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Xaaji Xunjuf

IGAD Invites Somaliland for Southern Sudan’s Referendum

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The Zack;682243 wrote:
Since when Qaad session dreams became realities LOL. Europe will laugh at you if you ask a visa with that fake unknown passport.

He did travel with it, as did Riyaale and many others (I have no idea about the current president). At any rate, you missed the part in the article that says "IGAD will facilitate...". Wax fahan.

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Xubno isugu jira komishanka somaliland iyo suxufiiyiin ka duulay dalka jabuuti si ay uga midnoqdaan goob joogayaasha aftida koonfurta Sudan


SDWO (Djibouti 05/01/2011) Wefti ka kooban xubno iskugu jira gudida komoshinka Somaliland iyo suxufiyiin ayaa maanta ka duulay magaalada Djibouti iyagoo ku siijeeda Koonfurta Dalka Sudan oo urur goboleedka IGAD iyo hay,ada Inter peace ay ku soo casuumeey inay goob joogayaal ka noqdaan aftida lagu wado inay ka dhacdo koonfurta dalka Sudan maalinta Axada ee 9ka bishan January.


Weftigan ayaa waxay ka koobanyahiin 3 xubnood oo ah gudida komoshinka somaliland, afhayeenka madaxtooyada Cabdilaahi Cukuse, Gudoomiyaha wargeysaka Haatuf Yusuf Cabdi Gaboobe, Gudoomiye ku xigeenka madbacada qaranka Mustafe Shiine, Agaasimaha Horn Cable TV Maxamed Ilig iyo xubin ka socota TVga Qaranka. Xubnahan ayaa dhamaantoodba ku socdaalaya Baasaaboorka Somaliland.


Aftidan ayaa aduunka oo dhami indho gaar ah ku eegayaan, siiba dalalka carabta iyo afrika oo aad uga werwerqaba kala go,a dalka Sudan oo u qaybsamidoona koonfur iyo waqooyi oo ay kala noqondoonaan waqooyiga oo muslim ah iyo koonfurta oo gaalo ah.


Dalalka aadka uga qayliyey aftidan wax ugu horeeya dalalka Masar iyo Liibiya oo iyagu toos u muujiyey siday uga soo horjeedaan in la kala qaybiyo dalka Sudan, hase yeeshee sida la odorosayo waxa la filayaa in 80% ay u codeyndoonaan inay noqdaan dal madaxbanaan, taasi oo ka dhigidoonta koonfurta Sudan dalkii ugu danbeeyay ee ku soo biira dalalka xubnaha ka ah qaramada midoobay, iyadoo dalkii kan ka horeeyayna ahaa dalka kosofo oo laba sano ka hor iyaguna afti ugu codeeeyay inay noqdeen dal madaxbanaan. Aftidan ayaa waxa si toos ah u taageeraya oo dabada ka riixaya dalka maraykanka iyo dalal badan oo ka mid ah yurub


Sababta ugu weyn ee ay u taageerayaan dalalka reer galbeedku waxay tahay dalka sudan oo lagula coloobay markii ay dowlada shiinahu ay ku guulaysatay inay shidaal u soo saarto, arinkan oo ka cadhaysiisay dalalka reer galbeedka oo iyagu u haysta qaarada afriki inay weligeed hoos timaado dalalka reer galbeedka.


Waxaan la soconaa dhibaatadii lagaga furay daafuur, iyadoo la gaadhsiiyay ilaa Madaxweyne Cumar Albashiir laga soo xukumo maxkamada loogu yeedho maxkmada caalamiga ah oo soo go,aamisay in meeshii lagu arkaba la soo qabto.


Jamhuuriyada Somaliland ayaa indho gaar ah ku eegaysay aftidan iyadii oo u noqondoonta dariiq u fududeeya inay somaliland hesho ictirafkii ay sugayay mudada 20ka Sano ah.


Su,aasha la isweydiinayo ayaa ah Somaliland ma soo sadexeendoonta labadan dal ee cusub ee Kosofo iyo Koonfurta Sudan.





