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Somalia World Cup Begins. PICS

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Congrats to Banadir and Nugaal. Hiiran and Mudug played well against tough opponents.


GD both of your teams lost, mine are still in (Banadir and Shabellada Dhexe). Sucks to be you right now. lool...can't help it, open goal!

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Well Done to BANAADIR



I predict BANAADIR to be in the finals, Banaadir to win.




Ps: I am in Istanbul, and won't be reporting any LIVE updates, so keep up the good work up.



Fiqikheyr, keep the updates

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Fiqikhayre;682589 wrote:
The youngsters and young sportsmen from Bakool are very happy with the tournament, organisation and Puntland. Maashaallaah.



Fiqi, great job on the updates. Don't forget to give credit to SFF as well. Puntland shaqo fiican ayey qabatey no doubt.

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War yaa raaye oo koobki qaaday anigu intaa baa ii daran lambar seddex iyo lambar labo toona ma rabo inaan ogaadee :D

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nuune;683049 wrote:
Well Done to



I predict
to be in the finals, Banaadir to win.




I am in Istanbul, and won't be reporting any LIVE updates, so keep up the good work up.



, keep the updates

Ma naagtii jinka aheyd baa weli kugu dhegan nuunow :D

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Gobolka Bari oo u Soo Baxay Wareega Semi Final-ka, baay waa ku daaysey.

Bari v Baay 3-1.

So far waxaa soo baxay Nugaal, Bari, banadir. Shabeelada Dhexe iyo Jubadda Hoose baa la sugayaa kii soo baxa manta.:cool:

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