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The new TFG - Somalia's hope to stability!

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"democracy is something Allah made unlawful, and someone else cannot make it lawful. If people fight till everyone is killed, that is much easier than legalizing the devil's principles such as constitutions."


Look at eeygan wuxu sheeko ka diigayo why not make the test case among his relatives in Hargeisa?

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Shir ballaaran oo lagu taageerayay horumarka ay sameysay dowladda Soomaaliya iyo howl galada ay ka wado gobolada dalka, ayaa maanta lagu qabtay Hotelka Saxafi ee Magaalada Muqdisho.


Shir ballaaran oo lagu taageerayay horumarka ay sameysay dowladda Soomaaliya iyo howl galada ay ka wado gobolada dalka, ayaa maanta lagu qabtay Hotelka Saxafi ee Magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo ay ka qeyb galeen qeybaha bulshada ee Ururada Haweenka iyo Haweenka Ciidamada xooga dalka oo ku labisnaa dharka ciidanka.


Hey'adda Wada Hadalka Bulshada CCD oo soo qaban qaabisay Kulankan ayaa ahaa mid lagu taageerayay howl galada ciidamada dowladda iyo dadaalkooda ku aadan dib u xoreynta iyo dib u soo celinta nabada.


Ku simaha Gudoomiyaha Ururka Qaranka Haweenka Soomaaliya Canab Xasan Cilmi ayaa ugu horeyn ka hadashay taageerada looga baahan yahay haweenka ee ciidamada xooga dalka, iyadoo xustay inay tagi doonaan jiidaha dagaalka, ciidamadana ay niyada u dhisayaan.


"Hadaanu nahay haweenka waxaan diyaar u nahay in ciidamada xooga dalka aan ka daba sidno wixii agab ah, sida raashinka, biyaha caanaha iyo rasaasta"ayay tiri Canab Xasan Cilmi oo intaa ku dartay in aanay iyadu ka baqeyn Al-Shabaab, iyadoo xustay in Ninkeeda oo G/sare ahaa ay ka dileen.


Sidoo kale waxaa ay sheegtay in Haweenka soomaaliyed ay u dhabar adeegeen labaatankii sano ee la soo dhaafay, waxeyna tilmaamtay in marxalada hada uu dalka ku jiro ay doonayaan inay ka gudbaan.


Marwo Canab ku ammaantay Hey'adda CCD dadaalkeeda muuqda ee bulshada ay u heyso, iyadoo cadeysay in kaalinta Hey'adda ay tahay mid door weyn ku leh bulshada, waxaana intaa ku dartay in Hey'adda CCD ay hey'ado badan ay ku dhaaftay waxqabadkeeda.


Sahro C/llaahi Ismaaciil Sahro Shiino oo ka mid ah haweenka ciidamada xooga dalka ayaa sheegtay in haweenka soomaaliyed ay ka doonayaan garab isugu jira hiil iyo hooba, waxaana ay xustay in kaalinta haweenka looga baahan yahay ay tahay inay gacan siiyaan difaaca dalka.


"Aniga ciidanka waxaan qortay anigoo 14-jir ah, waxaan hada jiraa 57-sano, ilmaheyga iyo caruurta ay dhaleen ma arko, anigoo mar walba ku jiro furinta dagaalka"ayay tiri Sarkaalad Sahro Shiino.


Sidoo kale waxaa shirka ka hadashay Maryan Cali Abtidoon oo ka mid ahaa 7-dii gabdhood ee u horeeyay ee ku duula baarashood sanadkii 1975-tii, waxaana ay cadeysay in aheyd gabdhihii lagu qaatay aqoontay ee Xeradii Hiilweyne sanadkii 1972, waxaana ay tibaaxday in kaalinta ciidamada milateriga ay tahay mid lagama maarmaan ah, shacabkana u ah guul iyo waxqabad.


Gudoomiyaha Ururka Haweenka Hanad Ruqiyo Cali Cabdulle oo ka hadashay iyana shirka ayaa soo qaadatay in guulaha ciidamada dowladda ee ku aadan howl galada Haweenka soomaaliyed qeyb ku leeyihiin, waxaana ay ku boorisay haweenka inay dhexda u xirtaan taageerida iyo tagista goobaha dagaalka ee ciidamada dowladda.


Marwo Ruqiyo ayaa xustay in Hey'adda CCD ay siisay fursad ay isugu imaadaan, kuna kulmaan, waxaana ay intaa raacisay in iyagoo meel codkooda ka dhiibtaan oo cabsi jirto ay u tafa xeydatay Hey'adda inay cod siiso bulshada dhibaateysan ee aan si xoriyada ku jirin u hadli karin.


