair hearing

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Regular readers of the Troll section might have recently noticed the incessant showboating of a certain Nomad and his constant invitations for me to join him in a Somali poetry duel. Most readers (of the troll section and the site as a whole) already know of my limited (but improving) ability with the Somali language and many probably believe that I could not win such a duel against a sanam taagan, never mind an actual gibbering Qardhaawi. Nonetheless, (and here the regulars of the Sports Forum are more than qualified to vouch) the blood of my Burcaawi ancestors that flows strong within me (though the signals are somewhat weak) would not let me shirk such a blatant and scornful challenge. Therefore, when the Qardho rascal assaulted me with a classic poem of a Somali legend whilst knowing full well that I would not know a poem from a shopping list, I took up the challenge and replied in my own inimitable style.


Now some may snigger or even wonder at my egotistic foolishness but I strongly believe that I actually won that first duel. After all, I was unwittingly duelling with two men (one really dead and the other barely breathing). The reason I believe that I won is to do with modern rules of competition. We see it in Golf, Horse Racing and many other sports. Tiger Woods for instance has one of the best handicaps in the game of golf yet he may lose to a man of a lesser ability than he is because of these “handicap” rules. And as such, I believe that when one takes (and allows for) my measly poetic ability, limited Somali vocabulary and awful grammatical application into account, it becomes crystal clear that I’ve emerged as the obvious winner of every round of our duel. In addition, when one (as one must) deducts points for ungentlemanly conduct from the account of the Qardho bankrupt, it again becomes clear that there was only one winner of this duel.

So, whilst bearing the above in mind, I invite all fair minded poetry lovers to adjudicate in this minor dispute.

There once were two men called Sayid

One was alive and the other dead

They went one round with NGONGE

And were left reeling for a full day

Then "sorry, abwan" they both said.



Raaaah Raaaah (sorry it's that ancesteral blood again).

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So, you are opposing the thread I opened where I said you are tied so far. Are you saying you won against Sayidsomal? Is this an appeal against my judgement. I think on technicalities you won, because he committed theft. But on the real thing, you need to post your winning poem here for us to judge.

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I will not be suprised if SS and Abtigiis are in this together.


I am with Blessed here, Ngonge dig deep and post your poem

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:D :D @ngonge


Is this all you could come up with -Really?? - This is not heat saxiib - it is more like calaacal. it is unbecoming of you - so i suggest you go back to the drawing board.

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The rascal stole this poem and claimed it as his own.


Sayid*Somal;681745 wrote:
what I said
to you last time - in case you forgot here it is:


Wiilyahow shareecadu midkay, shuuftay baad tahaye

Shiqiyahow waxaa lagugu nacay, sheeka xumadiiye

Shaqfad li'idu waa waxaad u tidhi, shuun saraan ahaye


Adoon shaato kaa foofahayn, sharaf ma laacdeene

Burco kaa sheexayana, uma sharaaddeene

Soomaali waa midaan shidiyo midaan shiddeeyaaye


Adiguna Shirshooraad u tahay, shirada maantaaye

Shiil baan wadnaha kuugu ridi, shuuqda weligeede

Inaan sheemo weerarana waa, shuqul falaadkay e


Inkastoo shareer lagu wadiyo, shucubadii Hawdka

Shaanshaanka buuraha haddii, sheedda laga saaro

Shifa ma laha geelaan nin lihi, ila shaqaynayne

Maxaa haatan laga sheelayaa, saadambaan shabine


I replied with the following (though I would not have dared had I knew the origins of his poem):


NGONGE;681968 wrote:
Waskhyahow Sharka doortay, shaydaan baad tahaye

Shaqalka anoo qaloociyay, wana kuu jawabayaye

Shuruud hadanay meesha jirin, waan iska wadanyaye

Burco sheekadiida daa, sharaftiida la yaqiinye

Qardho shay kuma gaadho, waana dhul shiishiisaye

Shaacir ma tihid saaxiibo, shuush iska dheh.


(Xiin will cringe at my buraanbur again but that's all your effort deserves dee).


