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This is the year 2103, some of the news headlines:


New York Times


President Abdullah Tannenbaum has formally asked congressional committee on Islamic affairs to expedite the appropriation of three hundred Billion Dollars for the next fiscal year for Islamic education in public schools.


The president was convinced that the positive results of the 12 year pilot project executed by Council for Islamic Alternative ( CIA) to test how Islamic education can assure reaching the US national goals of highly focused and driven graduates with high moral character and work ethics.


The initiative warrants that the nation survival depends on an investment in an Islamic education program for schools. The president was so encouraged that he told to Congress that the law enforcement is behind his initiative after they have received positive results in their own study which supports the presidents initiative. Congress is expected to approve the bill early January 2104.


On another front, the European Union president Mr. Ahmed Gunter Kuhlmann and The ASEAN Union of States president Mr. Mohammed Suzuki have jointly proposed uniting the Pacific and the Atlantic under a single government that can serve humanity in a better way. President Abdullah Tannenbaum of The USA is very sympathetic to the idea and have even suggested that the three superpowers collectively cooperate in disseminating Islamic knowledge in Africa, Asia and the Arab World, nations that are suffering severe economic and social upheavals due to the vacuum created by deforestation and the oil bust respectively.


Also, Mr. Suzuki has proposed the creation of the Makkah fund to flatten the hills around Makkah in order to increase the capacity of worshipers from the current 4 Million per year to 30 Million per year due to his large constituency in China and India. The Disney parks CEO Mr. Ali Disney has proposed a visionary architecture that will allow up to 30 million pilgrims to make the Hajj by the year 2106 when the project is completed.



Of course the above is fiction, but below are the drivers that could make such a scenario possible.



1. The Death of Distance through this medium (internet), and Hybrid Air-Space planes that will fly two hours between New York and Garasbaalley or Jarriiban, which are on the drawing boards.


2. The failure of Communism to add a value to mankind's material needs (let alone spiritual) and the impending failure of "Democracy" to walk its talk, in its claim of truly representing the wishes of the people ( or should we change it the wishes of the influential).


3.The spiritual void created by secularism ( OK, you allow two men marry each other, what is next? Secularism must be running out of thrills!)


4. Islam's Supremacy and comprehensiveness in every sphere of life compared to all other religions and political theories combined.


The first item will lead to the breaking of mental barriers that have kept Islam depicted in a negative way. ( QOD) Quraan on Demand, Quraan will be viewed for the first time ever without biased middleman's interpretation to reach directly thought consumers wherever they are.


The second item, Communism failed to provide bread to the workers, and Democracy began showing cracks, first in Algeria when the people clearly were leaning to elect an Islamist government and the "free" world interfered through their support of a military dictatorship instead of a democratically elected civilian government.


What happened in Algeria is similar to a sales man who made a presentation to sell a product, once he was done, the customer decided to use the product for his own application, and the salesman who does not like the customers application, decided to interfere with the method the customer should be using the product.


3. The third Item, In the non Islamic world, there is affluence in terms of material wealth, but there is poverty in terms of spiritual wealth. People are desperate to find their creator, which is an embedded trait like upstream migration trait in a salmon fish. But their false gods are in the way ( Media). The minute these people come in contact with Islam, and listen with an open mind, they feel freed like a bird. I have personally seen the fervor of new reverts to Islam and how much they value their new identity. Islam is growing fastest among Women in the west, isn't that interesting? of all groups, proving that the King has no clothes.


4. Fourth item, Here comes the solution, a one stop shop for all mankind's needs in this world connected to their needs in the next life. In today's parlance we call convergence of media, when we converge networks to save money and provide a better service. And in business when companies combine their assets and employees and cut waste to become profitable. So you can see why Islam is getting so much attention these days instead of Falun Gong. Islam can deliver and can save mankind.




