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cynical lady

Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko

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Hi all!


I survived one heck of a morning!!! Pheeeeeeew! Alhamdulillah.


So whats cooking - apart from Ngonge's oven

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^^ Yes. The building engineers came this morning and tried to fix it. Now it feels like I'm sitting in a fridge. :(

By the way, it's far from a cabin. I am at one of the most sought after addresses in the world. I can see Big Ben, the London Eye, Hyde Park and the Houses of Parliment right here from where I'm sitting at my desk. :P

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Cosob gadaal-gadaal u akhri and you have Bosoc, an internal xidid located right behind the uterus facing the cervical, Af Soomaaliga caadi ma ahan wallaahi.

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I am glad sayid's faro cuncun inloo helay cure, Ngone ku faro-baxso


Faheema, adiga iyo ibti are missed by all of us ''cake consuming'' group!


waves@malika ii waran cadeey?


Ngonge nin faanay waa ri is'nuugtay ( as i type i already know it sounds so wrong)

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^Nooooooooooooooooooooo!! stuck in an office all day would drive me crazy! The little run around the school give me hope..ha ha


Juxa - waan ku ficanahay dear...hope its the same for you.

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