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Cambridge University: Darlington Studentships for Somaliland students

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The Council of Gonville and Caius College invite applications for Richard Darlington Studentships. These studentships have been endowed by the family of Richard Darlington and are intended to help gifted students from Somaliland universities to undertake postgraduate work at Cambridge. – Deadline:30th June 2010 They are open to candidates who are not already members of the College but who propose to register as graduate students in the University of Cambridge and follow an approved Master’s postgraduate course.


The value of the Studentship will be determined after considering successful candidates’ income from any other sources. Students will be expected to apply for national or international studentships or other research awards for which they may be eligible, for example, awards from the Cambridge Trusts or CISS (Cambridge International Scholarships).


Tenure of a studentship is conditional upon the elected Student having been accepted by the Board of Graduate Studies (BGS) for admission to the University. Application forms for admission to the University may be obtained from the Secretary, Board of Graduate Studies, 4 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1RZ or Candidates must be graduates of any university in Somaliland, or be about to graduate not later than August 2010. They will be expected to be of outstanding academic ability.


The award of a Studentship may be conditional upon the candidate’s obtaining satisfactory results in his or her final degree examinations. Successful candidates will become members of the College, and will be expected to come into residence in October 2010.


All successful candidates will have the right, if unmarried, to live in College accommodation during their first year of residence in Cambridge. Married students can usually be accommodated in a College flat.


Application forms for Studentships are available from the Admissions Office, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge CB2 1TA (Tel: +44 1223 332440, fax: +44 1223 332456, email: Alternatively, the form may be downloaded and printed from the web. The completed form should reach the Admissions Office by 30th June 2010, for entry in October 2010. In awarding the Studentship, first consideration will be given to candidates who nominate Gonville and Caius College as their College of first preference in their application to the Board of Graduate Studies.

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