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Somali F e m a l e President

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For those who firmly believe that a woman simply can not govern a country, are you justifying your opinions by Islamic laws. If so which verse(s) in the Quran exactly states that a woman is less competent than her male counterpart, or she lacks in leadership and intelligence to be a president.


We, women are not simply created to conceive children and obey thy wishes of our husbands, there is more to us!

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^^ Sista ..Allah (sw) says in the Quran: "And women have rights similar to the rights against them (the right of men) according to what is equitable and men have a degree over them." [sURATUL-BAQARAH: 228]


The rights of women that men are responsible for are compulsory just as the rights of men that women are responsible for are compulsory. The right of both (men and women) have been given the same ruling ...... it is not necessary that the rights of both take the same form. Instead, if women are responsible for a specific duty then so are men. Household matters, training and looking after the children are the responsibility of the women whereas men are responsible for earning a living so that they may fulfil the needs of women (their wives). It is a lady's duty to serve and obey her husband and the mehr (dowry) and expenditure of the women is the husband's duty.

There is however one quality on accord of which man have superiority over women.


This is why Allah(sw), at the end of this verse says: "and men have a degree over them."


Allah (sw)Again explains this degree of superiority that men have over women in this verse-"Men are overseers of women because Allah(sw) granted virtue to some of them (men) over others ( women) and because of their spending from their wealth". [suratul NISaa 34]



Allah (sw) knows best



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Therefore there is no law prohibiting a woman from been a president. If my career objective was to be future president, I am not committing any sin?


By the way people can juggle few tasks ie motherhood, jobs and demanding husbands.

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Sista a muslim should follow two things the Quran and the haddith of the prophet (swa)- I ststed earlier about why a woman cannot be a leader you can read my first post i replied to brotha legend..and you'll get your Answers there..


An authentic haddith- Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam Says .


I have not seen any one of deficient intellect and deen who is more destructive to the intelligence of a cautious man than you women."


then a woman asked the prophet (swa) - "Why is that, O messenger of Allah ? he replied


" Do you not spend a few nights without performing salâh and without keeping fast? This is the deficiency of her deen and the testimony of one of you equals half the testimony of a single man - this is the deficiency of her intellect.


"... so that if one of the two women errs, the second would remind her". (Al Baqarah, verse 281)


Allah (sw) knows best "



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Originally posted by Thinker:

a muslim should follow two things the Quran and the haddith of the prophet (swa)- I stated earlier about why a woman cannot be a leader

Walaal waan kugu raacsanay aniga arinkaa ay Diinteena inoo sheegtay,anigaaba dareemi kara inaynaan ka bixi karayn madaxtinimo iyo arimahaa.........Allaah ayaa ina sharfay hadaynu dumar nahay oo aanan dhibkaa dusha inaga saarin, hablahan doonaya madaxtinimada waxaa wanaagsan inay mas'uuliyadaha dul saaran si wanaagsan uga soo baxaan ooy u gutaan kuwaa ayaa laga yaabaa inay dayaceen markaa maan fahmin waxa ay u doonayaan arin aysan ka soo bixi karayn Diintana aysan u baneyn.



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Walaloyal, deenta sikalay aad u fahantan. Marka lagahadlo dumarka ayad hos baad uu dhigtan. Maarka lagahadlo dumarka intellectualkoda xaadiska umajedo aqonta dumarka iney gabantahay. Marka madax xanuunka, walida iyo niyaadjabka umadyahay aan dinta sifixan uu agoyn.


Niyadina ushayga inay gabadh nogondonta Madaxwayney. icon_razz.gif

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^^ Walaashay dumarka hoos looma dhigin ee mas'uuliyado kale oo ay ka soo bixi karaan ayaa la dul saaray, madaxtinimo maaha arin aynu ka soo bixi karno Allaah ayaana inooga aqoon badan nafsadeena markaa waxyaabihii uu inagu waajib yeelay aynu si wanaagsan u gudano oo aynu faraha ka qaadno howlaha aan ina khusayn.....sidaa ayay ku wanaagsanaan nolosheenee.



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Originally posted by LaVie:

Walaloyal, deenta sikalay aad u fahantan. Marka lagahadlo dumarka ayad hos baad uu dhigtan. Maarka lagahadlo dumarka intellectualkoda xaadiska umajedo aqonta dumarka iney gabantahay. Marka madax xanuunka, walida iyo niyaadjabka umadyahay aan dinta sifixan uu agoyn.


Niyadina ushayga inay gabadh nogondonta Madaxwayney.

Bal inaabti isa soo sharax aan kaa hor boodee.



There is only one hadith in which the Prophet (saw) spoke of female rule. The Persians and Romans were at war. The Persians, who were polytheists were lead by a woman- they were also openly hostile to Muslims and sided with Quraish against them. Anyway, the saxaabis followed the events that passed between the two nations and the Prophet (saw) made the prophecy that the nation lead by the woman will be doomed. The Persians lost the war.


The scholars differ in the interpretations of the above incident. Some say that it applies to all women rulers in general. Others say that it was dealing with that specific context.


I personally adhere to the thoughts of the second group in light of the other hadith of the Prophet (saw) where he instructed the Muslims to follow any ruler that upholds the Quraan and the Sunnah – even if it is a slave. He demonstrated this by putting Usamah bin Zaid as Head of an army expedition in spite of the objection of the elite of Makkah and Madinah.


Further more, there was also the incident where Aisha (ra) led and army made up of some great sahabas. This leads me to believe that if being lead by a woman is so destructive- the Sahabas would’ve asked Aisha (ra) to xishood, go home and cook!


The rule of woman is not specifically forbidden in Islam. So it cannot be made haraam. Even those who oppose the rule of woman are careful to say that is not recommended but they don’t say that it’s xaraam- right out.


Allah knows best.

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