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Sayid*Somal;691729 wrote:
SAWBR everyone? see la yahay?

waa Nabad iyo nimcee bal warran? ma maantaad soo dhacday?

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wyre;691732 wrote:
waa Nabad iyo nimcee bal warran?
ma maantaad soo dhacday

Alxamdullilaah, anigana nabad iyo nimco oo niyad jaban ii dheertahay - su'aashaada labaadna; maya ee soddon sano iyo meelahaas ayaan soo dhacday :D

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Oh nothing a quraan saar and sight of my beloved mother can't cure!


Ahlan Juxa, actually you might be able to help me with something - do you know of any certified Somali/Italian interpreter with a stamp - who can authenticate a self translated somali letter and the Sabrologo that goes with it, which is written in Somali and Italian??

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Sayid glad your mother finally made it in!!! err what is sabrologo???


Did she have muqumaad with her? if so meel ii diig my bit without subag :P

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Ibti - not yet walaalo - hence the niyad jab :(


unfortunately there would not be any muqmad as i have put the frighteners on my beloved mum about bringing anything other than her one cloths luggage (not even pressies for the little ones) in an attempt to ensure she does not over burden herself.


Sabrologo = Deed

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ibti that is Transfer DEED.


Sayid has hooyo arrived? and what you mean no oodkac? waa xay abaartaas


i do know a translater not sure if she is certified. but you can always pay for it, does not cost much. try language is everthing.

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Sorry to hear that.


Patient just gave present to one of the Consultants. I open it- googled the pen (name etc) it cost £600 on sale :eek: :eek: I told the consultant I will give it back on his behalf and get the money instead :D Waste as he will lose it before the end of the day :o



Sayid use Primelanguages. They are the best and reasonable price.

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Thanks you two - but unfortunately like all others before - they don't undertake individual request specially if its already translated .:mad:


Oh why can our people get their own things legalised?

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I hate being late, and knowing beforehand that you're going to be late is even worse. You secretly hope the train crashes and you land in hospital, just so you have a good excuse, psychopathic I know.


[Malika style]*Waves at Ibti*[/Malika], I thought the new SOL bus had left you behind, I have two friends now.

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^Huh? :confused: Okie, must have seen a reflection of us on your night glass of milk.


For those still awake - More4 is showing an interesting documentary on the aftermath of civil war in Sierra Leone - How the brutal conflicts have left thousand severly traumatised - mental health on the rampage..subhanallah.

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