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I love Somali literature. Look how Ina Haabiil articulates why he couldn’t consume the death of his fellow clansman, Xirsi. Look at how he justifies his sleepless nights over it. Xirsi died a natural death. Death is inevitable experience. All that is true and Ina Haabiil is not arguing with it. Instead he eloquently lists the qualities that perished with Xirsi’s death; bravery, generosity, and good judgment. How he was a façade of good name for our clan, and a deterrent shield for the enemy. Laments Ina Haabil. Xirsi’s reputation, his says, transcended beyond the borders of Hawd. The West heard him and he was known in the East. Even infidels respected him.


Even if you are not fond of Somali literature these rare verses of eulogy should entice you to appreciate it. Read it yaa Jamaacah.


Wuxuu Yiri:


Faaraxow galgaladkaan dhigiyo gama' la'aantayda

Gogoshaan ku jiifsaday hurdada goodkii igu yaacay

Gasiinkii la ii dhigay waxaan gawska uga daayey


Dar guryii ka yimi baa war baas iila soo galaye

Geeridii Xirsay sheegayeen gacal ha waayeene

Goblamooyin waxay ii wadeen guuldarriyo hooge


Gabbal baa u dumey reerihii geliga Booc yiille

Abidkii rag waa go’i jiree tanise waa gaw’e

Lix hal oo u wada gaar ahaa gocanayaa mooyi


Mid weeye haddii lays galoo geel la kala qaado

Gurmad noqonayaa iyo annagu guuto bixinnaaba

Giiryaalihii fule markuu gelelef rooraayo

Rogaalkuu giraangirin ogaa gocanayaa mooyi


Geb hadday maritidu soo tidhaa goor u nala joogo

Godka lagu janneeyow hadduu goosan la carraabo

Garab saar rag weeyee hadduu gogosha soo qaado


Gasiinkii la soo dhigay haddaad gal iyo daad mooddo

Bakhayl baa gammiima'e intuu gaadhka ka qoslaayo

Godolkuu ku haasaawin jirey gocanayaa mooyi


Gar adkaatay, xaajada gurracan, guurti kala maagtay

Haddii geedka laysugu yimaad golaha waayeelka

Waxay gola fardooddaba haddii la isku soo gaadho


Nin waliba hadduu gees damcoo giijo madixiisa

Wax la wada gorfeeyaba haddii la isu geyn waayo

Gaagaabsayaa iyo isagu gees u hadal yaaba

Guddoonkii la wada raaci jirey gocanayaa mooyi


Gugoo da'ay aroosyada haddii gowda laga saaro

Shir girmidha haddii loo kiciyo gob iyo reer aada

Gammaan naaxay heensaha haddii guudka laga saaro


waa gelin is daawada halkii garangar loo joogey

Gole igu bannaanaa wallee garab la'aaneede

Gunnaduu ka soo toocin jirey gocanayaa mooyi


Gardarrada sokeeyaha rag baa gees biciid u lehe

Gudcurkiyo caddadu waa walaal kalase guul roone

Gaadiid Ia dhaanshuu ahaa gibil ma diidaane

Guraduu na wada saari jirey gocanayaa mooyi


Alla wuxuu golxaalow ahaa gedefka reeraaye

Magaciisu waa gudubsanaa gaaliyo Islaame

Galbeed iyo Baraa laga yiqiin gololkii dheeraaye

Gaashaan biruu noo ahaa gocanayaa mooyi


Adduunyadatan laga guurayo ee gebegebaa taagan

Ee laga galbaday meesha iyo geeridii Maxamed (NNKH)

Anuun baa gubtanyoonaya oo geesigii tebaye


Gartaa u noqday Eebbow ma jiro garangar waartaaye

Allahayow wax badan baan gefaye Adigu hay goynin

Oo geesta Nebigii i mari maanta lays gurayo.

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You can call it the (death of an hero), indeed Cali Jama Habiil illurstrated the high quality of hero - Geerid xirsi ayay sheegayeen gal hawaayeen.


Ina habiil was himeself a great critic of Sayid's actions in darawish hay days, telling one of those who rebeled and deserted darwiish. i think he was talking to ali dhuux, telling him - like, now look, you aint get nothing to be a darwish, but you were fighting a loosing battle.


Tunka ka leefa dhiiga iyo ilmada idin ka tiicaysa

Hadaba toogo baxa waa janaada talalxadeedeeiiye

tarbiicada bal dayaa wa ta kufriga nagu tilmaateen.