2002 eNuri Forecasting Service

Engaging your Mind

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very interesting scenario. I would agree with you that east asia may Insha'Allah accept Islam in the near future, especially Japan and China. But will take a lot of work and effort to bring in the message of Islam into their living rooms. I would suggest, first there needs to be a pure Islamic model State in this world, before we expect to see people entering Islam in large numbers.


where can we find such a model?


I think it depends on who has the Iman to adopt such feared model. The only country that has a good chance of succeeding in this, I would say is Pakistan. The only reason I say this is because it is the only Muslim country who has the man power and faith power to become a good model. It is true it has long way to go, but the Pakistanis are masha'Allah very hard working people.


The other States who I think might have chance is althought it may suprise you, The Central Asian states, especialy Uzbekistan. Alhamdulilah with the fall of the Soviets, these great worriers are once again starting to build their faith and come back to their roots. It is true they also have some tough obsticals to face, but Insha'Allah they will over come them. The glorious cities of Islam, Bukhara and Samarkan will Insha'Allah once again shine their light upon the world.


Allah knows best!

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Islam shall rise again from a place that you may not expect, proof: Allah SWT says in Quraan:


" Wa in tata wallow, yastakhlif qawman gheyrakum thumma laa yakuunuu amthaalakum"


Meaning: " And in case you ( Muslims) do not live up to the responsibility that was laid on your shoulders, ( Allah) will replace you with another nation ( to do the job) and they will not be the likes of you"


So, watch and wait, after seing Leicester and Birmingham Mulsims, I know that there are more fans for Allah there than Manchester United, it is amazing what is happening in Europe and North America!




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Breaking News


I heard in the news that the US government is now funding Islamic schools MADARASSA in Bangladesh, so that the new generation Muslims do not grow up with hatred toward the USA, if this pilot succeeds, which is likely, my prediction of the US government funding Islamic schools in the USA will come true.





e-Nuri Future Forcasts

Fiction today, Reality Tomorrow

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yes that is your prediction and it can any time prove right,but do not forget that ayah(ina ladiin kafaruu yunfiquun ammwaalahum liyasuduu can sabililaah,fasayunfiquunaha thumm takuun calaym xastaran ...)

it is the tradition of unbeliever to poure many and wealth to stop the spred of islam but actually they are provided it for it's success.

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Sayfullah Al Masluul bro.


Its all about sponsors, Allah sponsors GOOD on earth, Satan sponsors EVIL, Allah is the creator and Satan is a creation, Satan is also an avowed enemy of mankind, he succeeded in misleading some humans by deception, giving them false hope, while allah is offering true promises, we know, they are betting, its about belief and disbelief at the end, the result will show, but behind curtains while game is still contiuing in the this side ( worldly life)




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This prediction of mine worgfully assumes that America will still have some money after all the adventures it is involved, to date, Iraq is costing the US close to 500 Billion dollars, which means, that as China rises, producing all goods currently prodiused in America at a tenth the cost, and as EU 600 Million strong market becomes a barrier to US goods, and Africa becomes Chinas client, there may not be enough money left over to spend in Education, if ten percent of the Iraqi war budget was spent to build homes for the poor in Africa, by donating to Jimmy Carter's Habitat For Humanity Program, the US might have had credibility even if it was trying to steal Iraqi oil, but spending that much money on contractors, does not help the image of the US anywhere in the world.




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My Prediction for the year 2013 was that America will be lead by a Jewish Ameican convert I named Abdullah Tannenbaum from New York. If you follow the news these days, we have Barak Obama, wearing Somali head dress in Wajir, the Somali province of Kenya. If this guy wins the election, my predictions will come to light.




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The All-White Elephant in the Room


By Frank Rich


04/08/07 "New York Times" -- Bored by those endless replays of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright? If so, go directly to YouTube, search for "John Hagee Roman Church Hitler," and be recharged by a fresh jolt of clerical jive.


