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Test your Knowlege of Islamic Terms Concepts

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Assalamu Alaikum,


This is just a little test of your knowlege of some arabic glossary that tends to come up quite often if you read articles or books on Islam; alot of them I didn't know and just skipped over but a couple of weeks ago I took the time and actually found out what each word meant. How well do you know the following? (From memory, don't use google. :D )



















If that's too easy; I'll add more Inshallah later on.

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Salaamu Aleeykum


I dont know the answer to all of these but I guess I can give it a try...please correct us or post the correct answers insha Allah...!!


Dikir: Dhikr is the remembrance of Allah. This can be done at all times of the day starting from the time you wake up, going into the bathroom, making wuduu, praying, during prayer, after prayer, remembrance of the morning and night, leaving the house, driving, drinking, eating, dressing, undressing and i dont think i can list all of them...!! We must be careful in saying the prayers in the manner in which the prophet alayhi salaam did...!!


Hadith: the sayings of the prophet alayhi salam that have been narrated from his companions radiya allahu anhum...!!


Adab: akhlaaq, manners, discipline..!!


Bid’ah: any newly innovated matter in the Deen. Anything we do to get closer to Allah but was not done by the prophet Alayhis salaam....!!


Dawah: literally means invitation, the act of calling a Muslim or non-Muslim to the worship of Allah and doing righteous deeds.


Fatwa: when a scholar gives the religions ruling on an issue..!!


Fiqh: the understanding of Sharee'a to come up with rulings of issues...!!


Fitnah: tribulations, issues, matters or things that can cause Muslims to either deviate or commit can be either large scale (i.e. I consider TV's with cable or satellites to be a fitnah for societies, or individual base, when a brother or a sister talk to each other in a seducing manner).


Hawaa: Hawaa, the wife of Adam? Or Hawaa like in desire....there is an ayah that says the meaning of "have you seen the one that makes his hawaa (desires) his ilaah (diety of worship)"..!!


Ijtihaad: when scholars make a ruling based on deduction....for instance, alcohol is haram b/c it alters the state of the mind, therefore drugs are haram b/c they alter the state of the mind...!!


Iqaamah: iqamat Assalaat....the standing up for the salat...!!


Madhhab: literally would mean the path in which a person goes...and i think religiously it would mean the path a scholar takes...!!


Taqwaa: literally means to protect something...religiously means to protect ourselves from the anger and punishment of Allah..!!


Thawab: reward...what Allah gives us when we do good deeds...!!


Tawheed: literally means to make one...religiously to make Allah one in three aspects, his lordship (creates, sustains and nourishes), his worship (praying, slaughtering, calling for refuge and help spiritually), and His names and attributes (they are perfect and unique)...!!


Tafseer: interpretation, usually used for Quran, but i guess it could also be used for ahadeeth...!!


Fii Amaani'Laah

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Excellent. You've got them all right, and not only that but I love the way you described each one in detail. Here is the definitions for the previous;


Dikir: remembrance for the sake of Allah.


Hadith: Reports on the sayings and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) or what he witnessed and approved are called Hadith.


Adab: Refinement, ethical norms, and standards of behavior. Connotes discipline, proper etiquette, manners, and training. Loss of aadaab implies loss of discipline and a failure to act with justice.


Bid’ah: Innovation. In contradistinction to the Sunnah. Refers to any action or belief which has no precedent in or has no continuity with the Sunnah.


Dawah: Invitation; call. Refers to the duty of Muslims to invite or call others to return to the straight and natural path of Islam or submission to God. This, according to the Qur'an, has to be done with wisdom and beautiful advice. The `most excellent speech' is that of a person who calls others to God. Da`wah is addressed to both Muslims and non-Muslims.


Fatwa: plural: fataawaa). Juridical verdict, legal opinion.


Fiqh: Literally, understanding. The legal science founded mainly on rules and principles developed by human reasoning (ijtihaad) and the body of knowledge so derived. Fiqh may therefore vary from one jurist or school of thought to another. The term "fiqh" is sometimes used synonymously with Sharee`ah (qv.). However, while fiqh is to a large extent the product of human endeavor, the Sharee`ah is closely related to divine revelation and knowledge which is only obtained from the Qur'an and the Sunnah.


Fitnah: Any affliction which may cause man to go astray and to lose his faith in spiritual values; test, trial, confusion, civil war, oppression.


Hawaa: Vain or egotistical desire; individual passion; impulsiveness. Following hawaa leads to arrogance and destruction.


Ijtihaad: Literally, striving and self-exertion; independent reasoning; analytical thought. Ijtihaad may involve the interpretation of the source materials, inference of rules from them, or giving a legal verdict or decision on any issue on which there is no specific guidance in the Qur'an and the Sunnah.


Iqaamah: Iqamah is an Arabic word that refers to the second call for the prayer which follows the first call (Adhan).


Madhhab: (plural: madhaahib). Literally, way of going. School of thought.


Taqwaa: Consciousness of God.


Thawab: reward of blessing.


Tawheed: Belief in or affirmation of the Oneness of God.


Tafseer: Commentary, exegesis of the Qur'an.


No worries Kafaaxiye, try these:






Kalam (as in Kalamu-Alahu)







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Salaamu Aleeykum..


Thanx for sharing that with us sis...jazaki Allah..!!


Kafaaxiye...sorry i had to ruin it for you, but i wont even attempt at those since they involve Giggling..!! Just a few though, to fight the temptation...!!


Sabr: patience, on what Allah forbids, on what Allah obligates and what Allah predestined..!!


Shirk: literally means partnering up...religiously is having another partner with Allah that you perform acts of worship to..!!


Fii Amaani'Laah

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^thanks Kooleey and Honesita;


well to give other a chance; let me try these three:


Mujahid: one who fights in the path of Allah

Shahid: one who dies in the path of allah

Fard: Manditory, waajib, obligatory


I hope my definitations are not as weak as my iman :cool:

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Salaamu Aleeykum


This is goin' dead...i dont see any answers...and i'd luv to know the answers...may i just go ahead...!!


Munafiq: nafaqa is what an animal called jarboa makes in the desert, it creates secret holes that has two openings...islamically its when a person pretends to be a believer when they hide a secret disbelief...!!


Istiqhfar: asking Allah for forgiveness...!!


Barakah: literally an increase in something..religiously an increase in something from Allah...blessings...!!


An islamic dictionary would be great huh...!!


Fii Amaani'Laah

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