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Muslim Friend!

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Muslim Friend


A Muslim friend is one that constantly reminds you of Allah.


A Muslim Friend is one that gives you sincere Naseehah.


A Muslim Friend is one that lends a helping hand when you are in need.


A Muslim Friend is one that remind you to follow a bad deed with a good deed.


A Muslim Friend is one that loves you for the sake of our Creator.


A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you of Allah to whom or which there is no one or nothing Greater.


A Muslim Friend is one that lends a listening ear.


A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you that Allah never gives us more than we can bear.


A Muslim Friend is one who asks "Have you read Qur'an today".


A Muslim friend is one that reminds you it is time to pray.


A Muslim Friend reminds you that our goal is Jannah.


A Muslim Friend stray you from being caught up in the dunyâ.


A Muslim Friend reminds you of death.


A Muslim Friend consoles you and tells you not to fret.


A Muslim Friend is one who says they love you and mean it.


A Muslim Friend is not one who says things just to be eloquent.


A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you to make supplication.


A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you; only in your Lord you will find satisfaction.


A Muslim Friend is one who is patient and reminds you to be patient.


A Muslim Friend is one that reminds you that Allah is with those who are patient.


A Muslim Friend reminds you to follow the Qur'aan and the Sunnah.


A Muslim Friend reminds you that, this will be our path to Jannah.


A Muslim Friend never spreads your business on the street


A Muslim Friend is so kind and discreet.


A Muslim Friend is not one to quickly judge or deem you worthless.


A Muslim Friend reminds you that in your Lord you seek forgiveness.


Are you and I ready to be a Muslim Friend TODAY?


All praise is for Allah who guided us to Islaam and blessed us with it and placed us in the best nation, so we ask Him to grant us that we keep to that which He loves and is pleased with and avoid that which He hates and which angers Him. ameen.

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