What you'll find is a white televangelist, the Rev. John Hagee, lecturing in front of an enormous diorama. Wielding a pointer, he pokes at the image of a woman with Pamela Anderson-sized breasts, her hand raising a golden chalice. The woman is "the Great Whore," Mr. Hagee explains, and she is drinking "the blood of the Jewish people." That's because the Great Whore represents "the Roman Church," which, in his view, has thirsted for Jewish blood throughout history, from the Crusades to the Holocaust.


Mr. Hagee is not a fringe kook but the pastor of a Texas megachurch. On Feb. 27, he stood with John McCain and endorsed him over the religious conservatives' favorite, Mike Huckabee, who was then still in the race.


Are we really to believe that neither Mr. McCain nor his camp knew anything then about Mr. Hagee's views? This particular YouTube video - far from the only one - was posted on Jan. 1, nearly two months before the Hagee-McCain press conference. Mr. Hagee appears on multiple religious networks, including twice daily on the largest, Trinity Broadcasting, which reaches 75 million homes. Any 12-year-old with a laptop could have vetted this preacher in 30 seconds, tops.


Since then, Mr. McCain has been shocked to learn that his clerical ally has made many other outrageous statements. Mr. Hagee, it's true, did not blame the American government for concocting AIDS. But he did say that God created Hurricane Katrina to punish New Orleans for its sins, particularly a scheduled "homosexual parade there on the Monday that Katrina came."


Mr. Hagee didn't make that claim in obscure circumstances, either. He broadcast it on one of America's most widely heard radio programs, "Fresh Air" on NPR, back in September 2006. He reaffirmed it in a radio interview less than two weeks ago. Only after a reporter asked Mr. McCain about this Katrina homily on April 24 did the candidate brand it as "nonsense" and the preacher retract it.


Mr. McCain says he does not endorse any of Mr. Hagee's calumnies, any more than Barack Obama endorses Mr. Wright's. But those who try to give Mr. McCain a pass for his embrace of a problematic preacher have a thin case. It boils down to this: Mr. McCain was not a parishioner for 20 years at Mr. Hagee's church.


That defense implies, incorrectly, that Mr. McCain was a passive recipient of this bigot's endorsement. In fact, by his own account, Mr. McCain sought out Mr. Hagee, who is perhaps best known for trying to drum up a pre-emptive "holy war" with Iran. (This preacher's rantings may tell us more about Mr. McCain's policy views than Mr. Wright's tell us about Mr. Obama's.) Even after Mr. Hagee's Catholic bashing bubbled up in the mainstream media, Mr. McCain still did not reject and denounce him, as Mr. Obama did an unsolicited endorser, Louis Farrakhan, at the urging of Tim Russert and Hillary Clinton. Mr. McCain instead told George Stephanopoulos two Sundays ago that while he condemns any "anti-anything" remarks by Mr. Hagee, he is still "glad to have his endorsement."


I wonder if Mr. McCain would have given the same answer had Mr. Stephanopoulos confronted him with the graphic video of the pastor in full "Great Whore" glory. But Mr. McCain didn't have to fear so rude a transgression. Mr. Hagee's videos have never had the same circulation on television as Mr. Wright's. A sonorous white preacher spouting venom just doesn't have the telegenic zing of a theatrical black man.


Perhaps that's why virtually no one has rebroadcast the highly relevant prototype for Mr. Wright's fiery claim that 9/11 was America's chickens "coming home to roost." That would be the Sept. 13, 2001, televised exchange between Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, who blamed the attacks on America's abortionists, feminists, gays and A.C.L.U. lawyers. (Mr. Wright blamed the attacks on America's foreign policy.) Had that video re-emerged in the frenzied cable-news rotation, Mr. McCain might have been asked to explain why he no longer calls these preachers "agents of intolerance" and chose to cozy up to Mr. Falwell by speaking at his Liberty University in 2006.


