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Isaac Newton and the athiest

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The story is told of an atheist scientist, a friend of Sir Isaac Newton, who knocked on the door and came in after he had just finished making his solar system machine (i.e. one of the machines like the one in the science museum where you crank the handle and the planets and moons move round).


The man saw the machine and said 'how wonderful' and went over to it and started cranking the handle and the planets went round. As he was doing this he asked, 'Who made this?'


Sir Isaac stopped writing and said 'nobody did'. Then he carried on writing.


The man said, 'you didn't hear me. Who made the machine?' Newton replied, 'I told you. Nobody did.' He stopped cranking and turned to Isaac 'Now listen Isaac, this marvelous machine must have been made by somebody - don't keep saying that nobody made it.'


At which point Isaac Newton stopped writing and got up. He looked at him and said 'Now isn't it amazing. I tell you that nobody made a simple toy like that and you don't believe me. Yet you gaze out into the solar System - the intricate marvelous machine that is around you - and you dare say to me that no one made that. I don't believe it'.


As far as the record goes the atheist went away and he was no longer an atheist. He was suddenly converted to the idea that God was behind the laws that were found in creation.

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Great story, Simple Nomad,


Think about this:


At maturity, a human being is composed of the following:


75,000,000,000,000 cells (trillion)


Which fall in only 200 cell types


Making 4 types of tissues


To operate 11 (eleven) organ systems


Assembling a single human being


For What purpose?


To Worship Allah, their maker.


Subxaanallah cammaa yaquuluuna culuwan kabeeraa.


Afa xasibtum annamaa khalaqnaakum cabathan wa annakum ileynaa laa turjacuun?


Do you then think that we have created you for fun, and that you are not coming back to us? ( Quraan)




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