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Muhammad ibn Ka'b (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that there was once a great scholar and 'abid amongst Bani Isra'il who loved his wife dearly.  When she passed away, he was so grieved that he locked his door and abstained from meeting and conversing with people.  A woman from Bani Isra'il heard about this so she went to him.  She informed those who were guarding the entrance to his house that she wanted to ask him about a point of jurisprudence and that she must ask him directly.  Saying this, she sat down stubbornly by the door.  The person was informed of this and eventually permitted her to enter. She said, "I want to ask you about a mas'ala." 

He replied, "Go ahead,"  so she continued, "I have a neighbor from whom I borrowed some jewellery.  I have been wearing it for quite some time now.  Thereafter, my neighbor sent a person asking for her jewellery.  The question I want to ask you is regarding whether I have to give it back to her." 


The scholar replied, "Yes, you must give it back to her." 


The woman answered, "But the jewels were with me for a very long time.  How can I give it back?"


The scholar replied, "In such a case, you should give it even more happily because it was out of her kindness that she allowed you to use it for such a long time."


When he said this, the woman replied, "May Allah have mercy on you.  Why then are you so grieved?  Allah had loaned you something, and when He wished, He took it back.  And all belongs to Him."


Upon hearing this, the 'alim understood.


(from Bahishti Zewar)

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That was a good remind tamina, we should cherish what we have and not dispear when it is taken from us allahamdulilah is all we need say.

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