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Respect for Ethiopia, they are not like the Arab b!tches.

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Wikileaks reveals that while the Arab ameers, ministers, intelegence chiefs and even Kings can be called on a short notice meetings by junior American diplomatic officers, the Chief spy of Ethiopia can not be met by even senior American diplomats. THATS WHAT I CALL SELF RESPECT.


13. (S) It is interesting that Getachew’s description of President Isaias mirrors Getachew’s own character, as well.

ADDIS ABAB 00001318 004 OF 004

Getachew avoids speaking with foreigners and few foreigners really know him. He is not well liked within his own agency for decisions he makes in isolation which, at times, make little sense and are not discussed in consensus with his staff. His apparent hot temper and reclusive habits have made it difficult for his staff to gauge his moods and understand his thought process. The Prime Minister himself and other EPRDF leaders have remarked to the Ambassador that it is difficult to talk with Getachew and to meet with him, but that his loyalty to the EPRDF is never in question. Despite his poor reputation, Getachew is regarded as a strong EPRDF hardliner and commands considerable authority and influence within the powerful EPRDF executive committee which lays down the policy for the ruling party and the government. While relations with NISS officials below Getachew’s rank are extremely cordial and, depending on the unit, very close, the Ambassador has met with Getachew only twice in the past three years, and other Embassy staff have also met with little success in engaging him. Even visiting senior U.S. intel officers have not been successful in meeting Getachew. Ambassador will pursue future meetings with Getachew but he will never be a close contact. End Comment. YAMAMOTO



here is the full cable report

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The Somali leaders are a category under 'Arab B1tches' lol, even the cleaners of the White house can push Somali leaders around. Please don't promote Habashis on this board, go back to Oromoindex llooool

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