Deeq A.

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For me, every thing is OK, but I lost my signature :( and i Can't search it now coz am fasting to (or is't "I fasted today") so till saturday unbey noqon

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Haa showqi Waxaaba kasii daran wixii aan qoraynay oo idil waa la nusqaamiyay oo intii badneed baa la qubay uguna muhiimsaneyd

waxaabad moodaa admin in uu aniga iigu dan lahaa Change ga dhacay oo ey ka eheyd........... :D allien nimada un yaan leyga xayuubin ee aan iska aamuso

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Mudane LST,


I learned my lessons now. Fadlan arinta hadda hagaaji. The e-mail address you sent me as the one I gave when I joined SOL is no more valid. Waan ka guuray kaas, oo dhufays buu ahaa. Cayayaan baa qabsaday oo dad aana garaneyn baa igu wareeriyay. I opened today to see if it is still there and I found 1432 unread messages. most waa kuwan been beenta yidhaa 32 million la iiga dhintay aan qaybsano. But one girl who says her name is Shasmo Nuuri wrote obscinities I cannot describe and cannot think of coming from a somali mouth. She wrote in Somali and says she was told Somali men chew 'qat' and cannot do this and that. She is inquiring if I am different. Of course, I never saw the message when it was sent which was 2009, and didnot respond to it. Waxaan ka shaki qabaa in qoftu SOL iga soo raad raacday. But that is really a different story.


What I now want is for you to restore my Al-Haji Abtigiis & Tolka name, create a password and then send me the new password through the new -mail aan saaka ku wada xidhiidhanay. After that, I will change the password. It is unfair to ask me to remember every password I once created. All of our life has become Pin codes and passwords. Which is which we really can't tell. My MasterCard is now blocked because after I didn't use for a month, I tried to draw money and apparently put too many different pin codes. Way xidheen, markaan waa sidee i dhina, we thought it is stolen bay yidhaahdeen. War xitaa Dhaktarka markaan tago Pin code iyo password baa la i waydiiyaa. Waan wareeray. I also have yahoo account, facebook account, office (xaffiska) account, SOl account, Skype account, Tolka-e-mail group account, and all need passwords. I put it once and rely on the system to remember it next time I use it. If it forgets, I create another one and call all friends to tell them of the changes. Markaa it is really unfair of you to ask me to remember my password.


Fadlan arintan si deg deg ah u xali. I usually store pin codes and passwords on my cell phone, laakin how long do I keep a cell phone? A month or two? before one of the children puts in the bath saxan? That is why I buy cheap phones.


Midda kale arinta title'ka "senior nomad" waa muhiim. You know nowadays how many lives are lost figjhting for titles. No one can disavow a title that comes his way with indifference, even the title of a 'mu'addin' of a mosque. The 'Senior Nomad' title is crucial. Aliens'ka iyo old guys ka soo laabtay 'ban' list een waligood qaan gaadhin sida Cowke iyo Mr. Somalia oo kale, ayaa lagu waabsadaa! Markaa fadlan arintaa dib ugu noqo oo hadii 4.5 lagu qaybiyey noo soo sheeg, si Zack, Nuune, Abdilatif, Kamavi iyo anigu aanu isaga aragno oo u soo doorano ciddi na matali lahayd. Waa qalad inaad adigu noo doorato.


Midda kale waan eegay profile'ka Abtigiis and Tolka, markaa waxaad ku qortay " Al-Haji AbtigiisTolka has not made any friends yet". Arintaas waxba kama jiraan, waa dacaayad aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn. Just because I fought with few girls doesn't mean I haven't made any friends. Even Ayoub is my firend. Markaa please correct that as well.




Walaalkaa Moh Cagdheer,

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^^^ haha.. this could be a sign ya AT&T.. Ng is behind all this and loughing at your misery.


Ps: looooooool@ Suldanka's avatar, I had a similar one. LST labelling us kanga-land folks. :D

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Showqi;680065 wrote:
Maxaa waaye kashifadaan.......... Balaaya ka dhacday, thread walba cidii akhrinaysa waa la arkayaa.

For example in the women category 70 of the 78 browsers are men :))

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I have discovered many of the new features now and I like some of them. Lakiin qaaar badan baa useless and confusing iska ah. Seriously why would I want to connect my Facebook to my SOL account I don't think any nomad wants to do that.


Glad that I have had no trouble logging in or posting. Well, I always was a lucky girl :)

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Sayid*Somal;680227 wrote:
^No body made you super duper nomad - you made yourself that!

show anna anaa nomad iska dhigay :D waxaan lahaa billadahaagii baa dib laguugu soo celiyee

PS: A&T LST hadduu warqaddaa kasoo jawaabi waayo waa dhib weyn Anigaaba naxariis i gashay oo damcay inaan dib kuugu soo celiyo waxaaga :D

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Ismalura;680219 wrote:
I have discovered many of the new features now and I like some of them. Lakiin qaaar badan baa useless and confusing iska ah. Seriously why would I want to connect my Facebook to my SOL account I don't think any nomad wants to do that.


Glad that I have had no trouble logging in or posting. Well, I always was a lucky girl

For me i've connected with it mala i garan dee?

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A&T, illlahi haa kuu dayoo - your last post made my morning, am still laughing at you - erm with you.


ps.Why the need for 'friends list' some of us are anti social beings - this will elianate us.

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