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Djibouti agreement : good for Somalia good for all

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Heshiis awoodqeybsi oo lagu gaaray Jabuuti




Ayadoo wax walba la waafajinaayo nuxurkii bayaankii wadajirka ahaa ee 26 Oktoobar ee Jibuuti, ayna na sii dhiirigelisay isku duubnaanta iyo midnimada ka muuqatay goobta wadahadalka, Dowladda Federaalka ee Ku Meel-gaarka ah iyo Isbahaysiga Dib u Xureynta Soomaaliya; waxay ka codsadeen Ergayga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramadda Midoobay u Qaabilsan Arrimaha Somaaliya, Ahmdou Ould Abdalla inuu ku dhawaaqo arrimaha soo socda assagoo ka wakiil ah ayaga.


1. Dhinacyadu waxay ooga mahad celiyeen dadka Soomaaliyed dulqaadkooda, taageeridooda, waxayna ku aamaaneen sida ay ooga go’aantahay helitaanka nabad meel mar ah. Dhinacyadu waxay marlabaad ballan qaadeen in ay laban-laabaan dadaalkooda ku aadan gaaritaanka hadafkan aan soo sheegnay, ayagoo ooga wakiil ah Dadweynaha Somaaliyeed.


Khudbadihii heshiika >> -Dhageyso


2. Dhinacyadu waxay soo dhoweeyeen wax yaabihii ka soo baxay tababarkii arrimaha Caddaaladda iyo Dib u Heshiisiinta, taas oo laga yaabo in ay ka mid ahaadaan Dhisidda Guddi Baaritaan sameeya iyo Maxkamad Caalami ah, si wax looga qabto xadgudubyada lagu suubiyey xuquul insaanka iyo sharciga caalamiga ah ee haga xaaladaha dagaalka iyo wax ka qabashada dhaqanka ah “dembi gal haddana iska soco”, impunity”.

Guddi wadajir ah ayaa la dhhisay si uu ula socdo diyaar garowga loo sameynaayo shir la qabandoono sannada soo socota kuna dhisan Caddaaladda iyo Dib u Heshiisiinta.


3. Dhinacyadu waxay ku heshiiyeen dhowr arrimood oo waaweyn, kuwaaso ujeedadoodu ay tahay in lagu dhammeystiro iskaashiga dhinacyada arrimaha siyaasadda, sida dhisid Dawlad ay ka muuqato Midnimo Soomaaliyed iyo Barlamaan loo dhanyahay.


4. Dhinacyadu waxay ku heshiiyeen:-


· In ay wax ka qabtaan dhaqanka ku saabsan dembi gal haddana iska soco ayagoo u maraaya


Dawlad loo dhan yahay;


· In la dhiso habkii mudnanta sii lahaa helitaanka nidaam ku dhisan isla-xisaabtan dhinacyada siyaasadda, dhaqaalaha iyo moraalka Dawladda Midnimada leh, ayadoo la dhowraayo shurucda caalamiga ah;


5. Dhinacyadu waxay ku heshiiyeen talo soo jeedinta soocota:-


· In la ballaariyo tirada Barlamaanka, Isbahaysiga Dib u Xureynta Soomaaliyana loogu daro tiro 200 (laba–boqol) oo kursi;

· In ay Dhinacyadu la yimaadaan dadaal ay kula xiriireyaan dadka aan hadda geedi socodka nabadda ka mid aheyn sida: bulshada rayidka, haweynka, ganacsatadaba iyo Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyed ee dibedda ku nool, 75 (Toddobaantan iyo shan) kursi ee ka mid ah Barlamaanka waxaa loo keydinayaa dadka kor ku soo xusan;


· Waxaa ka mid ah Mas’uuliyadda Barlamaanka cusub ee loo wada-dhanyahay inuu doortaan Hoggaanka cusub;

· Waxaa si dhab ah loo raaci doonaa mabd’a ku dhisan isla qaybsiga jagooyinka Hoggaaminta ku saabsan;

· In la kordhiyo 2 (Laba Sano) xilliga Ku-Meel-Gaarka ah;


· Dhammaan heshiisyada ka soo baxay geedi socodka nabadda waxaa la waafajinayaa Axdiga


Dawladda Federaaliga ee Ku-meel-gaarka ah;


· Waxaa lagu heshiiyey in la dhiso guddi hawshiisu noqondoonto in uu ka soo shaqeeyo dhismaha Dawladda loo wada-dhanyahay kuna soo gudbiyo talo soo jeedintiisa muddo 30 (soddon) casho ah gudahooda, taasoo waafaqsan kulanka soo socda ee Guddiga Heerka Sare ee Arrimaha Siyaasadda.


6. Dhinacyadu waxay isla xaqiijiyeen sida ay ooga xunyihiin dhacdooyinkii ugu dambeeyey ee la xiriiray Burcad Badeedka.


Axmed Abdisalaan Adan


Cabdiraxman Abdishakur Warsame

Dawladda Federaalka Soomaalyed


Isbahaysiga Dib U xureynta Soomaaliyed




Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah


Xamud A. Suldaan


Ergayga Gaarka ah ee Qarammada Midoobay


Wasiirka Arrimaha Islaamka iyo WAQF U Qaybsan Soomaaliya ee Dawladda Jibuuti - Isha wararka xaqiiqda

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duke, 200 radicals in parliament might be good in the short term but bad in the long run. Further more, we all know that the overwhelming majority of theses islamist are from a single clan, will they not disrupt the balance of different Somali clans in both parliament and cabinet on which the entire TFG experiment depends?