None of this is to say that two wacky white preachers make a Wright right. It is entirely fair for any voter to weigh Mr. Obama's long relationship with his pastor in assessing his fitness for office. It is also fair to weigh Mr. Obama's judgment in handling this personal and political crisis as it has repeatedly boiled over. But whatever that verdict, it is disingenuous to pretend that there isn't a double standard operating here. If we're to judge black candidates on their most controversial associates - and how quickly, sternly and completely they disown them - we must judge white politicians by the same yardstick.


When Rudy Giuliani, still a viable candidate, successfully courted Pat Robertson for an endorsement last year, few replayed Mr. Robertson's greatest past insanities. Among them is his best-selling 1991 tome, "The New World Order," which peddled some of the same old dark conspiracy theories about "European bankers" (who just happened to be named Warburg, Schiff and Rothschild) that Mr. Farrakhan has trafficked in. Nor was Mr. Giuliani ever seriously pressed to explain why his cronies on the payroll at Giuliani Partners included a priest barred from the ministry by his Long Island diocese in 2002 following allegations of sexual abuse. Much as Mr. Wright officiated at the Obamas' wedding, so this priest officiated at (one of) Mr. Giuliani's. Did you even hear about it?


There is not just a double standard for black and white politicians at play in too much of the news media and political establishment, but there is also a glaring double standard for our political parties. The Clintons and Mr. Obama are always held accountable for their racial stands, as they should be, but the elephant in the room of our politics is rarely acknowledged: In the 21st century, the so-called party of Lincoln does not have a single African-American among its collective 247 senators and representatives in Washington. Yes, there are appointees like Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice, but, as we learned during the Mark Foley scandal, even gay men may hold more G.O.P. positions of power than blacks.


A near half-century after the civil rights acts of the 1960s, this is quite an achievement. Yet the holier-than-thou politicians and pundits on the right passing shrill moral judgment over every Democratic racial skirmish are almost never asked to confront or even acknowledge the racial dysfunction in their own house. In our mainstream political culture, this de facto apartheid is simply accepted as an intractable given, unworthy of notice, and just too embarrassing to mention aloud in polite Beltway company. Those who dare are instantly accused of "political correctness" or "reverse racism."


An all-white Congressional delegation doesn't happen by accident. It's the legacy of race cards that have been dealt since the birth of the Southern strategy in the Nixon era. No one knows this better than Mr. McCain, whose own adopted daughter of color was the subject of a vicious smear in his party's South Carolina primary of 2000.


This year Mr. McCain has called for a respectful (i.e., non-race-baiting) campaign and has gone so far as to criticize (ineffectually) North Carolina's Republican Party for running a Wright-demonizing ad in that state's current primary. Mr. McCain has been posing (awkwardly) with black people in his tour of "forgotten" America. Speaking of Katrina in New Orleans, he promised that "never again" would a federal recovery effort be botched on so grand a scale.


This is all surely sincere, and a big improvement over Mitt Romney's dreams of his father marching with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Up to a point. Here, too, there's a double standard. Mr. McCain is graded on a curve because the G.O.P. bar is set so low. But at a time when the latest Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll shows that President Bush is an even greater drag on his popularity than Mr. Wright is on Mr. Obama's, Mr. McCain's New Orleans visit is more about the self-interested politics of distancing himself from Mr. Bush than the recalibration of policy.


Mr. McCain took his party's stingier line on Katrina aid and twice opposed an independent commission to investigate the failed government response. Asked on his tour what should happen to the Ninth Ward now, he called for "a conversation" about whether anyone should "rebuild it, tear it down, you know, whatever it is." Whatever, whenever, never mind.


For all this primary season's obsession with the single (and declining) demographic of white working-class men in Rust Belt states, America is changing rapidly across all racial, generational and ethnic lines. The Census Bureau announced last week that half the country's population growth since 2000 is due to Hispanics, another group understandably alienated from the G.O.P.


Anyone who does the math knows that America is on track to become a white-minority nation in three to four decades. Yet if there's any coherent message to be gleaned from the hypocrisy whipped up by Hurricane Jeremiah, it's that this nation's perennially promised candid conversation on race has yet to begin

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Islam's holiest city set for 130-skyscraper redevelopment


Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent The Guardian, Thursday May 29 2008.


