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welcome brothers and sisters.


sisters please proceed to the sorority marked

kappa nu sigma

brothers proceed to the fraternities marked

sigma lambda phi or tau ro beta


the following issues are being discussed:

issues(mawduuc) that find confimation(tasdiiq) in the quran and sunnah by terminology(lafdh/la fth)

and issues which their meaning finds confirmation in quran and sunnah as they are not found as terminology(lafth) but as meanings in accordance with tawheed and akhira.


the following is being avoided:

tyranny(taaghut) and idiocy(safaaha) that results from dealing with it.


two common examples:

tyranny "qiyaama happened 400 years ago which means this is actually akhira and then there was the rennaissance and the whole history/propaganda and that governments were and still are installed by god himself" (that's not funny)


idiocy "creation as described in the bible hasn't happened yet and the holy texts that we have are just prophecies made by great philosophers like nostradamus and need to be fulfilled by us creatures somehow....the great economic success of countries like u.s.a. germany and japan are just proof that slavery, hitler and such things are useful and that through technological progress and genetic engineering such people will be created who will save the world..."


that way of thought is not even funny,i believe if avoided great things will happen if Allah will.

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a while ago ,i don't remember which article; i just remember i was discussing with brother Nur,


i made the mistake..yes mistake of writing " the pillars of iman"


the word "pillar" is not the correct translation for "rukn" or "arkaan"


in surat luqman it is stated that God created the heavens without pillars.


according to google,the translation of "arkaan" is "staff" or "personnel"...unacce ptable translation for it would personify the "arkaan" and substantiate the faith(imaan) ,that is not good.


many words were taken from latin or hebrew without trying to translate ,why not for arabic?

the "arkaan of faith" the "arkaan of islam"


after all tomato and sugar are also arabic words.


one more time:


religion is what pharao used to do,God save us from it.pillars or staff/personnel would be pharaos minions,


very evil...if you know it avoid it.



islam is a 'diin'

islam ,closest translation : devote

diin ,closest translation : discipline


faith shouldn't be given names,it's just faith.


christianity,sunni,s hia or whatever are neither faiths nor disciplines they are styles or mathhab which would have benn legalized (made mathhab sharci) by the clergy ,but it would count as israaf on intellectualism and contradicts with zakaat.


in a strictly linguistic sense,and intending no comparison:

f.e. in the different disciplines of martial arts,the kung fu discipline has styles like tiger,blind monk etc.


devotion to Allah



would anyone like to explain "intellectual israaf" and how that contradicts with zakaat?

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correction : this life , the next life and the relativity of time .


or this reality , the next (life?) ; and the relativity of time.


it is NOT meant that this life and the next are 2 seperate realities.


to preserve individuality , it is up to the reader/thinker to associate "this reality" with "life of dunya" or with "the first"

it is also up to the reader/thinker to associate "the next" with "akhira" or with whatever the individual reader/thinker expects of life after death;maybe "gravelife" ,maybe "the final day,judgement day etc." or maybe "hell or heaven,paradise...etc."...


if you notice , this form or argumentation leads to "a need for tafsir" goal was to invoke a need for confirmation for our acts and thoughts... ,we seek confirmation from the quran without interpretation/tafsir.


so, i'll stay with the original thought :


it is NOT meant that there are 2 seperate realities.


This Reality , the Next and the Relativity of Time


you can make a list what you associate with

"this reality"

and another list what you associate with

"the next" except (reality)

and you can make a list of what could happen in this reality that would cause a change to the next(something) but same reality.(death,marriage,birth,revolution etc.)

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do you know the difference between a jamaa'a and a collective ?


the study of collectivities or sociology ..


do you believe our brains have a subconcious ?


if jamaa'a is the legal,everyday, normal, natural situation/constitution


then a collective must be an exceptional situation that invokes the need

for (requires) a modus-operandi (m.o.)




Peace , Prayers and Blessings be upon God's Prophet .

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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم



from : Fiqh-us-Sunnah , Sayyid Saabiq



Volume 1, Page 1b: Rain water, snow, and hail


These substances are pure because Allah says so: "And sent down water from the sky upon you, that thereby He might purify you..." (al-Anfal 1), and "We send down purifying water from the sky" (al-Furqan 48). This is also supported by the following hadith: Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, used to be silent between the (opening) takbir of the prayer and the verbal Qur'anic recitation. Abu Hurairah asked him, "O Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, why do you remain silent between the takbir and the recital? What do you say (silently during that time)?" He said, "I say, 'O Allah, make a distance between me and my sins similar to the distance you have made between the East and the West. O Allah, cleanse me of my sins in the manner that a white garment (is cleansed) from dirt. O Allah, wash my sins from me with snow, water, and hail."' This hadith is related by the "group", except for at-Tirmizhi.

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historic discussions between islamic scholars ..


back in the years a.d. 1100 - 1300 , around the time where books were printed ..


many people were reading very often


Surat Al-Kahf (18) ; and Surat Yasin (36)


.. it so happened that someone mad the comment :


"don't run all the way back to The Bible , it's


easier to read Surat Al-Mudathir (74) "


- it was apparently misunderstood by some .. who


were just looking for an excuse anyway .. as a


notion for muslims to abandon the Bible ..


Lord forbid !



today .. a.d. 2010 (hijri year 1431)


since the development of the internet many people


are often reading :


سورة الأعراف



سورة الأنفال



sometimes there are comments about the times of


salahudin ayubi .. and it was said :


" no need to go all the way to سورة الكهف


it is enough to recite سورة الحجرات


.. but that doesn't mean that we stopped reading


these suras .. or that some of the Holy Quran is


now outdated .. God forbid !


it was a specific process of the times of the


crusades .. namely the process of distributing


books that lead to the intensive reading of these


specific suras ..


it is now a specific process after the


development of the internet that demands the


intensive reading of certain suras .. with the


help of a shorter sura like Surat Al-'Hujurat(49)


instead of restarting


the whole project


from a.d. 1200 , which demanded the intensive


reading of Surat Yasin(36) and Surat Al-Kahf(18)


in their time they were


thinking it would


be easier to recite


Surat Al-Mudathir(74) ,


than to read Revelation(Bible 66) every time


it worked for the printing&distribution of


Bible ,Quran and Torah


and this ongoing (a.d.2010 ;hijri 1431)


process does not exclude Surat Al-Kahf(18) by


concentrating our recitations on Surat



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when studying any subject , and one finds a text-book of some sort ..




the people preparing the subject for the


students,read Surat Al-'Anaam(6)fully to the end


and Surat Al-A'raaf(7) until Verse 96 ;




the students when they find for example this :





should read the rest of Surat Al-A'raaf(7) ,


starting with Verse 97 till the end The Sura and


Surat Al-Anfaal(8) to the end.

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