Xildhibaanad Xaawo C/llaahi Qayaad oo gaba gabadii kulanka ka hadashay ayaa sheegtay inay guul tahay in maanta ayu aragto shacabka iyo dowladda oo isku duuban, in la gaarayo yoolka la hiigsanayo "Dowladda waa shacab, shacabka iyo dowladda oo si heysta iskuna duuban waxaa la gaaraa nabad waarta oo dalka ka dhacda"ayay tiri.


"Oday 70-jir ah ma geli karaa difaac waa maya, caruurta ay qarxinayaan Al-Shabaab iyo odayaasha ay dagaal gelinayaan, waxay astaan u tahay in maanta meeshi ugu dambeysay ay maraan iyo bur burkooda"ayay intaasi raacisay.


Shirkan ayaa qeyb ka ah shirarka iyo kulamada is daba jooga ee Hey'adda CCD ay qeybaha bulshada kala qeyb qaadanayso taageerida ciidamada dowladda iyo howl galada soo celinta iyo nabadeynta ee dalka looga ciribtirayo kooxaha qaska iyo fowdada ka wada dalka.







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Will do thanks. :)



Ku-simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo faahfaahin ka bixiyay booqashadii Danjire Mahiga ee Muqdisho iyo muhiimadda kulanka Golaha ammaanka ee Q/Midoobay



Jimco, March 11, 2011(HOL): Ku-simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ahna Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Maxamed Cabdullaahi Oomaar oo ay garab fadhiyeen Wasiirrada Arrimaha gudaha iyo amniga Qaranka Cabdishakuur Sh. Xasan iyo Wasiirka warfaafinta, Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta C/kariim Xasan Jaamac ayaa faah faahiyay booqashada halka maalin ah ee uu magaalada Muqdisho ku joogo wakiilka xoghayaha guud ee Q/midoobay Ambassador Augustine Mahiga isagoo sidoo kalena faah faahiyay muhiimada kulanka Golaha Ammaanka ee Q/midoobay ee diirada lagu saaray arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya.


Mr. Oomaar ayaa ugu horeynta mahadnaq ballaaran u jeediyay safiirka China ee xilligan madaxweyne ka ah kalfadhiga golaha Amniga (Security Council) maadaama buu yiri uu casuumaada shirkan u soo diray dowladda Soomaaliya isla markaana uu codsaday shirkan in la qabto loogana hadlo arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya isagoo si gaar ah u tilmaamay in marka laga tago 15 ka xubnood ee golaha ay ka soo qeyb galeen in ka badan 40 xubnood oo matalayay dowladdaha caalamka, halka qaarkoodna ay heer wasiiro u soo direen shirka sida dowladda Ingiriiska.


“Midda koowaad Kalfadhigani wuxuu ahaa mid aan hore u dhicin, mida labaadna waxay cadeyn u tahay in aragtida adduunweynuhu ay aad isu bedeshay ayna doonayaan in maanta arrimaha Soomaaliya xal dhameystiran laga gaaro” ayuu yiri Kusimaha Ra’iisul wasaaraha Mudane Oomaar oo xusay in miraha ka soo baxay kalfadhigan ay si faah faahsan uga hadli doonaan wefdiga uu hogaaminayo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumada Mudane MaxamedCabdullaahi Farmaajo.


Sidoo kale, wuxuu ka hadlay in beesha caalamku ay soo dhoweysay howlgalada dowladdu wado iyo qorshaha dowladda ee xilliga kala guurka ah ay aad u soo dhoweeyeen “Ka sokow howlgalada dowladda beesha caalamku waxay aad u soo dhoweeyeen qorshaha dowladda soo bandhigtay iyo waxyaalaha ay qabatay inay yihiin qaab aad loola cajabay laguna heshiiyay in ambaqaad iyo horuwadid lagu sameeyo”.


Mr. Oomaar ayaa dhanka kale faah faahiyay kulan ay maanta ku wada qaateen magaalada Muqdisho wakiilka xoghayaha guud ee Q/midoobay u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya Ambasasdor Augustine P. Mahiga iyo xubno wasiiro ah oo uu h ogaaminayay Kusimaha Ra’iisul wasaaruhu, isagoo xusay in socdaalka Mahiga uu soo bilowday shalay xalayna uu ku hoyday magaalada Muqdisho si uu uga qeyb qaato inta kalfadhigaasi ka socdo New York inuu hambalyo soo gaarsiiyo madaxda dowlada iyo ciidamada Qalabka sida iyo kuwa AMISOM ee kaabaya kuwaasoo todobaadyadii la soo dhaafay guulo la taaban karo ka keenay difaaca iyo dib u soo celinta nabadda dalka.


