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cynical lady

Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko

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LOL@ Blondy and Ibtisaam getting jobs in Somaliland within couple weeks of landing and now showing off contracts:D


Can't help but think if I landed there tomorrow - adeer Siilaanyo would have gladly vacated his position for me :cool:

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nuune, Anigu kuma jiro nabad galyadan aad wadid warya. Mr "uuf" ayaa raginimadaydii wax ka sheegay. Markaan kala jarjaro oo aan ka daalo, ayaa laguu ogalyahay in aad wixi ka hadhay isku rakbtid. :D

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^^ Waiting? I have already set things in motion and Alpha's stay in H town is going to be very short lived. Didn't I tell you I knew a man that knew a man.... :D

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Maanta dhan kala celis maa lagu jiraa? I tell you if it was my people ama wala kala bixi lahaa AMA mid baa la aasi lahaa by now


Ibti dhaaf wiilka! Concentrate you not there to provoke

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Hello Juxa; I was just using him to stay awake while I finish my work. Think of him as harmless entertainment, I was working, eating lunch and chuckling on the side. How much more do I need to concentrate. :D


How are u? Adiga it is Wed are u not at school?


JB: you and me both

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Sayid, do-it-yourself is not always needed warya. I get binman to take out my rubbish and this is the same. :D

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Cod maleedahay mise?


Ibti I was in class. Last day of lessons then exams then khalaas! The next chapter of being guri joogto and ceyr dhuuqdo shall start.

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