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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland will prosecute the crew members of the plane carrying weapons

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Somaliland oo Maxkamad Horgeyneysa Diyaarad Ku Socotay Puntland

Guddi gaar ah oo ay Somaliland u xil saartay baaritaanka diyaarad saanad militari u sidday Puntland ayay go'aamiyeen in Maxkamad la hor geeyo.


Ismaaciil Farjar | Hargeysa Sabti, 18 December 2010

Guddi uu Maamulka Somaliland u xil saaray baaris lagu sameynayay diyaarad saanad militari u siday Puntland, taasoo lagu xannibay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Hargeysa ayaa go'aamiyay in kiiska diyaaraddaasi lagu hor geeyo maxkamad.


Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi, Wasiirka Duulista Hawada ee Somaliland ayaa sheegay in xukuumadda Soomaaliland ay saddex dacwadood ku soo oogeyso diyaaraddaasi oo kala Diyaaradda oo ku soo xad gudubtay Hawada Somaliland, Saanadda militari ee ay siddo, iyo rag la socda oo sheegtay inay suxufiyiin yihiin oo u dhashay dalka Koonfur Afrika.


Inkastoo Somaliland ay sheegtay in diyaaraddaasi ay saanadda militari u sidday Puntland, hadda maamulka Puntland weli wax jawaab ah kama uusan bixin arrintaasi.

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Wasiirka Duulista Iyo Hawada SL. Oo Sheegay In Ay Diyaaradii U Gudbiyeen Xeer Ilaalinta Qaranka

Written by Qaran news

Dec 18, 2010 at 11:33 AM

Hargaysa-(Qaran news)-Xukuumada Somaliland ayaa markii ugu horaysay ka hadashay dacwad ku adan Diyaaradii lagu qabtay Madaarka Hargeysa, taasi oo hub u siday Maamul Goboleedka Puthland, waxaanay sheegeen inay xeer ilaalinta u gudbiyeen Xeer ilaalinta qaranka si maxkamad loo soo taago, waxa kale oo Xukuumada Somaliland sheegtay in kooxo ka socotay Qaramada Midoobay u xilsaaran xakamaynta hubka dalka yimaadeen isla markaana ay soo baadheen Diyaaradaasi.

Wasiirka Wasaarada Duulista iyo Hawada Somaliland Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi oo ka mid ah gudi wasiiro ah oo loo saaray go’aan ka gaadhida Diyaaradani Agabka Milatari u siday Maamulka Puthland oo waraysi siiyay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in si rasmi ah dacwad ay ugu gudbiyeen xeer ilaalinta Qaranka iyo Maxkamada si danbi loogu soo oogo diyaaradan lagu qabtay Madaarka Hargeysa.


Wasiir Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi ayaa ka dhawaajiyay in dhawaan dalka ay yimaadaan koox ka socota qaramada Midoobay una xil saaran xakamaynta Hubka kuwaas oo si weyn ugu kuur galay hubka saaran diyaaradaasi.



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Somaliland to charge 8 over weapons-laden plane

Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:26pm GMT

HARGEISA (Reuters) - Somalia's northern breakaway enclave of Somaliland will charge the crew of a plane laden with weapons with airspace violation and carrying weapons to Puntland despite a U.N. arms embargo, a minister said on Sunday.

Mohamed Hashi Abdi, minister of air transport and civil aviation, said Somaliland had shown a U.N. delegation from the Committee of Weapons Embargo on Somalia, the weapons the plane was carrying when it landed on December10.


"Investigation of the Antonov-24 plane, which landed in Hargeisa carrying weapons, a six-man crew and 2 South African passengers, is completed. Their case is in the hands of the prosecution and will be taken to court soon," Abdi said.


The two passengers will also be charged with falsely claiming to be journalists, the minister said.


Details of how the plane came to land in Somaliland and what type of weapons it was carrying were not clear.


Officials in Hargeisa say there are elements arming the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, despite a U.N. weapons embargo for Somalia. They are concerned armed groups across the border in Puntland could destabilise Somaliland.


"The aim was to show the (U.N.) committee and the world what the plane was carrying and that our complaint that Puntland is being armed was correct," Abdi said.


There have been attacks in the town of Las Anod near the border with Puntland, the latest in September which killed a civilian and an army colonel.


Somaliland is proud of its relative stability, unlike southern regions of the failed Horn of Africa state, where al Shabaab insurgents control large amounts of territory and are fighting a weak Western-backed government.


In July, its president, Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, was sworn in after an election observers said was free and fair, furthering its democratic credentials as it fights for international recognition.

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One way or the other Sland will let go this Plane real soon! and hey this is not abt Puntland this is South African interest at stake and when your Waali Siiraanyo gets a call from Big Zuma that is all he cares. they were suppose to recognise Sl once remember!

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