Sidoo kale, wuxuu sheegay in Ambassadorka ay ka wada hadleen arrimo ku aadan marxaladda kala guurka ah iyo qorshooyinka dowladdu qabto iyo sidoo kale firkaddaha ay qabaan adduunweynuhu, maadama ay jiraan shirar is daba joog ah laga soo bilaabo shirkii African Union ee Addis ababa welina socdaan shirar kale.


Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo amniga Qaranka Cabdishakuur ayaa sheegay in gobolada ay dhowaantan gacan ku heynteeda la wareegtay dowladda ay si deg deg ah ugu dhisi doonaan xukuumado (Maamulo goboleedyo) si loo helo amni iyo kala dambeyn.


“Waxaa kale oo aan dowladdaha deriska ah iska kaashan doonaa sidii xuduudaha iyo howlgalada amniga loo sugi lahaa, waxaana ka rajeyneynaa inay nagala shaqeyn doonaan dowladdahan deriska ah” ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha.


Garad Salad Hersi

Press Officer of the OPM


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Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon - Remarks to the Security Council on Somalia


Somalia urgently needs our help. It faces levels of violence, damaging weather conditions and insecurity that would shake even strong countries.


AMISOM and the TFG have made some progress. But they need more support.


If we reinforce the military gains, provide humanitarian relief and achieve political progress, we can set Somalia on course for greater stability and peace. If we fail, we risk a growing humanitarian crisis, a deteriorating security situation, and a worsening threat to regional peace and stability.


I welcome the Security Council’s decision to authorize more troops to Somalia, and the Council’s focus on the situation today.


But AMISOM and the TFG need more than authorized troop levels – they need actual troops, equipment and enhanced capacity.


And the Somali people need to see
real, tangible improvements
. They need
humanitarian assistance, political stability and a constitutional process that offers hope.


Let us do all we can to make this possible. By working together and thinking ahead, we can establish the conditions in which Somalis can steer their country out of violence and into a future free from want and free from fear.


Read the full speech at

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MOHAMED ABDULLAHI MOHAMED, Prime Minister of Somalia - Remarks to the Security Council on Somalia


He listed the Transitional Federal Government’s five priorities: improving security; enhancing reconciliation; completing the transitional tasks; addressing humanitarian crises; and promoting good governance. It was committed to defeating two common enemies —Al Shabaab and lawlessness such as piracy, he said, noting that Government and AMISOM forces were making tangible progress in reclaiming large territories in Mogadishu and throughout the country. Expressing confidence that most of southern Somalia would be brought under Government control, he said: “We are in the first line of defence against two evils — the scourge of piracy and the plague of terrorism.”


To defeat them, cooperation and collaboration with the international community would be necessary, he said, emphasizing also the need for moral fortitude and strong political will. The root cause and breeding ground of terrorism and piracy was “lawlessness coupled with poverty and unemployment, and soaked with fanaticism and religious indoctrination”.

The scourge of piracy could not be defeated on the high seas, he stressed, adding that the solution was to restore the rule of law in Somalia and to help coastal communities develop alternative livelihoods. It would not be surprising if Al-Qaida’s agents in Somalia started hijacking tankers on the high seas and using them as deadly weapons, he warned.


He said that, during the past 100 days, his new Government of able technocrats had been changing the political landscape. It was fully engaged in implementing good governance, including by promoting accountability and transparency in financial management, establishing an anti-corruption taskforce, delivering services, providing security, developing a constitution, working for reconciliation, and ensuring access for humanitarian assistance. “We are winning the hearts and the minds of the Somali population,” he said, citing a recent study that showed 75 per cent of people in Mogadishu indicating “strong displeasure” with Al-Shabaab. About 70 per cent recognized that the Transitional Federal Government was making a great effort in reaching out to the regions and opposition groups, and some 75 per cent rated AMISOM as friends of the Somali people, he said.


Noting that the transitional period would end on 20 August, he said the Executive Branch had approved: the formal closure of the Transitional Federal Government’s term; the election of the Speaker and Deputies in July; and the election of the President in August. The new Government should be given ample time to fulfil the remaining transitional tasks, including ratification of the constitution and the establishment of the Election Commission, he said. Parliamentary reform should commence immediately, and the new leadership must appoint a caretaker Government to move the country towards permanent statehood.