The holiest city in Islam is to get a £6bn facelift, it was announced yesterday, with homes and hills being flattened to make way for hotels, apartments, shopping malls and transport facilities for pilgrims. Six development projects ordered by the Saudi monarch, King Abdullah, will transform Mecca, which struggles to accommodate the millions of Muslims who pour into the city every year to perform hajj.


The biggest change will be to the courtyards of the Grand Mosque, which can hold at least 100,000 worshippers during prayer times. An ambitious expansion programme has led to the demolition of 1,000 properties in the immediate Shamiya area and Saudi authorities have set aside an estimated £80m to compensate the homeowners.


There will also be a new residential district to the south-west of the mosque. Construction firms have begun to level hills to create a 230,000 square metre area that will include high-rise apartments and air conditioned prayer facilities for up to 120,000.


A new ring road, four kilometres (2.5 miles) long and 80m wide, will ease congestion and link to the Jeddah highway, while a project to the south of the mosque will increase prayer space from 1,170 to 30,000 square metres and provide parking space for more than 1,000 cars.


But Irfan Al Alawi, the founder and former executive director the Islamic Heritage Research Foundation, said: "It's the Manhattanisation of Mecca. The Saudis want to build skyscrapers. The worry is that as they level hills and mountains they will destroy sites of cultural interest."


A report by the Saudi British Bank, one of the kingdom's biggest lenders, estimates that £15bn will be invested by local and foreign companies in construction and infrastructure in Mecca in the next four years. Up to 130 new skyscrapers are anticipated, including the Abraj Al Bait Towers, a seven-tower project that will be one of the largest buildings in the world, with a 2,000-room hotel, a 1,500-person convention centre, heliports and a four-storey mall that will house hundreds of outlets.


The pilgrims already have the opportunity to stop at Next, TopShop and Starbucks in between their religious rituals.


For developers, Mecca is a concrete business investment, with the guarantee of millions of visitors each year. The world's estimated 1.4 billion Muslims are obliged to complete hajj once in their lifetime if they have the means to do so. Last year up to 4 million people completed hajj, with millions more visiting during the rest of the year.


Next week Mecca - which is strictly off limits to non-Muslims - will host a three-day conference on the importance of dialogue with other religions. The event, to be opened by King Abdullah, will feature scholars and academics from the Islamic world

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eNuri frecasting Service predicted the the USA will have a Jewish-Muslim American President by the fictitious name of Abdullah Tannenaum by the year 2103. Well that prediction is now more believable as we have Barak Hussein Obama, as the President Elect ( which eNuri Predicted during his campaign that he will be elected ).


Barak Obama was a Muslim by birth, raised as Christian, and now serves the Jewsih State of Isreal. What a great peacemaker? also he comes with two flavors, Chocolate and Vanilla, with a little topping of Banana ( Indonisian)! this man can make everyone hear what they want, his smile is the new weapon of mass disorientation, it should be listed with the International Nuclear Regulatory Commission.




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In the following Report: Understanding Sufism and its Potential Role in US Policy by the Nixon Center for Security and Energy Notice the connection between SECURITY and ENERGY aka OIL The Report proposes that the USA invests in SUFI Education in the Muslim World, so that they can get rid of the WAHHABI Interpretation of Islam which is producing TERRORISM against USA Energy Interests in Muslim World .


The Strategy is like breeding peaceful Honey bees in areas infested with Killer Bees, the problem is that if the Peaceful bees breed with the killer bees, you may have a new breed that is a cross between the two, that is neither peaceful nor lethal, just disturbing the drilling of oil wells in the region!



