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cynical lady

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Maaddeey, it is nice to know dhad xishooda ayaa adunka ku haadey- recently qof kasta dhaf ayau iska ka so oodhanaya, and then adiga ayaa dalac lagu racaya if you point out the unnatural aspect of their forward behaviour.




And please never call me, last I remember you was joining some somali religious fraction or another.

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^ :)

I will never call you if you don't give me your number and no, I never joined nor intend to any group, religous or otherwise. Ask Ngonge or Juxa.

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Ibti, my dear sister, if a brother let's the advances of good-looking ajanabi sisters slide for years because he has a specific ideal, doesn't he have a right to be paranoid and judgemental an itsy bitsy tiny bit and not be fooled by a "reborn"? It's his right sax? I was exactly like him about five years ago though I personally wouldn't go as far as cut any ties if such pictures were to surface of my Queenbee in the future, but I would go Inspector Gadget on her azz lol. Let's just say, we grew up with Somali women that we greatly respect and admire and none of them ever put up gang-signs or headbanged to Jabba Sprungzz, so any such behaviour immediately sends alarm-lights flashing in our tiny complicated brains.


Abu-Salman, agreed! Life is not mozilla firefox with its "delete history" button when you don't want yo mamma or daddy to know whom you've been chatting and messaging with lol, once its out there it stays with you!


Can you imagine future Parent-child discussions like these:


Mother: Nayaa, your not allowed to stay out after 9 0'clock!


Daughter:, but Hooyo, you used to be out much later, look here are your old facebook pictures in Club Coco.


lol or:


Father: Waryaa, those that drink alcohol go straight to hell, is that what you want?.


Son: Is that where you're going aabo? Remember those old images of you shirtless with a gun and hundred dollars bills in your pants, with Heineken bottles on the table?



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Chimera depends on why he let the advances slide? For God I assume, in which case his reward with Allah not HER, and his "scarifies" noted.


As for does it give him the right to be paranoid and judgmental- actually no it does not- it is a personality trait- not a god given right, shaqadiisa ma aha- social, religiously or otherwise. If everyone worried about themselves and their actions a little more and a little less about what everyone did, doing and may do, we might actually progress in life. My interest is in this person NOW- where they are heading, for what reasons and how they plan to get there, their morals, behaviour and religious aspirations NOW and the Future- My interest in the past is in passing reference.


]b] Religious knowledge without action is useless, religious clothing without the moral code to back it up is false advertisement, a lie.. Hypocri/sy. [/b]


You can always ask her or him- but running off is both childish and immature :D


I had a friend like yours once, He judged and run off from some xalimos because in his view, she had too many male friends, one hair was showing, and he glimpsed her ankles by accident while she run for the bus. He eventually married a niqabi hijabi who was technically/ physically a virgin but all the guys in her area knew about her belly button piercing and beauty spots surrounding her left breast- they were respectful enough not to tell the poor bugger- so last I knew he was happy. :P I'm just saying;


The ankle showing girl later married a south American brother- last I saw she was happy.


I am a firm believer that one way or another- everyone gets what they truly deserve, be it a ***, thug or a saint, and you should pick based on a little bit more than her ankles were showing or I saw his muscle showing picture 10yrs ago.




In saying all that everyone hates something; for example I have a severe dislike for guys who is acquainted with everyone- Every time you try go for a walk or out, half of town must be greeted! people should have small group of friends and that's it.


Lool @ your perceived convo with children.


Maaddeey- good to hear.

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*Ibtisam;846784 wrote:


So which soler is visiting Hargeisa? And JB who did you give my number to?




:D:D:D ..... Waxbaa kugu dhacay ilayn ,,, lol


Lemme find out who is visiting bal ..... Must be a script :D

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How The Hell Did A Script Know The # Of Ibtisam Yaa JB :D

Naga Daa Ninyahow Adigaa Siiyee

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Ibti, history always affects the future, it can't be brushed aside so easily. In your pursuit of happiness you have a right not to be deceived when asking for clarity from someone you might be interested in. If a guy were to ask for your hand, you definitely have a right to know about his past, whatever that might be. What if he was an alcoholist back in the day? The fact that he's sober today does not mean two or five years down the line he will not pop those old bottles again and do what dumb drunks do on a daily basis to their wives. This would disturb your harmony and that of your children, therefore the past is very important.


The sister I'm with, I've known her since she was 14, the chance of her having led a double-life I was unaware of is next to nothing. However if I were to find out today that she wasn't honest with me, then I'm out of the relationship, regardless of my emotional attachment to her. This would be because she never gave me a choice in the first place. If she had told me everything at the beginning, whatever that might be, then there is a chance I would stay with her, but if I were to hear it from so and so, then I'm out, because if she lied about that, what else did she lie about?


Let's get back to the former-alcoholist analogy; if that guy - interested in you - were to come and tell you of his drinking problems in the past, that would be him doing the right thing, and he has automatically given you the choice to make a decision about whether you want a life with him or not. I cannot stress how important this is in a relationship, because honesty and trust are the real pillars that sustain a marriage not lust or bubble-gum crushes.


Sure lots of people get what they truly deserve, but many only get cloaked versions of what they deserve. Case in point your friend, he was never given a choice, instead someone impersonated his ideal and everybody else went along with it, leaving him ignorant. He was therefore deceived, and was put in a dangerous position, because there are such things called STDs, and your friend despite his madax-adeygnimo certainly doesn't deserve that, neither do mine.


The sister that I'm playfully trying to hitch with my friends is someone I would never introduce to the Fish'n Chips gangs you see roaming in the town-centers because I believe she deserves much better, and if some useless Farah were to impersonate her ideal while at the same time not being honest with her, then I would most definitely step in and tell her the truth. After that anything she does is her choice and the consequences that come with it, because in the end we are all adults.


It does not mean we should tolerate this "have your cake and eat it too" type of deceit.

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Salaam aleykum all!


Ibti I am not from Burco and some men have no value! Waste of space

You need to come home:(



Maaddeey is wadaad ilbax ah. He will not call unsolicited ( maaddeey ha I ceebeyn)

Chimera waad ismoodey ma istiri! Warheedhe nin waa buux! Tubeey taano ( yes decipher that)

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