He still would not come clean and posted the following (stolen again) poem:


Sayid*Somal;681973 wrote:
Bal tan ka soo jawaab



Ngongenoow ninkii laable baan, luminin weedhaye

Maantood lixyowdiyo adoo, laylafoo gabana

Wax badan baan sidii laam Quraan, looxa kuu dhigaye


Ninmankii laqbada kuu akhriyey, way ku lumiyene

Lalabkii ay kuu sheegayeen, laasim ma ahayne

Waxay kugu luggooyeen jidkii, laalladda ahaaye


Lucda weeye hadalkaan sharciga, laabud ku ahayne

Mar haddaanu luuligu is hayn, labacu waa beene

Laqwad xumo ha joogtee macnaha, kuma lihiinsiine


Lakab oodan bay kugu rideen, laqammadiiniiye

Anigana lurbaa iga qabsaday, layli bixintaaye

Laxnigii aan ka jaray ka badan, lag iyo alaafe


The Burco blood was starting to boil and though my good sense was telling me not to reply, I could not help myself and said:


NGONGE;681980 wrote:
^^ I've been had! Ma caleesh, awil ba waji loox ban iska ahaa.


Horta curyaanka cadhooday wuxu yedhi ma maqashay? "Hadanaan ku deli karin, dee candhuuf uun ba kugo tufi". Hoo, tan wajiga ka masax..



Sayiidow la is af gran wa, luqadee la gu ciyaarye

Quraan iyo loox na la iima dhigin, buug ban ku bartayey

Lix jir ban skool ku galay, ima gaari karta..err.."ye"


La xawla ban iska idhi, laacib is moodayey

Leen dhanankagaan madhan, dacar igu ridayey

Alam tara waxaan kuu qoray, macalin isku sheegayay?

La uqsimo intaanaan ku odhan, orodo meelaha ka b...


(No proof reader this time).


He came back with another that he claims is his own:


Sayid*Somal;682060 wrote:
Min dalaysan doocaan irmaan, deero labankeeda

Darmo iyo furaash la isu dhigay, daalan iyo googgo’

Anigoo waxaan doono iyo, darajaday haysta


In kastoo daleel nala dhigoo, docna nagu cayman

Mar haddaan cid laga daynahayn, mowdka damaqdiisa

Ragga haatan soo diganhayow, dan iyo xeeshaada


Dacwaddaasi waa midaan niyada, samir ku diimeeyey

Waa mid damisay cadhaduu qalbigu, ila dikaamaayey

Dabuub kalena waa hadal yaroon, diirka ka caddeeyey




Just for the record - I have never claimed those were my poems nor i have implied - as i have clearly stated they were no effort on my part - as they were classic of their own right.

I decided to quit this sham of a duel and leave him to it. But he would not let it rest and came up with the following:


Sayid*Somal;682276 wrote:
Weerar ba igu soo socdoo

Waran ba lay soo sitaa

Waryadhahee ila wardiye


That Burco blood started to bubble within me and I had to reply regardless of the mockery it may cause later. But I had enough sense to do it in private:


War qof kuf af garanaya doono dee. Anuu gabaygan aad kolba meel ka xadaysid ma aqaan.



Waran ma side weerar ma aqaan

Waxaad soo walaaqday madaamo noqday faan

Wan kula wadi doona maryahaan kaa qaadan

Wale iima taqaanid marna waxna iiga mad qaadan

Waxan ahay bahal marna waxan ahay insaan

Wajiyadaan kala badala markaan doono, i fahan

Weel yar iyo oday labdaba wan layen

Wakhtigaad i maagtid ba, sankaan kaa duqeen

Waalid iyo wasiir ba, ama madaxweyne ku xegeen

Wakhtaigaan doono ba, wuxuu ba wan ka sareen

Wiilyaho wax fahan meesha ha isku cidleen

Waxyaabahad soo sidid af minshaar ha ku dayn

Waxaad manta ku maqneed waxbarasha ka dambeen

Waxuuga is celi ama markhaati iska keen

Waxaan kugo sameen doono ya og hadanaay iyago arkin

Wakh iyo wuu kaa so bixi wiic iyo maa ayaad deen

Walaalka god looma qodo adoon hubin inaad kufin

Waa qaseedad aan ku qoray hadanaad carabiga fahmin

Waxan na ku qafilay waran culus iyo sakeen

Wakan hadalkaygo bal fahan mise waxaad tahay miskeen?


