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cynical lady

Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko

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Ngonge I am using my phone, and I always wake up very early. Now suaal badnidaa? Are there not enough sun beams in your office?

Go count


Hi norf

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^^ Heh. Dagaal uun ku jir. Bacda iska fur baan ku idhi. It was an innocent question hinting at your welfare and your endless dedication to work. Wax fahan.

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Dagaalka keeps you fit nooh


Today we have another team member starting so wanted to see how he gets on. It is going to be different as we are all female team.


Norf I heard flights to xamar are fully booked until may?

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Subax kheyr all!


Ngonge, am home too...Lol


Norf, I was looking for you last week - a commission job baan kuu hayee.

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^Too late dee - a family of nearly ten people wanted tickets to Somalia...They finally found some agent in Birmingham. You must tell us your agency name so to direct folks to you next time...Insha'allah

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Kigali is cool, and peaceful, the city life is wonderful and maciishaduna waa cheap, it is like inaad joogto Soomaaliya waayo dadka Soomaali ayey u egyihiin dhowr gabdhood baan ku khaldamey

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