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cynical lady

Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko

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hi solers,


lol @ Norf-Ngonge coded exchange; wish I could see how sports is that riveting; had turned down a hall night footie again.


Xamar seems a nice trip these days; wouldn't mind it if you guys come too.


I just noticed how much more energy and goodness I show when around pleasing faces (not hypocrites).

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^^ Got a mate of mine who spent the past month in Xamar. He's doing exactly what the qurbajoog do when going to H Town (trying to land himself a project of some sort). A sure sign that the place is improving, if any. :D

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^the place has the most potential albeit the wild land speculation is a plague (plots prices makes jabuuti quotes looks cheap).

I very much appreciated pres guelleh speech, soon we'll need no visa :D

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Do people use private e-mails these days? I can't remember the last time I sent (or recieved) a "personal" email. Of course, some would argue that I'm not that fond of phone calls or texts either (but I disagree, blame the answermachines). :D

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^^ True. The minute I walk into the house I normally put it in the kitchen cupboard and don't remember it until the next morning. :D

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Salaams all...


Stoic wlc to the club ndugu..& Hongera na mapongezi kweni walalo.

PS. Intaad Ngonge iyo cidiisa isku diyaarineysid..yeyna jar kaa tuurin :D (as in watakupeleka sokoni kweli..chunga :D) mulize malika.

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^Isn't that the materialist parents often denounced? :D

Let's hope you don't give ideas to your friend...


This French convert bro just told me that he too went through aqidah questions test by and before landing his Somali wife...

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NG :D didn't want to share the bariis dee :D


Haatu salaams kwanza. Stoic, well for now..he won't be going anywhere for life :D lol. Just became a father were his words few pages Adigu maxaad heysa :D

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Raula, haha..asante dada...Ngonge is just fishing for a free dentures when he gets old.So I guess me and him work on a deal....


PS Hatuu, this is the beauty of announcing stuff in Troll corner.It gets buried after every new page.....


PSS Am still sleep deprived...the little brat is finding his own ways of getting things done for him...Got my first gift this weekend from him..He kept peeing on me.hahaa

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