Thanks Xiin for the good gabay, please keep it coming ya sheekh. I assume that we are in a .

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Allahayow wax badan baan gefaye Adigu hay goynin


Ina habiil was himeself a great critic of Sayid's actions in darawish hay days,

He also criticised your namesake who was then the Ottomans' representative in Saylac.

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^^care to share what he said about the naaib in Saylac yaa Ayoub.


Sharmarke, the Master found Ina Habil's challenge quite inadequate and as you know composed a long gabay that covered many topics. The funny thing is Sayid only allocated one verse as a response to Ali Jamac’s gabay.


Huurale Cali Jamaac iyo, huluq dameer baa leh :D



As for him self and his Dervishes this is what Sayid Mohamed observed:


Hub wanaagsan heensiyo fardiyo, haybad iyo luuli

Hodya deeqa hoo iyo waxsiin, hor Alla geystaa leh,

Hannaan qurux san haashaar gobeed, hodon Dariiqaa leh smile.gif


Horweynkiyo haleelada nirgaha, loo hitiqinaayo

Haamaha karuurkee la shuban, holaca jiilaalka

Heel xoola laga buuxiyiyo, hibana Eebbaa leh


Hal madow higgaad iyo Quraan, Ha iyo Wow reebban

Harannimiyo hooyaale gabay, heello iyo maanso

Nin kaleba naftiisa ha hafree, hoodo anigow leh :D


ps-Sharmarkow soo wad maansada waad ogtahay anigu bahasha waa uun bilaabayee :D .

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Ka Daa ya Xiin, waad haysaa mansada,its amazing how a guy in a Usa can deliver all those maanso without effort :D


back to the top, everybody jumped to the band wangon, when the downfall of the master came nearer, such as Ali dhux's :


Wa lagu digtaa rux haduu ku darnaan jiray

Bal dayaay waka wadaadkii sii dabayshadayee.


This Hassan Tarabi's piece, part of a long gabay but he want to show that he took part of demolishing Sayids forces, if not leading the counter attack.


Wadaadkii cadceed iyo cadeed laga cabsoonaayay

isagoo cartiisii qaba oon cidina taataaban

ninkale ciyaar u ma dhaceen culus hasheesiiyee

guutada camuuda ah markii caalka loo geliyay

gebagebada ciirada markaad cardar xagaa mooday

caamir hooyadii iyo markay calaso ooyaysay


meesha ayuu mariyay.

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Sharmarke, those who lacked sufficient means to challenge the rule of Darwiishs, did so when time exacted unfavorable fate on the Master and his men. On that account there were countless poems and songs chanted by those who were from the shallow end of the pool so to speak to celebrate for Darwiish’s defeat! That was the lot who failed to put a good steed to the pace when the Master himself was available and sat on in the assembly. Kenadiid, the poet of Mudug captured the characteristics of such a lot:


Cabiidsigu siduu u yimid gumuhu waa is callaqayeen’e

Kuwii coodkaa noo raaci jirey baa caarran waayahane’e

Anagayba cay nagu hayyaan cidaha qaarkoode’e

Calaamooyinkaas eebahay soow kuma cibaar qaadan!


Ali Dhuh, in relation to Sayid, was one of those wicked poets who rejoiced his brother’s downfall and hence fits Kenadiid’s description. And as you remember when Sayid heard this miser’s verses of curse, he effortlessly responded:

Maxaad igaga digataa berruu siin lasoo dagieye’e


Time has been quite nice to Sayid's predictions and Somalis spent next decades to fight against white man's rule.

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So he was visionary when he said:


Marka hore dabkuu idinka guri dumarsidiisi'e

Marka xiga dushuu idinka rarai sida darmeerah'e

Marka xiga daabaqda ayuu idin dareensiin'e

Ananse labada daar'ood ta hore darajo moodayn'e

Dalka ma lihid aniga ku idhi dooro waynahah'e :D

Dagaalkii Nasaarada ana daalib ku ahaay'e

Ana diiday maanto laha deeqdan iga hooy'e

Doofaarka eyga ah anigaaan darihiis gelin.


very interesting indeed that bayt of Ana labada daar'ood ta hore darjoo modayn, so true, that is the malaise and the weak trait which detroyed muslims in general and somalis in paricular - making them cheap, affordable and alwyas stabbing within their own people and country for a merely little favours or a lower price.

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