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Dayrwaa poem - don't be offended if your clans were mentioned

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^^ Badow! People have moved on. Now they get offended if their clans are NOT mentioned.

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^ :D I know laakiin did you understand the gist of what the Abwaan is retorting about?


The main one is the OG folks solf to amxaaro by Riyaale and co. and he thus cajoles the OGs that:


Aqalkaaga Ruux kuugu yimi iibi waa halise

Umaydaan arxamin iyana way aarsan karayaane

Ergo yaa ugu tegi waa suaal adiga kuu taal


As such the Abwaan's recourse and excuse for what had been done to the OGs by the SL admin is that while some (of the I tribe) might have committed a 'utuno', you shouldn't brush the whole tribe with one stroke. He actually blames reer AWDAL for the human trade of the OGs.


He goes on to talk about the 'indivisibility of Somalis and how all Somalis are basically 'tol'.


Also he markedly comments on Ethiopia's previous onslaught on the H tribe of Mugadisho and reproaches the I tribe for not going to Mogadishu to fight the Amxaaro. Or help them bury their dead. If not that, why keep so silent for this is a sign of....? :D


Anyway... very touchingly Pan-Somali poem from Maguuraans's.

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^^ A Sign of what? I listened to it but didn't see anything about signs. As I understood it he said something along the lines of keeping silent is no good. :D


Cajiib! I'm discussing gabay now. Heh.

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Lol@discussing poetry.


You are a typical Somalilander, then. Omit the crucial point that is critical to the standing of the dawladda and point out the minor message.


I think the poet is a brave Somali and a patriot at that for going against the grain, which you and Oodweyne would elequently sell as the golden bean. :D


Anyway, I posted the poem to indicate that 'there are' some in the so-called Somaliland that see things more clearly than the indoctrinated many. A case in point is his running commentary on the Ogaden issue that both Puntland and Somaliland have so shamely tried to sweep under the radar.


Alas, who said Somali poetry is at it's grave? Liars!


PS: NGONGE, have another go at it will you? You might glean out more undertoned messages from the poem. It's your learning curve, mate? :D

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Here's the lyrics of one part:


Udubkii galbeed naga xigiyo madaxdi reer Awdal

Inkaarteey galeeniyo NAFLAHA aadari loo dhoofshay

Is--q bari rakkaabkaa la diley lama ogeeysiine

Arrinkaa heshiis waxa ku galay laba aqoon gaabe

Amakaage reerihii markeey gii'da oga.adaane

Waase eed ninkii geeystayoow adiga kuu taalo



Waxa igu adkaatoon sidii Fiinka uga ooyey

Aqalkaaga ruux kuugu yimi IIBI waa halise

Agoon aabaheed (Somalia) weeydayood geeri ku oga.atey

Umeeydaan arxamin iyana weey aaasan karayaane

Rag kolkeey afduubaan sidii adigu aad yeeshay

Erga yow ugu tegi waa suaal adiga kuu taalle

Odeyaal ma loo diri karaa Ooga iyo faafan?

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