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Somali Anarchist in early days

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I dont know who said those coming lines but he was really a Somali Anarchist and rebellion to the core,its not complete - hope someone knows the rest of the stanza,so it can shed a ligh between the early anarchists and those at present:


Hadaan Nabada ceelkaan ku riday cidi ka so saarto

Caalan ahay oo caalay dhalay haday cidiba noolaato


Another rebellion/anarchist also said:


Ma balaayadan itaabo leh ayaan toosin kari waayay

Ma tunka ii buuxsamay sidii toban jir awr gaal ah

laba saanac ii tumay miyaa tiirsan garab kaygaa


The prince/warrior aka Wiil- waal said:


Garbaadan ku jiifsaday inuu rag garb maraan sheegay.

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^^And another anarchist said:


Haddii dary weyn ka dhalan ama daas xoog leh

Dibnahayga waa xiran lahaa sidaa dad qaarkiise

Ninkii aniga ii dudahayyaa muu dibiro ciilka

Oo muu dac dhaho carada waa lala dillaacaaye'e


Sharmarkow ma haysaa the Berberaawi threats when he said:


Ciise muuse mooyee hadday cidiba noolaato..

I think it was more of a political threat thu though..

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^And another anarchist said:


Haddii dary weyn ka dhalan ama daas xoog leh

Dibnahayga waa xiran lahaa sidaa dad qaarkiise

Ninkii aniga ii dudahayyaa muu dibiro ciilka

Oo muu dac dhaho carada waa lala dillaacaaye'e


Sharmarkow ma haysaa the Berberaawi threats when he said:


Ciise muuse mooyee hadday cidiba noolaato..

I think it was more of a political threat thu though..

Xaaji Xiin,

Bacda Salaan,

the above one is Gabay Xad or Gabay xayir, remember it's the same style of CabdiSalaan xaaji Adan's peom pinch in Ismail Mirreh's Taleex :

"Ana taan lahaan jiray markaan tumasho so qaado"

from that point of view this was been said when Egal was young and upcoming primeminister with a politcal clout/influence. I think the late Qaasin created this Quarterlet/Rubaaciya.



its pure Rhetoric

Ciise mooyee hay cidba noolaato

Hadaan nabad ceelkaan ku riday cidi ka so saarto.

The originator was from Haud, somewhere like Xodayoo or Walwaal ama wardheer. smile.gif

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Thanks much yaa Sharmaarke! Didn't know it was gabay xayir, but i always undertood it in its political context! That the originator was from Hawd is a revelation to me! Reer Hawd wax ka kibir iyo booto badan...

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^^The guy was wispering to his horse and start like this:


Hadaan Caynabow Col iyo Guluf caato kugu raagin

Waxaad cuduwayntahay hadaan caato kugu raagin

Cidaan caynsho mooyee haday cidiba noolaato

hadaan nabada ceelkaan ku riday cidi kasoo saarto


Dont have the rest.

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