SDWO News Desk – Djibouti

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Suxufiyiinta U Kicitimaya Ka Qaybgalka Aftida Koonfurta Sudan Oo Safiirka Somaliland Ee Itoobiya Kulan Sharafeed Ku Qaabilay


Hargeysa January 7, 2011 (Haatuf) - Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada JSL oo Cabdillaahi Maxamed Daahir Cukuse oo hogaaminaya Suxufiyiinta u kixitimaysa Jubba ee Koonfurta Sudaan oo ay ka mid yihin Suxufiyiinta waawayn Sida gudoomiyaha ururka suxufiyiinta iyo qorayaasha madaxabanaan ee Somaliland SSJW Yuusuf Cabdi Gaboobe, Gudoomiyaha ururka Solja Mustafe Cabdi Ciise Shiine iyo Suxufiyiin kale oo Magac ku leh Saxaafada dalka oo Socdaalkaas ku wehelinaya Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada JSL, ayaa shalay uu kulan Sharafeed soo dhawayn ah ku Marti qaaday Safiirka Cusub ee Somaliland u Fadhiya Ethiopia Aadan Nuux Dhuule oo ka mid ahaa Suxufiyiinta waawayn ee Magaca ku leh Mihnadda Saxaafada, gaar ahaan Idaacacada laanta afka Soomaaliga ee BBC-da.


Sidaana waxa lagu sheegay warsaxaafadeed uu ku sexeexan yahay afhayeenka Madaxtooyada C/llaahi Cukuse oo soo gaadhay wargeyska Haatuf, waxanu u dhignaa sidan:-


kulan Sharafeedkan waxa ay Suxufiyiintu Safiirka ku hambalyeyen Xilka loo magacaabay waxanay ku dhiiri geliyeen inuu ka midha dhaliyo Masraxa Saxaafada oo uu u soo jiido Qiimo u dhigma. sidoo kale waxa uu kulankaas Afhayeenku ka sheegay in uu kulankan ama Marti qaadkan uga jeedo inuu Dhiiri geliyo Suxufiyiinta Da’ada yar yar ee Mihnada Saxaafada Sida wanaagsan ugu adeegta oo uu sheegay in ay haddii ay si wadaan ay ka gaadhi doonaan Maqaam sare, Saxaafadana Derajo noocan oo kale ah laga gaadho marka sida wanaagsan loogu Shaqeeyo.


Safiirka ayaa isaguna ka mahad naqay Martiqaadkan, Dhinaca kalena Suxufiyiinta uu Afhayeenku Hogaaminaayo waxay ku guulaysteen inay la kulmaan Safiirka ama Qunsulka Koonfurta Sudaan u jooga Dalka Ethiopia Gaar ahaan Adis Ababa oo ay isagana kala sheekaysteen Qadiyada Jubba oo haatan ka Go’aysa Sudaan inteeda kale Aftidan la qaadayo iyo Xidhiidhka u Dhexeeya isu soo dhawanashaha labada Dal ee Somaliland iyo koonfurta Sudan.

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Accordingly, the IGAD Secretariat established an observer mission composed of representatives from member states (Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Djibouti except Sudan) and the Secretariat.



I personally dont like to get bogged down in the snm garbage tales because only a little research of 5 minutes exposes it. Now the observation team is selected from Somalia. Which means TFG because IGAD only recognizes the tfg as the sole government of somalia.


Secondly the referendum in sudan was only accepted when khartoum decided to allow it to happen. I dont foresee mogadishu allowing hargeisa to have a referendum, do you? so why bother with election observers and so forth when U cant even pass the first stage of negiotations.


Lastly the referendum in sudan is for south sudanese and doesn't include north sudan because of the differences among those people which is most notably religion, language, and culture. South sudan is more closer to uganda, where-as north sudan is closer to Southern egyptians and nubians.


If mogadishu and hargeisa actually agree to hold a referendum for somaliland, I doubt they will say "we agree that the somaliland regions will only be allowed to vote in the referendum which gives the snm 80% leverage" lol. Politicians r not that ******. Besides there is no differences among somalis either in language, culture, religion, color. The only differences are regional like a alabama deep south person is regionally different to someone in brooklyn new york.