Regarding security, the Prime Minister underlined the urgent needs to deploy the additional 4,000 African Union troops, adding that an equally important priority was to establish a credible and effective disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme. “We will regain our land, our identity and our dignity from the extremists,” he said. “We will not compromise the interests of our nation or the future of our children,” he added, declaring in conclusion: “We will do what it takes to regain our status as a State that protects its borders from enemies, foreign and domestic, ends all forms of international piracy, protects its citizens, and produces a nation at peace with itself, and its neighbours.”

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Parliament's Security Committee, Army is Victorious


13 March 2011


Mogadishu — The security committee of Somalia's transitional federal parliament on Sunday said that the army if Somalia emerged victorious over Al shabaab fighters in recent Mogadishu and Gedo region battles.


In an interview with Shabelle Media Network, Hussein Arale Adan, the deputy chairman of parliament's committee for the security said that the forces of the transitional federal government of Somalia backed by African Union peacekeepers have made tangible advance penetrating new Al shabaab military bases in Somalia based by what he called the an Al Qaeda linked extremist group.


Adan spelled out that AU forces and Somali army have centralized their power how Al shabaab will be driven out Somalia entirely.


He said that it is needed that Somalia people to be out of the problem and violence created by what he said unscrupulous foreigners and their Somali followers.


He called for the people of Somalia to show their biggest tolerance during the operations intended Al shabaab to be cleared out of horn of Africa nation.

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Dhoofinta xoolaha nool ee Muqdisho oo dhowaan billaabmaya


Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaarada Xanaanada Xoolaha Beeraha dhirta iyo daaqa ee Xukuumada KMG Soomaaliya Max’uud Max’ed Max’uud iyo xirririyaha guud ee Wasaaraddaasi C/raxmaan Nuur Qayliye oo maanta kormeeray xaruntii nasashada xoolaha iyo xafiisyadii bariitanka caaafimaadka ee marka ugu dambeeya la marsiiyo xoolaha la dhoofinayo ee ku taala Dekadda Muqdisho ayaa waxa ay sheegeen inay halkasi ka bilaabeen howlo dib u habeyn iyo dayac tir intuba leh, si loo howl geliyo howlihii xafiiskaasi.


Max’uud Max’ed Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaarada Xanaanada Xoolaha ayaa sheegay in Wasaaraddu ay dar dargalinayso dhoofitaanka xoolaha ee Dekada magaalada Muqdisho si ay meesha uga baxdo dhibaatada ay qabaan ganacsatada xoolahooda Dekedaha fog ka dhoofiya oo sheegay in ay ku baxayso qarash badan iyo xoolihii oo dhibaatooyin la soo darista inta ay jidka ku jiraan.


Iskuxiraha xiriiriyaha guud ee Wasaaradda Xanaada Xoolaha dhirta iyo daaqa C/Raxmaan Nuur Qayliye oo ka hadlay isla goobtasi ayaa sheegay in goor dhow uu bilaabanayo dhoofitaanka xoolaha nool oo sharuudo adeg lagu dhoofin doono, isagoo xusay in goobta ay dayactirka ku bilaabeen ay tahay goobta ugu dambeysa ee cudurada xoolaha lagu baaro .


Hadalka Wasaarada Xanaada Xoolaha, Beeraha dhirta iyo daaqa ayaa imaanaya xilli dadka xoola dhaqata iyo ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed ay quud dareeynayaan in ay helaan waddo fiican oo ay suuqyada Aduunaka uga dhoofiyaan xoolahooda oo sanadiihii ugu dambeyey ay wajeheen suuq xumo balaaran.

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Mohamed seeks public support for Somalia




Updated: March 14, 2011, 8:10 AM




The threat of piracy in the waters off the Somali coast is only growing worse, and the recent deaths of four American hostages signaled a dangerous shift in this lucrative trade.


Somalia’s prime minister, a Grand Island resident on leave from his job with New York State, argues the root causes of the piracy problem — and the path to a solution — are found on shore.


Mohamed A. Mohamed returned to the United States last week to seek international support for Somalia’s efforts to fight pirates and terrorists and construct a functioning government.


“We are fighting two-front wars, which is piracy and terrorism. And, of course, we can not do it alone. We need international collaboration and international cooperation,” Mohamed said in an interview in a downtown Buffalo hotel, part of a media campaign intended to bring his message to the American public.


Mohamed stopped in Buffalo in between treks to New York City, where he spoke before the United Nations Security Council, and Washington, D. C., where he planned to meet with federal and congressional officials.


Mohamed’s government has hired a powerhouse lobbying firm — former Sen. Alfonse M. D’Amato’s Park Strategies — to help him make his case.


