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SAADO CALI (landcruiser) Hees

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I remember seeing the lyrics at some website a while back. I might have even posted it in Sol. Will look into it...


laakin heestan adoo u jeeda say saado somalinimo u rabtay oo xita ay isa*q garab istaagtay jaceel ee somalinimo u qabto oo ay siyad barre kasoo hor jeesatay xita asago ah da* aad maanta fahmi waydo in ay reer SSC iyo saado hawshood ka wayntahay qabiiil oo ay tahay mid somalinimo wadanimo iyo isku duubni waa wax laga xumaado.


But, that is that...I'll look the lyrics up and if I can find it will post it or perhaps I can write it down myself..



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Aaliyyah;681886 wrote:

laakin heestan adoo u jeeda say saado somalinimo u rabtay oo xita ay isa*q garab istaagtay jaceel ee somalinimo u qabto oo ay siyad barre kasoo hor jeesatay xita asago ah da* aad maanta fahmi waydo in ay reer SSC iyo saado hawshood ka wayntahay qabiiil oo ay tahay mid somalinimo wadanimo iyo isku duubni waa wax laga xumaado.


Taas siyaasad baa la yidhaahdaa ,,, markii hore waxay ahayd uun in Dowladii macangagga ahayd la rido taasna waa la isku wada raacsanaa, maantana waa Somaliland iyo Somalia arrinku waana lagu kala aragti duwan yahay.


I Still admire the lady though .......

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Aaliyah. Thanks much appericiated if you could find me the full lyrics. What i am hearing though is she regrets singing this song? even though it was bit late. The SNM started their rebellion in 1981, and she sang this song in the height of 1988-1989. The last years of the struggle.

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Aaliyyah;681886 wrote:
laakin heestan adoo u jeeda say saado somalinimo u rabtay oo xita ay isa*q garab istaagtay jaceel ee somalinimo u qabto oo ay siyad barre kasoo hor jeesatay xita asago ah da*rood

There was me thinking it was an anti-corruption song written by Gabiley's own Abwaan Cabdi Muxumed Amiin (AUN). You learn something new everyday.

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It’s a bad idea and wrong way of thinking

to buy a Land Cruiser while you beg for maize.


The house is dark

with no water flowing in the taps,

and the babies have no food to eat.

While seeing the shining car

and hearing the sound of its powerful engine

you think you’re powerful in the Horn of Africa.


Dear relatives, do you all agree with

the lack of food in our homes

without raising any objection about the luxury cars

and the buying of Land Cruisers.


It’s a bad idea and wrong way of thinking

to buy a Land Cruiser while you beg for maize.

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