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cynical lady

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Badow! Waa xaraam dee. لم يذبح علي الطريقه الاسلاميه ayaa la yedhi.

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Abu- Salman I work around that area, sure- send me her details :)


JB, daadka ha khaladiin, it is nice to keep safe and eat only in good places.


Arch $26000 for 5months, what on earth were u eating!!!! LOOOOL!

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He was eating organic geel! seriously that is alot of $$ for saxan bariis ah!


Ibti when i went back i cont handle the taste for few days, i opted for fresh bread, bariis qalalan and kept away from hilibka, it had too much fat floating around.

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*Ibtisam;722402 wrote:


JB, daadka ha khaladiin, it is nice to keep
and eat only in good places.


dont bring that nanny-state culture here. there is no Health and Safety Executive here but if there was one - lets just say the whole country would come to a complete halt. there are far too many violations here.

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Atheer iga haad, I tell you get well soon, you tell me it was my fault and I did sixir on you, then one page later you want to have a normal convo, waan ka yaabey, bal iga leexo!!!! :eek: :eek:


Juxa :D :D I am going to find a place my eyes and stomach agree with :D

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*Ibtisam;722409 wrote:
Atheer iga haad, I tell you get well soon, you tell me it was my fault and I did sixir on you, then one page later you want to have a normal convo, waan ka yaabey, bal iga leexo!!!! :eek: :eek:

:P take a chill pill.

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Just sent the contacts sis.


You guys could at least see things as they are and maybe share a report about what to expect etc since many go back these days.

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We used to keep some in the summer, nothing beats fresh, free range/organic eggs; now hooyo is enjoying to rear some and I adressed her some guides on beekeeping too (Hargeysa has much potential for urban farming, if only that was promoted as some countries did it...).


Also, much needed free tomatoes and eggs may help the locals more reliably than cash which may be converted into khat or gadgets...

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Ambassador for breaky, Dalxiis for lunch, sometimes imperial and the fish restaurant in centre of town (name escapes me). Back at ambassador for dinner; mix it up with Mansoor occasionally. You see I had no choice after my near death experience. On the plus side there’s a modicum of variety on offer. Non poisonous salads, nice steaks, fish dishes, veggie dishes, desserts etc…


I got to know the waiters at some of these restaurants very well, ace dudes like Ali Buur, Ahmed Dheere best waiters in the whole of SL.

I love my food and this was an area I wasn’t willing to negotiate on.


I tried that Golis place that sells only camel meat. Ddidnt care much for camel meat except that lovely white stuff they called Kuruus, hhmmmmmmmm lovely stuff that and some chilli paste mix.


Faheema the poultry was chewy and hard as i remember it.:rolleyes:

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Might be an idea to start this chicken farm on the outskirts of Hargeisa...I can foresee at least a Cake shop and Chicken 'n' Chips shop already :)



Hmm should Copyright this idea/concept lol

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