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Brother Nur as much as I want to work for my Somali people but then I don't think I can take that responsibility, besides, can Somalis allow women to become a president?


Aniga waxaan dhihilahaa Simply the Best way noqon kartaa President waxaan kaloo filayaa inay qaadi karto masuuliyaddaas culus.




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Asalamu Alaykum


we're in the last quarter of 2005,

it is wise to reflect on the past year

and plan for the next, Insha'Allah

hope your gardens were fruitfull this year

and may you become more prosperous in the next.

good cultivations!



Islamic Financial Planning - Dr Mohd. Ma'sum Billah

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Where has brother M U H A M M A D disappeared to? any Nomads who spots this brother please report his website to SOL Admins.




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This is a great thread, I dont know how I missed it. Right now I'm working with local hospital in the finance department budgetting for the uninsured in this county. I enjoy my job alhamdulilah, but the only problem is finding doctors who are willing to take these patients for very little money. I only can do so much, but I can't help but feel guilty though that some of these people can't get the care they need unless its a true emergency and show up at the emergency room. I'm in the process of them not getting the help they deserve, should I feel responsible for it.

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Raxmah sis


May Allah bless you for your selfless feeling toward fellow man, you see sister, morally it hurts to see a patient turned away from a hospital for lack of funds, in the extreme capitalist world, the board of the hospital has its priorities in terms of Dollars, not the positive difference they have made in the lives of people, their investors want higher ROI ( return on investment) not benevolence, these investors pay the election expenses of the lawmakers, the lawmakers lose their humanity when they legislate the cutting of the cord of poor patients while billions to sustain profitability intersts of their financial donors, while they spend billion on political agendas far from home, again, for investors.


The problem in Capitalism is that the human value is diluted, we are measured in terms of how many dollars we have, your worth is in your possesions, that is why we are in a rat race competing to die with most possesions in our estate.


In your case, the best way to relieve your conscious would be to refer them after a research on alternative souces of medical grants for those turned away by your institution, you are not responsible for their plight, but a kind word and an advice of where to look for help goes a long way, and for that Allah will reward you generously for helping a human being in pain.




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