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gantaalkiis soo gamoow, ganjeel badan waa gubaa - Illaahow naga kori

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loool aaaamiiin, horta ma ka yaabtey hadana ma ka heshey? smile.gif


Alloow na hareer mari :D


Samawada, may I be the first to welcome you to SOL forums... Soo dhowoow sxb with gacmo furan.

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In this song

gantaalkiis_soo_gamoow_ganjeel_badan_waa_ gubaa

is metaphor for what? hmm! how about this anni lee baraakada, anni lee barakadada bukeen karaaye allmost same meaning, right?

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Allamagan, it's too early to unveil the metaphor buried therein, sxb.


MMA iyo nuune may reveal murtida daahan.

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