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cynical lady

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Che, you need fasax dheer, lately ishaarta ash maaha


JB then have a fiesta oo guriga aad


1.5 hour to go

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Alhamdulilah day indeed;

Che, that is exactely what I thought before realising that family problems are common and much worse sometimes.

It's all about accepting that you can't control everything and to recognise what you can't change, accept it as it is.

It consumes much of my thoughts and energy along few other issues, but it's all such a mindless waste at the same time.


Who thought life would be such a challenge and never as planned no matter what;

this reminds me of those "realists" writers such as Maupassant in "A life":

"See, madam, life is never is neither as good nor as bad as we think" replied famously at the end the better balanced ex maid to mme Jeanne, disillusioned by marriage, loss of loved ones, children and wealth in succession or dashed bourgeois naive dreams.

Not to encourage impious litterature :D

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Juxa....Work is getting to me I think and there won't be break for while.


Abu-Salman...I have learned to let go and accept things and impious literature might be just good change. A lot of the problems seems mundane and trivial though not to the person causing the problem and the person at the receiving end.

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Well, if you learned to accept what can't be changed, you are already way ahead in a way. I can only wish to arrive at a similar stage.

With hindsight, I think that having been too sheltered or having too much self-entitlement/ optimism is another problem for some kids, when flexibility is key.

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Malika;863603 wrote:
^Lol..good job!


From your quf quf I have found out Jac slandering me....way iyo way!

LOL get him sis, he's been slipping into a godfather-like persona lately.


Jac should be humbled lol

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^He is lucky am back at work, during the day...but definetly gogool baan uu digeyaa this saturday. Yaa ii tol aa? Maandeey baal soo

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lol maadeey does not believe Tol ee hanoogu wicin ileyn maslaxo ma yeelayee


Salaams everyone, just got in and survived the central line, you come out from 40c into the cold air. waa asking for hargab subxanallah

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^^ Welcome to the club. At least you come from the other side of town and don't have to suffer having your nose stuck under a barees cune's armpit.


Sabaax al ward ya caalam.

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I cant imagine what you lot go through on daily basis runtii. Maybe baaskiil could be the solution.


Aduunka maxaa ka socda, i feel i have been out of it lately

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^^ Somali elections, American elections and the Syria troubles. Also, in Solvenia, a female presidential candadite has produced a topless calander to boost her chances of a win. Heh.

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