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cynical lady

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Morning Juxa & Jb.


Juxa, you keep looking forward to Friday every week. Are your weekends that great or are you just lazy? :P

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Sabax Kheyr all!


Juxa - wishing life away with these friday is near


Oh dear, Islaan baa ii wale, ale never to work with perfectionists waa belayo!

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Ngonge, friday is my last day coming into the bloody city. have you read a lady jumped yesterday from 8th floor? and to answer your questions, my weekends are fab cause i can be as lazy as i wish to


salaams JB, how hot is hargeysa?


malika macmac, islaanta iska celi:)

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Juxa, mac mac kor iyo side ways [ missing CL here]


I have hinted that she is getting annoying - my Somali temper should soon rise its ugly head, markasee oyii


I pray never to get that desparate, to committ suicide - subhanallah.

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Don't hint, Malika. Say it politely and be firm (a smile while you do it helps to usually scare them off). :D


Juxa, was she Somali? The jumper, I mean!

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Malika i cant stand dadka iswaala markad si fiican ula hadashid! put her on the stop and tell her off loudly

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Juxa;864955 wrote:
look how kind he is to you? Ngonge dont return to UK unless you have seen and had shaah with young Alpha...


salaams everyone. another day but closer to friday:)



as you can see NG has been very bad to me as off late. i mean what can i do? he's been unfair in his treatment of me?


there is no weekend for me this week as everyday is the weekend lol. life is so beautiful here and to think i thought of leaving here.

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Ngonge, smile yet crushing her - I can do. Juxa, stop and shout @ her - cant do...I will need to practice shouting, the problem being am too soft spoken..[off to the toilets to practice shouting]


We've been having beautiful days! love the sun.

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Alpha i am glad you are feeling better today and thinking positively. I agree Sl has been good to you so maybe stay longer, settle, mix with the locals etc


Ngonge sees you have a lot in common, it scares him, so u-dulqaado


Malika i dont mean you shout with 900 decibel qeylo, i meant with firm voice, loud enough and not soft whisper. i know you are gentle soul, unlike me, i do have a temper although i have mellowed as i got older alhamdulilah but if i let someone upset me and i dont do anything............i cant sleep that night, anigaa isku xanaqaya


ps: jumper was asian lady. she is the 3rd jumper from this restaurant Coq D’Argent. Subxanallah

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^Jac - kiis baa noo furan anigu iyo adigu - Maandeey baa tol ii ah, isaga ayaan sugeyaa , gogool ba kuu digeya.


Juxa - igu hale, amba saas baan ahay, I will not rest if I dont deal with her..

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JB this is futile attempt aad ku duugduugtid Malika's case.....bal raali ahow hadad dhahdo ma tuur baa ka so baxaysa?


Malika, i am afraid Maaddeey waa too busy with wadaad-affairs

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