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Decisions of the High Level Committee

Djibouti Agreement

25 November, 2008



Building on the 26 October 2008 Joint Declaration, and encouraged by the spirit of unity prevailing at the peace talks, the Transitional Federal Government and the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia requested the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, to state the following on their behalf:


1. The Parties thank the Somali people for their patience and support, and commend their determination in encouraging sustainable peace. They commit themselves to redouble their efforts towards achieving this goal on behalf of the people.



2. The Parties welcome the conclusions of the Workshop on Justice and Reconciliation including agreement to possibly establish a Commission of Inquiry and an international court to address violations of human rights and international law and impunity in their country. A joint working group has been established to follow up on the preparation of next year’s conference on Justice and Reconciliation.



3. The Parties have agreed on a number of guiding principles as a framework to strengthen their commitments on political cooperation – particularly of the establishment of a Unity Government and an inclusive Parliament.


4. These include:



* Addressing impunity through the Unity Government;

* Establishing mechanisms that will place priority on ensuring

* accountability – politically, financially and morally – of the Unity

* Government and respecting recognized international legal instruments.



5. They agreed on the following proposals:



· To enlarge the Parliament by an extra 200 seats allocated to the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia;



* An intention by the Parties to reach out to those who are outside the process as well as members of the civil society, including women and the business community, and the Diaspora. Seventy-five additional seats in the Parliament will be reserved to that end;

* That the new inclusive Parliament will have the responsibility to elect the new Leadership;

* The principle of responsible sharing of leadership positions will be adhered to;

* A two-year extension of the Transitional Period;

* All Agreements resulting from the process will be embedded as Amendments to the Transitional Federal Charter;

* The establishment of a working group that will engage, under the facilitation of the United Nations, on details of the Unity structures and to submit proposals in 30 days to the next session of the High Level Committee


6. The Parties reaffirm their grave concern over the recent acts of piracy.


Ahmed Abdisalaan Adan

Transistional Federal Government


Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia


Abdirahman A. Warsame

Witnessed by


The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia

Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah United Nations Special Representative


Hamud A. Suldan

Minister of Religious Affairs and WAQF

of the Secretary-General Government of Djibouti

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Yeey how come you are not in synch with your uncle and his rejection of this deal? according to Garoowe Online this is what Yeey's spokesperson said :


Afhayeen u hadlay Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo maanta ku sugan xarunta maamul goboleedka Puntland ee Garowe ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynuhu uu qaadacay heshiiskaas, kuna tilmamay mid xukuumada jirta lagu baabi'inayo.


read the whole piece here


Barlamanka Somalia oo lagu kordhinayo 275 xubnood

26 Nov 26, 2008 - 3:28:45 AM


Heshiis lagu qaybsanayo awooda dalka ayay maanta ku kala saxiixdeen dalka Jabuuti gudigii siyaasada ee DF iyo ARS, kaasoo dhigaya in baarlamaanka lagu kordhiyo 275-xubnood oo cusub.


Saxiixa heshiiskaan ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa ergayga gaarka ah ee UN-ka u qaabilsan arimaha Somalia Ahmadou Ould-Abdallah, isagoo ku tilmaamay guul ay ku talaabsadeen Somalida.


"Baarlamaanka waxaa laga dhigayaa 550-xubnood, waxaana xubnaha haatan lagu darayaa kuwo ka imaanaya Isbahaysiga qaybihiisa kala duwan" ayuu saxaafada Jabuuti u sheegay C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame oo dhanka isbahaysiga ka socda.


Mas'uul u hadlay DF ayaa isaguna sheegay in heshiiskan uu yahay mid ay ogoladeen isjiidjiid badan kadib, wuxuuna carabka ku dhuftay in sababaha ay u oglaadeen ay tahay inuusan burburin shirka.


"Hogaanka sare ee dalka sida Madaxweynaha, Afhayeenka Baalamaanka iyo Ra'iisul wasaaraha waxay ku imanayaan doorasho, waxaana dooranaya baalmaaanka cusub" ayuu mar kale sheegay C/raxmaan C/shakuur.


Isbahaysiga ARS ayuu sheegay inay ka imaanayaan dhankooda 200-xubnood, halka ay 75-ka xubnood ee kale ka imaanayaan dhinacyada kale sida bulshada rayidka ah iyo waxgaradka Soomaaliyeed.


Madaxda ergada ARS ee shirka ka qaybgalaya ayaa intaas ku daray in dowlad cusub la dhisayo bisha ugu horeysa ee sanadka 2009, isla markaana ay shaqeyn doonto 2-sano.


"Labada sano kadib doorasho ayaa la sameyn doonaan, waxaana doorashadaas qabanqaabin doona xukuumada cusub ee wadaaga ah, waana wax lagu farxo inay shacabku dooran doonaan hogaankooda" ayuu yiri C/raxmaan C/shakuur mar kale.


Afhayeen u hadlay Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo maanta ku sugan xarunta maamul goboleedka Puntland ee Garowe ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynuhu uu qaadacay heshiiskaas, kuna tilmamay mid xukuumada jirta lagu baabi'inayo.


Heshiiska ayaa waxaa amaanay xukuumada Jabuuti, xubno ka socda dalalka caalamka qaarkood & Qaramada Midoobay, iyadoo heshiiska ay dhaliileen xubno ay ka mid yihiin kuwa ku sugan dalka Eritrea.


Garowe Online, Jabuuti

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Still your not making deals with alshabaab

ur making deals with Ars asmara group and qeybta Djbouti kula shiiraysa



alshabaab dagaalkooda fii jihadii fi sabililah way waddayaan

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The Duke agrees with any agreement as long as it helps Somalia.


I support an agreement, but its up to those who agree to implement it.


We can all sign papers.


Yusuf Yey was never against peace, he is against *********.

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