If mogadishu even allows hargeisa to have a referendum, the referendum will include all 18 states. Or they will say that somaliland can have an election within somaliland regions but in order to seceed you must get 95% majority which the 80%snm wont be able to get. So its wishful thinking at best. I doubt somalia will even allow for referendum to occur in hargeisa. I think Somalia plan is to stablize somalia and negiotate with the snm and the snm will have to negiotate because addis ababa will tell them to do so or lose a critical ally and if they lose addis ababa as an ally who will protect from somalia wrath and attack? because somalia will attack hargeisa then and capture it remove seccessionist elements and raise the blue flag high.

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abdirisaq lesson nr one if referendum would be held in Somaliland it will only be held in the region that wants to be independent state which is Somaliland , with in Somaliland regions only. the same was done with Eritrea and now with south sudan.

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Xaji but u first gotta get a referendum to happen with mogadishu allowing it to occur, not only that but MOGADISHU will set the rules not the other way around because its mogadishu the one losing land. Like i said its far-fetched to assume anything of the sort will ever occur in somaliland. I know for a fact it won't because its just not feasible and to be quite noone really cares about somaliland inside somalia or outside of it.


The only thing the tfg cares about is its territorial integrity and thats when the hargeisa boys come into play. But remember u will never be setting up the rules if a referendum is to occur which like I said is a far-fetched theory.

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Xaji u forget to remember that the tfg and somaliland both are in bed with meles zenawi. If somaliland was truly to become indepedent surely melez zenawi can tap on the shoulder of sharif and say "just let the hargeisa boy go" dont you think? war sxb arintani maskaxda ka sar do I have to spell it out for you or are u just in wishful thinking mode? Why would meles zenawi agree to support and recognize the tfg which has a constitution that says "somalia wa illa zeylac" surely they would've changed that to accomadaate their somaliland ally dont u think?


Like I said I doubt somaliland will ever be indepedent but its possible it will be regional mamul at best AND that is even tough one because it appears awdal and ssc wont even accept to be apart of somaliland mamul regardless of seccession or no seccession. So like I said most likely what will occur is that ssc will return into puntland fold and somaliland will be fractured into burco-hargeisa-berbera whilst awdal has its own state. That seems more realistic then anything your suggesting in your posts. Dadku ma hurdan sida hargeisa oo kale u think were all dumb like them but those guys have issues with khat which kills their braincells and makes them hallucinate and dream up fantasy story, but thats not the case with all somalis and thats why puntland and even to some extent the tfg is seen more of a viable partner by the international community then somaliland.

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Abdi the rules for the referendum only apply for the region that is willing to be an independent state, the result of the referendum will be accepted by both groups. Mogadisho allready does not have a thing to say what happends in Somaliland, if you think The TFG cares about their territorial ingegrity your wrong they were willing sell their seashores remember

As for you caring about your so called ssc brothers even if you cared a little about them in the name of your clan genealogy you would've helped them fight Somaliland. But you didn't because your a very opportunistic pirate.

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The good thing ,,, The Somaliland delegation traveled with the Somaliland Passport to South Sudan under the supervision of IGAD and other countries.

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Xaji you havent been recognized in 20 years, what make you think you will be recognized now? all the amount of arguments and defence cant help change those statistics. However incumbent the tfg is still its recognized and acknowledged as the somali people's government. Thats hard solid facts. No matte what government comes out of hamar it will always be recognized as long as puntland recognizes it. But I think that will change in the near future.


I believe the world community will shift its operation to garowe if not hamar but hargeisa is not even on the radar and thats the truth. If u think they are answer WHAT HAPPENED IN THE LAST 20 YEARS? What happened to all the lies aqoonsiga ba soo socdo? wake up your on a sinking ship and your people waxay ku nool yihin bakhtinimo and I can prove that through waagacusub video and I also know it from personal hand my aunty who has just returned shortly from hargeisa had told me weli dameer ba biyaha xafadaha geeyo and the people are generally backwards in all sense

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