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Howto Setup Website/Blog part2 - theming

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If you are not quite ready to code new theme or designing your own theme, you may want to consider choosing one of the many free WordPress Themes, available throughout the net.


Installing WordPress themes is actually so simple that it will likely take you longer to find the theme you would like to use, than it will take you to install it. You will still be able to customize the theme, but it will give you a starting point to work from while you are working on improving your coding and CSS skills.


1. Visit wordpress themes directory and download a theme of your choose.


2. Unzip the theme.


3. upload the new theme to your web server using ftp client, on windows use Firezilla.


4. place the new themes to the themes directory under wp-content folder.

wp-content > themes



5. Go to your site, click site admin link, login.


6. Click Design.




7. Activate the new theme by simply clicking on it.




8. Test Drive your new theme.





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