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cynical lady

Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko

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no wyre saas maahan, irsaaqada mina subixii baa la qeybiyaa so if healthy one must wake up and earn a living.


nin aan shaqaysan shaah waa ka xaaraan, ask JB

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Ani xalay saq dhexe baan aniga shaqeystay:D

Mawaan laguu sheegin adduunki in 3 loo qeybsaday


qeyb mudaharaad baa qaatay

Qeybna earthquake baa qaatay

qeybna abaar baa qaadatay


Allow na sama bixi

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A teacher was reading the story of Chicken Little to her class. At one part where Chicken Little tried to warn the farmer. She read “....and so Chicken Little went upto the farmer and said, ‘the sky’s falling,d sky’s falling!’” The teacher paused then asked the class”And what do u think that farmer said?” One little girl raised her hand and s…aid, “I think he said:”Holy crap! A talking chicken!”The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10mins!

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Never mind...


A man is a person who, if a woman says,

"Never mind, I'll do it myself," lets her.


A woman is a person who, if she says to a man,

"Never mind, I'll do it myself," and he lets her, gets mad.


A man is a person who, if a woman says to him,

"Never mind, I'll do it myself,"

and he lets her and she get mad, says,

"Now what are you mad about?".


A woman is a person who, if she says to a man,

"Never mind, I'll do it myself,"

and he lets her and she get mad, and he says,

"Now what are mad about?" says

"If you don't know I'm not going to tell you."

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Sabax Kheyr trollers!


I am early today - avoiding to take responsibility to do any work.


Where is Ibti - iyadaa kaa maqlaa back pain - am in pain this morning...what is the lady to do?

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wsalaam malika, back pain and minisubax is not best mix! take painkiller and fill that hot water bottle asap

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Sabaxal Khayr yaa Malikatal Jamaal .................. :D


Hope u feel better .....


The weather is really Fab here today .................... Hope it rains later on

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Plane ka miya laiska saaranad, sometimes wa laga dhega you know. :P:D


Did you find out where the farm is?? Adigu cirka Hargiesa iga eeg- :D

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wsalaam ibti.


adigoo somali ah qofka raba inuu ku bililiqeysto ma waalanyahay mise waaloo soo socdaa! grrrrrrrrrrrr

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What do you mean already on the plane? I thought it was not yet dee. Ibti, don't go without telling me. Hadii kale I'll turn it into an Indian movie and stop you at the departure gate with shouts of "Ibtisaamay ha tegin..."..reeraha nala yaabi doona, woman.

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