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Puntland 2011. Whats the Next Goals?

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Seeing that we ended 2010 with huge bang and have just started building our next notorious airforce and marine. What are we aiming for us as puntland citizens next year?


More schools?

More piped water sources in refugee camps or rural areas?

Infrastructure project completions? such as garowe/galkayo/bosaso airport a

Multi Party politics?

More private investments?


I see 2011 being a good year on the horizon. Inshallah we will have some huge investments into the fishery sector I can see it coming. Puntland Marines secure Somalia waters and bring in Malaysian Billion dollar investments into Puntland fishery sector. I predict it will be one of our growing industries that will be able to compete against the emerging oil industry.


I suggest for 2011 our key goals need to be


1. Completion of all the airports. Begin the port work

2. More private investment into the city. I hope the chamber of commerce starts getting tough with these business-men and start making them invest in the cities they are reaping such huge profits from

3. Continue building the capacity of the marines. We need it to match strong institution such as the PIS and Carmo academy in the near future

4. 2011 August 1st...Plz bring out the Jet fighters and Black hawks doing massive parade with the tanks, technicals, bm21. We should even have the naval vessals doing it also.

5. Road projects. Provide a blue-print to build puntland road system over the next 50 years. We need a blueprint to start the grand vision

6. Electricity needs huge reform. No more throwing cables around poles. It needs to be regulated and monitored they should have huge lobby like the chamber of commerce does. Say gas/electricity chamber where they have set regulations for all the electrictal providers to follow guidelines and so forth

7. Make sure when sharif time is over not to send another guy to hamar but to have obama eyes on garowe. He already gave a huge hint to us that he will be focussing on two state process. We need to take advantage of this and use that economic build up to re-vitalise the critical institutions a govt needs and every1 will then see garowe is truly the capital city of somalia. But we must get obama investing heavily. Airport/ Roads/Govt Dept zones/ Hospitals/hotels/Shopping malls etc are all required. I know garowe has started on most of this already. They are having shopping mall built there by Golis, a nice one also according to the design I see. Govt department zones are under construction which is good but the parliament still hasnt been completed which needs to be fast tracked. Hotels are ok. Maybe 2 or 3 more are required if the U.N will be basing themselves here. Airport needs to be completed no ifs or buts there. Roads have been slow paced lately it needs to be picked up


My suggestions lets have something in 2011 that we can truly call the Government Seat of Somalia

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Horta ma dhamaaday garoonkii Multiplex'ga ahaa ee swimming pool iyo wax walba lahaaa ee ku kacayey 180,000 USD? :D Afar qol aprtment ah laguma helo lacagtaa magaalooyinka, so it is remarkable Puntland built a whole modern stadium with that amount of money.

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Abtigis. Anigu malmahan lama murmi somaliland. its over now. I have jet fighters u dont. Marka sheekadadu qof kula siman la tag. Anigu waxan ka hadlaya bees meeshi puntland la gaarsin laha 2011 intas uun ba ii daran

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