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Puntland Govt: Speaks Out Against Onlf Propaganda

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Garowe: Dawladda Puntland oo beenisay war ka soo baxay ONLF.

27. oktober 2009


Garowe(AllPuntland)- Dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay in aysan waxba ka jirin in ay dawladda Itoobiya gacanta ugaliyaan dad udhashay Ismaamulka Soomaalida ee dawladda Itoobiya, isla markaasna waxa ay sheegeen in ay talaabadaasi mid ay ka been sheegeen Jamhada ONLF.


Saraakiisha Madaxtooyada ee dawlada Puntland ayaa sheegay in ay maqleen Eedaynta ONLF, ayagoo sheegay in aysan waxba ka jirin in ay dawladda Puntland ay dad udhiibtay dawladda Itoobiya, waxa ayna intaasi ku daray in aysan ciidamadooda qaban dadka Soomaaliyeed.


Ilo ku dhow dhow Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed ayaa sheegay in aysan waxba ka jirin arrintaasi, isla markaasna aysan marnaba ka suuragaleyn dawladda Puntland in dad Soomaaliyeed loo gacan galiyo dawladdaha jaarka la ah Soomaaliya.


" Taasi ma dhici karto, waa been ay sheegtay ONLF, oo aanan garan karin ujeedada ay leedahay, dad aan dhiibnay ama laga qabtay Puntland oo ay ka xeysteen Itoobiya ma jiraan" Ayuu yiri Sarkaal sare oo ka ag dhaw Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland oo ka gaabsaday Magaciisa.


Xuseen Maxamed Nuur oo ah Madaxda Warfaafinta ee ONLF ayaa xaqiijiyey in dad udhashay beesha ****** laga qabtay magaalada Boosaaso, loona gacan galiyey dawladda Itoobiya oo uu dagaal adag kala dhaxeeyo Jamhada ONLF oo ah Jamhada ay leeyihiin Beesha ******, dagaal adagna kula jirta dawladda Itoobiya oo maamusha gobalada Soomaalida ee kilalka Shanaad.


Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa la rumeysan yahay in ay xiriir wanaagsan kala dhaxeeyey dawladda Puntland, waxaana maalmihii ugu dambeeyey soo baxayay warar kala gedisan oo ku saabsan halka uu salka dhigtay xiriirkaasi, markii ay ciidan ka tirsan dawladda Itoobiya si sharci daro ah ku galeen magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobalka Mudug.


Warar hoosaadyo ka tirsan dawladdaha Puntland iyo Addis Ababa ayaa sheegay in uusan maalmihii ugu dambeeyey xiriirka labada dhinac wanaagsaneyn, isla markaasna ay jireen waxyaabo laysku mari waayay oo ay ka mid yihiin talaabadii carada ku beertay Madaxda Puntland ee ahayd in ay ciidamada dawladda Itoobiya, si sharci daro ah ku galaan gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, taasoo ay jawaabteeda ka gaabsatay dawladda Itoobiya.


F. C. Maxamed


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I was a bit suspicious myself regarding this onlf issue. Usually the puntland media reports these sorts of stories if they occur. However it wasn't reported by any puntland media which gives me the feeling it is untrue.


Anyways the Puntland Admin spoke out and says it's totally hogwash what the onlf propaganda piece is saying.

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Warku waa war sugan oo cid walbaa ogssoon. Beelo gaar ah ayaana mas’uul ka ah arrintani, jawaabteedana weey heli doonaan haddii alle idmo.

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LOL :D dhaantaad ku kor ciyaari doontaan?


Saaxiib, bootada raqiiska ah meesha kalatag! Hadaad naf iyo tabar heysid dhulkaaga ayaad amxaarada ka xoreynsan-lahaydee...

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Inaan dhaanto ku ciyaro iyo in kale adaa arki saaxiib. In badan ayaan ka dignay qumac amxaaro ku dhici lahaa inaad kas bataan. Waxaad doorbideen inaad gashaan u noqtaan amxaarta. Kolka waxaad ka hesho adaa iska leh ogow.

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Jafe, walaale, waxaa lagu maahmaahaa... "islaan fadhida lagdin la fududaa". :D


Its posts like yours that suggest to me that ALL ONLF sympathizers are full of bluff and bravado and should be thrown unceremoniously on the grand table of inaction and ridicule, for all to spit on, not just a select few strutting about the internet of all places-- with great show and braggadocio-- such as yourself.


Once, just ONCE, I'd like to see you guys walk the walk. After all, as we all know-- talk is cheap!

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Saxiib as said you will see for your self, in aan dhaanto ciyaaro iyo in kale and no need to come back just to show how low you can get at times. After all, I believe you are the last person who should talk about either the PL admin or the ONLF as you have to be majure yet.


Beeter if you educate your self first and leave these issues for grown up men to exchange their views & principles.


Waa talo iyo tusaale,

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OO hada bootadii ma waxaad u badashay, "exchange of views and principles".


Blah, blah, blah. More cantrabaqash from you as usual. If you're serious about making threats over the internet, why do you then feel the need for deflection? You just went off on a rant that seems irrational and unrelated to the topic here. Your hypocrisy in this whole matter has got nothing to do with my maturity.

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It does indeed, you are unmajure as ever. And for that reason this issue may not go with your like, as I smell you are isane man.


Gacanta aad afka i gelinayso igala wareeg saxiib, oo intaas ha inoogu e kaato.

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Jafe, anigu meesha aad ka gubanaysid waan garranayaa. Laakin si kasto aad isku xanaajisid, anigu runta weligay kaama deenayo. Inta aad nooshahay aduunyadaan, ogow inuusan qabiil xornimo keeneyn!

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Sow hadalku kuma deeqo horta?


Nin jira oo war gal ah noqo aan ka ahayn sidii dameer qaylo dhaana iska bootin dhiso hadaad hesho wax beenta iyo bakhtiga aad meelaha la wareegi, kaaba rasteeyaa.


Qarax adeerow oo weliba bul dheh!!

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The ONLF cab drivers around these ends have become infamous around these parts for asking for $5 donations to send back to the ragtag non-starters back in the occupied desert. These men apparently have no sense of shame. If I were a hopeless ONLF sympathizer(Thank the heavens I'm not) I would face up to my foul deeds and turn myself in to the cops at once. Seriously dude, you guys believe $5 alms collected by over worked cab drivers is gonna liberate a land? How ridiculous!


I suggest y'all just need to stick to talking tough over the internet and dancing your dhaantos(...which you are very good at), instead of wasting the time of these poor, hard working fellows out here on the streets of the west!

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