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Afkena maxaa nodiday??????????????

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Somalideena maxaa odiiday inay kuawada hadlaan afkooda hooyo oo ay isku fahmaayaan hadey xataa afgaaledka ay fahmayaan mahan inay kuhadlaan ayaagoo leh luuq ay iskufahmaan oo cadkoda kugoosan karaan????????

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Hibo adiga waa na waashey maanta, marba new topic aad noo fureysa maad naga deysid,ma kuu jawaabi karno maanta oo dahn, haye waqtigaagi waa dhamaadey orod seexo, beri iskuul majiro miyaa.



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CouLd you eLaborate a LittLe bit more on this issue you are raising.In what stance are you taLking about?

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Zakiraye dood waa kadhiiban kartaa ee mahan inad dhahdo naga daa topic yadaa aad nagu wadid aniga kuma oron iga soo jawab ee adigaa soo dontay orodoo iska jiifo adiga ninku afdheraa waraa ama mesha waxa ku qoron kahadal ama waxba haku qorin

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Lucky Lucky,,,

adiga camal waye dadka aan shegayo lucky maahan inaad igu soo jawabtid ama igula hadashid luuqad aadan laheyn aniga kuma lihi totally afsomali kuhadal ee waxaan kuleeyahay madama aadan aheyn qof ajinabi ah oo aad kaseysid luqadena kusoo hadal ee ingiris haigula hadlin galada kula hadal ingiriskaan wax qalad ahna ha ufahmin ee waa topic dhan ayaba ah inaan nahay dad jil jilic san oo mooda reer magalnima dhanba inay taahy inaan ku hadalno afgaaledka

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aboo aboo hibo adiga Abeeso lee igu noqotay see waayee, hayeh hurda aa ku heyso waan kuu sheegay,markaad soo kacdo beri aan kula hadlaa,habeen wacan.and what is this all about Afdheer thing, are u out of ur mind hibo.Hibo adiga Old school maad tahey, noo sheegbo,walaashiis.



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Zakariye adiga waba waxaaga waa kalay aan murano meshaan topic ayaa soo qoray warkii aba iga badisay afdheerka dhan iga leexi(waa warbadan tahay)marka old schol mahi wana ahay mee wiilka new scholka ahow bal adiga buuro kudhis schoolkaan jini oo sheegeysid akaka smile.gif

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Look your topic is just pLain you need to eLaborate on this you know.


PeopLe Like me huh?WeLL i wiLL say this again just because you are fortunate enough to have Learned to write in somaLi doesnt mean you have the right to start Looking down on the rest of us.


WeLL i wiLL have you know that i dont write in somaLi because my writing is terribLe.I came to the states as a young kid and i wasnt fortunate enough to Learn to write in somaLi or have oLder sibLings or anyone eLse teach me.I happen to be proud of the progress i have made on my own...Learning to read somaLi that is---aLL on my own.So next time i wouLd suggest you explain this theory of yours aight and before you start pointing fingers why dont you ask first eh?

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lucky wa iska waleysa gabarey ee luga dhulka dhig aniga miyaa kuyeray oo ku iri kalay wax kahadal" eLaborate " bisinkow wax kalle maba taqanaid miyaa aah ereygaas aheyn naa afsomalina waa naqaan afgaledna waxba igalamamaqno marka gabaryahay dheereyneysa kcaga dhigo oo hadey dadka kujecel yihiin maxaa iga galay oo igu sheegaysey ma isheg baan ku iri allah abkar kabiraa

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You obvisiouLy have a probLem understanding.You need to re-read what i wrote and if it isnt cLear enough for you---you most certainLy can ask for cLarification.I gave you my input and whether you Like it or not i wiLL have you know Im entitLed to my OPINION as you are to your so take it or Leave it.


And about that LittLe story that i gave was to make point---a point you evidentLy faiLed to comprehend.By the way there is no need for me to be 'crazy' as you cLaim.You have just proved to me how 'narrow-minded' you are as a person. :rolleyes: Take ir or Leave it,its my Opinion and i certainLy dont need to have your approvaL or permission per say as to what whatever i decide to post :rolleyes: .

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Aniga miyaad iga maqashay sida wax loo aqriyo i barnaa naa maxaa kaa qaldan oo wali ikaa dabo dhigay mise waxaad isledahay midaan mesha kucusub iska jab jabso lol waba yabee lucky maxaa kudaran afsomali kahu hadlin hadad rabto shaqadeyda maahan topic mesha ku xusan ama iskaga tag oo leyrta isii

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OG Moti   

Somalida mushilad weyn ayaa ka dhextaalo, there is a big problem that is facing somalis, looool Communication skills is b adly needed in somali societies, for instance Zakariya was joking with the sister "wuu kaftamayey" but she understood differently "dagaal bey ufahantay" and i am not blaming her, because we somalis never had training in communication skills and we seem to be a very diffensive nation, we get personal, that is why .. Somalis are seen so unique by foriegners that they are hot tempered and confrontational people loool another example Lucky asked more amplification or explanation but her message was misunderstood and considered as an attack...


marka walaasheen hibo nuur has asked a good question waxey tiri maxaa loo gafaanaa lugada somaliga, my answer to that is there are some somalis oo kafaana but mostly somalis can not write somali or read or use somali to express their idea, simply they dont have somali writing skills and u can not blame them for that... and come on since the war began no somali schools so how on earth they would learn somali beside people in here all live out side somalia.. anyway ... maybe we need to open a topic for teaching somali.. or online tutoriaL and charge something like $5 dollars a month.. ;) actually i might start doing that... so wait and see.. peace

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og moti wax is fahmi wa ah maba jiran ee meshan aba waxan ku arkay dad ka fanayo luqadooda oo kufanayo luqad aysan laheyn topicnah sidii aan karabay waba noqon layahay saa dadkaan aba wax kastoo weydiyo su aal iyo waxan loojoogin oo mesha ku qorneyn kahadlayo anyz adiga lee so far fahmah topic micnihiisa iyo waxa loga dan leyahay

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OG Moti   

Walaashey hibo nur, topiga dadka dhan wey fahmeen, ee anaga oodhan somali maryooley oo aniga kow ka ahay isma dhageysano, dagaalka na waan kudagdagnaa, waa baa waxa layiri .. nin sudani iyo mid somali baa isqabsaday, kadib kii somaliga ninkii buu feer kubilaabay, ninkii baa yaqabay oo waxuu yiri wan ninyahow ukaadi wali meeshaa maba eynan gaarin marka hore waa ineynu is caynaa saacad oo kale, kadibna is riix riixnaa markaan daalno buu feerku bilaawdaa

Translation of the above story

one day there was a fight between a somali and a sudanese, and the somali start hitting and punching the sudanese guy, and the sudanese guys said to the somali wait the minute, this suppose to be the last step, we suppose to call each other names and push each other before the punching start

the point of the story is we somalis communicate with our hands .. and we badly in need of communication skills and listen to each other people we re-act...


Marka anaga somalida isma dhageysano dagaal baa naga soo horeeya, and somali war now is not qabiiil and it does not make sense .. it is a product of mis-coummunication, walahi hadii somalida labari lahaa communication today our country will be in peace looool marka walaashey Hibo nuur adigana u qafiifi, iyagana wey kuu qafiifin, lets start a better communication



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