“We are working on a succession plan, the way forward, and that’s still in the works,” Mohamed said on his second visit to this country since taking the prime minister’s job.


Mohamed was employed with the state Department of Transportation here when Somalia’s president, Sheikh Sharif


Sheikh Ahmed, selected him to serve as his prime minister, an appointment confirmed Oct. 31.


Mohamed, a Somali native who resettled in Western New York in 1990, returned to his homeland to try to help bring order to a country plagued by violence and poverty.


Somalia’s government collapsed in 1991, and the transitional government that Mohamed joined has waged a fierce struggle with al-Shabaab, an Islamic militant group connected to al-Qaida.


Mohamed said these Somali terrorists pose as much of a threat to the world as those who found safe harbor — and prompted a U. S.-led NATO invasion — in Afghanistan.


He called for more political, military and financial support to deal with the insurgency.


“It is a common enemy, and we have to deal with that enemy collectively,” Mohamed said.


Last week, he caused a stir when he told the Security Council he believes al-Qaida soon might hijack oil tankers to use in their next terror attacks.


“We have to be more proactive in thinking that anything is possible,” he told The Buffalo News on Sunday.


Piracy is a risky but often rewarding business for Somalis who have no job prospects and little to lose.


Pirates board and take control of private boats and merchant ships, holding the crews and their vessels hostage until a ransom is paid.


The pirates generally don’t harm their hostages because the crimes are commercial transactions, essentially, but four Americans were killed Feb. 22 while negotiations were ongoing with their captors.


“We will go after those who are responsible. We will bring them, definitely, to justice,” Mohamed said.


However, he said, the larger problem must be addressed by training a Somali coast guard, creating jobs for young people, winning the support of elders in the region and setting up a functioning justice system when pirates are arrested.


While the twin problems of piracy and terrorism grow, Mohamed pointed to the successes of the transitional government during his time in office.


The government has installed generator-powered street lights on many of the main thoroughfares of Mogadishu, the capital; presented and won approval of a budget for 2011; and provided paychecks for the past two months to civil servants and soldiers.


Mohamed, though, already is looking toward August, when the mandate for the transitional government expires.


He said the government is putting together a long-term political plan for Somalia, and he is trying to gain support for it at home and abroad.


Part of that effort involves winning over officials at the United Nations, in the Obama administration and on Capitol Hill.


That’s where the Park Strategies firm comes in, he said.


Joel A. Giambra, the former Erie County executive, is a man-aging director of the lobbying firm, and years ago he hired Mohamed to serve as his minority business coordinator.


“[Mohamed is working] to create a democratic form of government. That’s his goal. That’s the goal of the international community and the United States,” said Giambra.

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Dowladda Qadar oo sheegtay inay is garab taagayso Dawladda Soomaaliya


Xukuumadda dalka Qadar ayaa *****lka ka qaaday inay taageersantahay dowladda Soomaaliya,ee uu hoganka u haayo Madaxweeyne sheikh shariif sheikh axmed iyadoo dhinaca kala sheegtay inay la dhacsantahay qaabka ay ugu hortageen ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa dowladda Soomaliya Kooxdda Al Shabaab.


Nasri C/casiis (Al-Nasri) oo ah Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay u fadhiya dalka Qadar ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dowladda Qadar ay aad uga xuntahay dhibaatooyinka mudada 20-ka sano ka jirta dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo sheegay in dowladiisu ay diyaar u tahay in taageero aad u balaaran ay siiso Soomaaliya.


Mas’uulkaani oo u waramayay Wakaaladda wararka ee dalka Qadar oo lagu magacaabo QANA ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in dowladdiisu ay aad ula dhacsantahay hanaanka Ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM iyo kuwa dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ay kula dagaalamaan Xarakada Mujaahidinita Al Shabaab.


Mr. Nasri C/casiis (Al-Nasri) ayaa waxaa uu carabka ku dhiftay in dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ay wax badanb qabatay tan iyo markii la doortay Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, waxaana uu sheegay in dowladda ay wali u harsantahay waqti ay wax kaga qaban karto xaaladaha faraha kasii baxaya ee Soomaaliya, isagoo intaasi ku daray in dowladda Qadar ay diyaar u tahay inay ka qeyb qaadato wax waliba oo lagu taageerayo dowladda Soomaaliya.


Dowladda Qadar ayaa waxa ay ka mid tahay dowladaha daneeya arimaha Soomaaliya, waxana qaar ka mid ah wadamada Carabta ay horey ugu dhawaajiyeen in xiligaan loo baahanyahay in hal meel loogu soo jeesto dhibaatooyinka ka jira dalka Soomaaliya.


Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe)




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