The Three main Proposals to align US foreign policy strategy with Energy needs of US in the Muslim World are:


First is in the preservation and/or reconstruction of shrines of Saints and their associated centers of learning. The Salafis deny the concept of Saints and often destroy and desecrate centuries-old shrines, particularly in Central Asia. Rebuilding and preserving them would fortify the ancient traditions of the people. She reminded the audience that these are the places where people from all over the world would gather to socialize, learn and build bridges of tolerance and understanding. They also are great sources of legitimate foreign-currency earnings because they attract international tourism.


Second is in the preservation and translation of ancient manuscripts. Some of the great poetry and science as well as historically important literary manuscripts remain obscure because there is no funding for efforts to disseminate them. With such assistance, the documents could prove to a wider audience the historical precedent for such inclusive traditions within Islam.


About the eNuri Forecast of 2002, that USA will get into the Islamic Education Business, here is the last recommendation of the Nixon Center:


Thirdly, the US could be helpful in the creation and funding of educational centers that focus on ancient history and civilization of the region, with a particular emphasis on the precedent of religious and ethnic toleration. These centers can also help the community “retrain” those youth who have become disenchanted with the aggressiveness of Wahhabi thought.



Read the complete Report here






2009 Sufi Islamic Schools in Somalia

Sponsored by ExxonMobile & British Petroleum

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yes , have you ever thought of the islamic space travel program? who is more suited than muslims to comprehend the whole issue of space could they go to the moon and not hiss the saudi flag?

there also valuable lessons to be learned in the book "buluughul maraam" about survival in outer space.

i heard space technology is already here they just can't find people who can deal with the stress of long space journeys,and since they're all superstitious they thougt maybe get a few muslims since they seem to have some excalibur thing going on....


yes but on our terms please!

the russian team is bringing out stuff they had been saving for this occasion,nowadays they leave the building of the euipment to daimler benz.

we want to call the first space ship "tal 'afar" and the first colony on mars "sabra&shatila"

the station "mir" is from now on called "taleh"

...and someone tell NASA to go get a life i don't think they can be salvaged.


content with Allah as our lord

and mohamed as a prophet

and islam as DIIN


by the way what is the correct translation for istighfar? google translate just said astgar.

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Epidemic? Half of US Teens ‘Meet Criteria for Mental Disorder’


By Agence France-Presse


October 16, 2010 "AFP" -- WASHINGTON — Around half of US teens meet the criteria for a mental disorder and nearly one in four report having a mood, behavior or anxiety disorder that interferes with daily life, American researchers say.


Fifty-one percent of boys and 49 percent of girls aged 13-19 have a mood, behavior, anxiety or substance use disorder, according to the study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.


In 22.2 percent of teens, the disorder was so severe it impaired their daily activities and caused great distress, says the study led by Kathleen Merikangas of the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH).


"The prevalence of severe emotional and behavior disorders is even higher than the most frequent major physical conditions in adolescence, including asthma or diabetes," the study says.


Mental problems do not get the same attention from public health authorities even though they cost US families around a quarter of a trillion dollars a year, according to the study.


Around nine percent of all US children have asthma and less than a quarter of one percent of all people under the age of 20 have diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Merikangas and a team of researchers analyzed data from the National Comorbidity Study-Adolescent Supplement, which surveyed more than 10,000 US teens.


The study is the first to track the prevalence of a broad range of mental disorders in a nationally representative sample of US teens.


They found that nearly a third of the teens met the criteria for the most common mental disorder among US youth, anxiety disorders, which include social phobia and panic "attacks".


This class of disorder also had the earliest median onset age, occurring in children as young as six years old.


Behavior disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, were the next most common condition (19.1 percent), followed by mood disorders (14.3 percent) such as depression.


Eleven percent of teens with a mood disorder, 10 percent with behavior disorders and eight percent who had anxiety disorders, especially social phobics, met the criteria for severe impairment, meaning their condition affected their day-to-day life and caused them great distress.


Teen mental disorder rates mirror those seen in adults, suggesting that most adults develop a mental disorder before adulthood, say the researchers, calling for earlier intervention and prevention, and more research to determine what the risk factors are for mental disorders in youth.

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