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Somaliland and puntland’s cooperation to be strenghened.

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Aaaliyah Inaabti the people from the eastern sool and the buhoodle district are our people all the small problems between them and the current Administration in Sl will be solved inshallah.

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Inshallah all the issues somaliland has against somalia will be solved and we will be one United Somalia..xaaji sidan in aad u rabtid in wax la qabto ma ogen.ilahow somali oo dhan isku midee ameeen..:P

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Zack lol somaad arag laba koxood oo labaduba hungurigooda iyo naftooda u shaqeenaya..Runta hadii la taabto inkasto puntland waligeed dhibin reer SSC wax uma qabtaan jamacad iskoolo dhakhatiir kama furaan way iska tirsadaan reer sool sanaag cayn laga tirsado ma ceel bay u qodi mise caruur bay jamacado kasoo saari taasi wa maya markaas kuwaas faido reer SSC uma hayaan..Reer somalilandna wa kuwaas leh somali waxba nagama dhaxeeyan dal baan gosanana oo yaguna laascaanod sanaag iyo cayn yaguba danahooda u rabaan in ay u tirsadaan say lo recognize yaguna faaido uma hayaan reer SSC. markaa puntland hawsheeda yada ha qabsato ssc hada puntland waxba kama sugayaan oo way tooseen oo ogsonyihiin in ay puntland irbad dun u galineen, somalilandna yaguna haday go'do iyo hadii kale kolay ma aha mid anaga is waydiinano wa danahooda laakin ssc afaraheeda ma aha in ay so galaan..tan kale puntland waxay SSC iyo afaraheedu yaguna uga hadlayaan ila hada ma fahmin? may rabin in ay somaliland la dagalamaan markay xoog ku qabsatay laascaanod laakin maanta marka reer ssc is uruursaday ayeey isleedahay ba''ay armay wax noqdaan oo aan tirsan kari wayaya? yacni awalba SSC shacabka afka uun uga tirsadana say halwahooda siyasadeed u qabsadaan...waqtigaas wa laga socday..oo reer SSC finally they woke up...marka puntland iyo somaliland ha iska carabaan...oo qofkasta magaloyinkisa haka taliyo marka somalinimo iyo wadaag hadii la isku imanayo wa mesheeda..



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Clearly you are following somaliland blindly even at the expense of other i dnt personally care what your political position is just dnt go around saying oh someones position is a joke? who made uthe decision maker??...piss offf!!!!!

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AfricaOwn. SSC regions adna cidna kama xigto since your from Sanaag claim it as much as you want. It's your god given land. Keep them bintilanders at bay and in garowe though.

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He is from sanaag? since when? BSSSSSSSSSSSSS


Salah whats with the sool sanag somaliland loool I just noticed that...sorry even in your case I dnt buy it..stick with burco berbera iyo hargaysa...


HADAY run tahayna oo aad sanag ka timadeen ugumaad horeen nin laluush meel u galo saado way tidhi nacaskeedu haka suulo!! waxba kama qaadsiin....laakin halkaas baan ku fadhiya sheeko xariir in aad akhrinasaan...


Ha nolaato SSC :)

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Aaliyyah. Oo Tribalism baad waada lol. Just because he supports somaliland and has different political perspective then you doesn't mean his not from SSC regions.

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Anuu somaliwayn baan aminsahay somaliwayn qabiil kasta bay ka timid ..waxa kaliya amisanah wa ssc in ay afaraheeda hoose haysato...dalkasta provinces iyo states wa leeyahay statena stateka kale kama sugto in ay healthcare iyo iskoolada lacag u galiso yaga is dabara..taasi wa caadi qabiil ma aha..


hadii shekadu run tagto qabiilka ninka wada wa ninka raba in uu somaliwayn ka go'o..marka sheeko mesha ku haysaan..mise shekadu wa point finger at someone before they tallatale on you..kulaha shekadeedu wa qabiil? Isaa-qa raba in ay go''aan shekadoodu maxay tahay? sheeko qabil ma aha miya? somali waxay ku maahmaahda danyeeer dabadiisa cas ma arke ta kakale u muuqata...


Im done being nice ..I said it!!


Now let me add to this that I dnt care one bit whether somaliland seperates from the rest of somalia or not ..laakin dont force your ideology on other people. Just do whatever shit you want with your cities..leave other ppl out of it!!!

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Aaliyyah, horta aan wax ku waydiiyo SSC regions ma reerkaga uun ba deega lol? mise as we know the 4 families. Unless your ignoring the reality. I am not bothered about if you personally support Somaliweyn , Somalia, etc. The main disturbing thing is you are trying to deny other people's historical presence in those regions as natives.

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Meelkasta umad baa u badan..hada anba burco waan usoo miliqsan karaa..laakin reality is ssc da-rood ayaa iska leh..xita cayn dhulb-ahante baa iska leh inkasto hada isaaaq haysto inta badan...somali waxay ku maahmaahda odeyga dhul-bahante ah 60ka jira wuxu ku garaadsaday cayn oo dhul-bahnate leeyahay..laakin ninka isaa-qa maanta 20 jira cayn wuxu u arka in isaa-q leeyahay..marka Sool sanaag iyo cayn waxa iska ****** badana ..isaaa-q wax yar way dagaan laakin dhulbahan-teba wa daga burco hargaisa berbera that doesnt mean a thing..marka sadexdiina magaalo ku ekaata ama wa caadi haday dagaal noqoto reer walba niman wa leeyihin isa soo diyaariya...



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Haye if it makes you sleep better at night we don't live in SSC regions lol. Sooner or later though you will have to face the reality. ;)

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How does Somaliweyn exist lol? Djibouti is gone, NFD is part of Kenya, Somali region is part of Ethiopia, Somaliland has declared it's own independence since 1991. Maxa so hadhay marka? only 1 star out of the 5 original stars. And that is Bintiland + TFG aka former Italian Somaliland.

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^^you are gloating over somali division?? sadd! if that aint qabiil ideology I dnt know what it is..


Somalia ilaahay haduu u idmo way midoobi inti maqana way so ceshan..


Somliwayn way jirtaa waligeedna way jirtay waligeedna way jiri doona..ama rab ama ha rabin ma kolay maryahaga ka badan!



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