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Bosaso Municipality Buying More Fire Fighting Vehicles

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Advertising Bid form for fire fighting Bosaso Municipality


December 14, 2010



The District counsel of Bosaso has received funding from the United Nations Joint program for local governance and decentralized service delivery ,and would like to apply apart of the funds for community support the following Project


Fire Fighting Vehicle


The District Council of Bosaso therefore advertises for bids from eligible and suitably qualified companies to provide the following services:


1. Fire Fighting Vehicle


Bid documents are available from Bosaso district Council at a cost of US $ 10 per set. An official receipt will be issued. Bidders must attach a copy of the receipt issued to their bid.


This bid opens on 12 December 2010, and closes at18 December 2010, (time) on 7:30 AM


All bids shall be prepared in accordance with the instructions to bidders and other documentation in the said documents.


All bids must be submitted in three copies, and must be delivered to:


Procurement Box at District Tender Committee Office


At or before 18 December2010 10:00 AM (time and date)


Bidders who required to clarification shall submit their quires in writing by email addresses to the district tender committee’s email address which it is and latest by 12pm on the 3rd day after the date of invitation to bid, the district tender committee will provide a written response and email to all bidders


(Who provided valid email addresses when purchasing Bid documents) at same time by 12 pm on 7th day after the date of invitation to bid.

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