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Conspiracy or Coincidence

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When this chap came forward in 2005 to warn about impending invasion Mogadishu and the south of Somalia by thousands Ethios and their cahoots, it sounded like scare mongering to some of us. Did he really have the master-plan or was what happened just a coincidence?

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I don't know about a master plan, but Ethiopia's intent to destablise Somalia by supporting warlords, and balkanizing our nation is very clear. It won't be crazy thing to say today that Ethiopia would actually wanna annex the Somali lands into Ethiopia there by giving access to the Indian ocean and redsea, and obviously removing threat that has haunted the Habashis for centuries.

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Arrintaas waxaan si fiican u ogaadya markii aan tagnay Baydhabo, xiligaasoo uu Jen. Badmaceeye saraakiil reer Baydhabo ah u sheegay in ay u diyaargaroobaan sidii ay ula shaqeyn lahaayeen ciidamo Itoobiya ka imaanaya, isla markaana ay miinooyinka ka saaraan deegaanada Xuduudka ku yaala, haddiiba ay jiraan meelo horay loo miineeyay, sidoo kalena ay soo sahmiyaan meesha ay gobollada Bay iyo Shabeelaha Hoose isaga xirmaan" ayuu ma kale yiri sarkaalkaas la socday Guddigii Xaqiiqo raadinta.


Baydhabo ayuu sheegay C/llaahi Sh. Xasan in uu hadana mar kale kula soo hadlay Jen. Badmaceeye C/risaaq Jurille oo ka mid ah Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Federaalka, kaasi oo Jananka weydiiyay halka ay wax u marayaan, kana codsaday inta uusan Baydhabo ka bixin in uu xaqiijiyo waddooyinka ka baxa Baydhabo ee xiriirka la leh gobollada kale ee howlgalku ku wajahan yahay.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,,,,,,,, interesting indeed.

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^^ All the characters he mentioned are in Mogadishu and are today's Meles' loyal bum-licking stooges.



The Ethios intentions is one thing. What we have is here is an allegation Somalis went out of their way to plan the invasion. This is before the Courts that some blame or use as a pretext. It all sems just too accurate.

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