Bax warya. Hadaba i daa please.

But he would not let go and said:


May the somali poetry Rest In Peace after that mutilating attack from you

War heedhe gabaygu faan ma aha - ee waa fariin iyo fulinteeda. adiguse waxaagu waa tii laga yidhi:


Naagtii ganbada taabatee, gacanta loo maydhay

Ee galisay meeshii haddana, gabaygu sow ma aha?


Ama sikale, waxaagu waa maahmaahdii ahayd:

hashii halkale hanjuugtay oo haddana cabaaday.

(this can also apply to me )

The Burco blood was overflowing by now (eesh hada "naagtii ganbada" ya naas?). So, I sought some (minor must I add) help and replied with the following:


Badow! I was replying to you in the Arabic style of poetry. Ileen nin walba tuu yaqaano ku xarragooda.

Bal hoo iyaado af Somali.


Weerar ma ihi ooo Waran ma aqaan

Waanse kula wadi waxaad sheegtaba

Waxan ahay mufti marna nin muttaxxan

Wajiyagaan badala markaan doonaba

Walee ma ogid waxaan soo wado

waxaan faan ahayn meesha lamaad iman

Waana kula wadi oo martaan kaa dhigi

Wiil iswaalba waabiyaa hela

Waa qaseedo Carbeed waxaan soo diray

Waxaana ku qufulan warankoo culus

Wakaa hadalkii waa hadaad garan

Waxaad tahay miskeen waxba soo wadin



He has not returned with any stuff since, but I think that has more to do with a google search failure than anything else.


Now you know the whole story. Give a fair verdict please. :D

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Sayid*Somal;682347 wrote:
:D @ngonge


Is this all you could come up with -Really?? - This is not heat saxiib - it is more like calaacal. it is unbecoming of you - so i suggest you go back to the drawing board.

Only if I said "ninkan iga qabta" would it be calaacal warya. I am here and ready, wax keen. :D

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^^LOOOOOOOOOOO@ngonge and his give fair verdict please - war sidaan isu dhaan - at least have the decency to either fully quote things as they happened - or not at all. Or is the misquotation part of an attempt at 'bringing on the heat' on me. Remember - i have the same access to the PM (although it is beneath me to post them here) and the gallery can have look around troll corner for themselves. :D



Lol@ redefining calaacal are we now?

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^^ There was nothing there that was posted out of context. And I was simply making the job of the readers easier by posting it all here. I think you are already feeling the heat warya. You are free to withdraw and no harm shall be done. :D

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there is plenty that is out of context and even more left behind - like how it was all started to the bruising rounds in the PM that left you saying dharkaan ka xada :D


i am gonna go and switch on the heater - it is cold in here! :P

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Waar meesha show waxbaa ka dhacay.


Ngonge, I think you should thank Duulaaye aka Nuune for the qarxis. Saaxiibkaa A&T sided with Sayid in not exposing the source of the gabays. I think you won the duel laakin Burco labo saacadooduun baad joogtay'e ogow.

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^another burco bishe - hardly surprising that you vote for your cousin :D


Nuune naas nuuge is no duuliye - ee jiniguu la haada - and he is on my side - there were no such thing as expose :D:P

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This is what i call a poem



Biyo laydh uma baahna,

Saalax niic uma baahna

Danbas qiiq umabaahna

Dayaxoo toban joogiyo

qoraxdu nuur uma baahna

Dab kuleyl uma baahna

Dad quruur uma baahna

Dixda ceelka afweyniyo

Danood oon uma baahna

Ngonge xaas uma baahna

Duriiyaada heyb uma baahna

Sidii duur iyo Hawd

Iyo Qardho uma baahna

Caarshe deeqiyo dood iyo

Dad baad maamushaa iyo

Daallacaad uma baahna

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