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cynical lady

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*Ibtisam;723125 wrote:
Aaah enough time wasted, I have work to do; Enjoy.

what work? don't be ridiculous! you're on your holiday, just enjoy it before you have to go back.

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Ibti, carabtu waxay ku maahmaahda; when the angels come the devils leave. :D

Take care now.


Alpha, what erratic behaviour is that?



Ibti, if I thought you would need help there I would have jumped in long ago. :P

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^^:eek: :eek: Bisinka!! It is when the devil comes, the angles leave btw :D


MarX: OH did I not tell you I found a job the day after I arrived?? Sorry yeah I work full time on a 2yr contract, :D :D you leave okay


Sayid yes it would've been better for all Somalis :D

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^^ Menopause? How have those poor kids have not spotted you as a class A fraud I really don't know. :D


Ibti, I know how the saying goes but I wasn't going to call myself a devil now, was I? Well at least not whilst Sayid's other thread stands. :D


** Rumour Mode ON **


Ibti, this two year contract you got, was it a Siilaanyo inspired/gifted? :P


** Rumour Mode OFF **

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Considering I am not of Siilaanyo CLAN, I got no such gifts- but I hear your atheero is a fair man. :P:D


If I didnt already know the saying waad ii khaladi lahey! Silly waxid.


MArx; Men dont have that stage- :confused:

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Oh my damn hot flushes. :D


Still, going by the last few pages, I think we can all agree that Alpha has a tad bit more estrogen than I do. ;)

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well IBZ, it seems you're not the only with a long term contract. sorry to break the sad news but i've got a contract too. ha! bet you didn't expect it did you?. it seems like i've pull another shocker out of the bag somaha?? at least mine has nothing to do with nepotism.

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Nuune wiil ka ka bilow.


Alpha, already knew that- had a discussion with your boss and a colleague of yours last Friday. ;) No shocker there


Congrats it is not sad news, I am happy for you.

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^^ Faheema, adiga cadaw baabad tahey, ummadan isku shiilmey maad kala bisleesid



ehehe Alpha, I don't do Online Quraan saar, I can see you are enjoying your Hargeisa adventures



lool@wiilka ka bilow, Ibti, adiga Alam-Nashrax bas unbaan kugu akhrin, halka Alpha aan ku akhrin Qul-Uuxiya ilaya nafarun minal Jinni




Ps: Seriously folks, dabkan waa inaad damisaan, ama Xaaji Ngonge iyo aniga aad noo xilsaartaan si aan u bakhtiino dambaaburadan daarantee danbasku ka kacayo

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