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A Major Military Operation in Sanaag and western Bari, Why

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A Major Military Operation in Sanaag and western Bari, Why


Sep 8, 2008


- A huge military activity is taking place in Sanaag region to combat pirates and other insecurity activities such as land bandits and other criminal gangs.





Coastal cities such as Laasqoray, Durduri and Elayo districts have been chosen for a new military bases as Somali pirates are gaining strength after strength.


The bases will act as a deterrent for any abducted or hijacked ships steered towards the Sanaag and western Bari Coast.

The establishment of these new bases comes after a German couple were held in Almadow mountains which lies close to the city of Laasqoray.


Locals are said to be determined about improving the security situation in Sanaag so there will be no repeat of the hostage crisis that happened in Sanaag last June and July.


Eilbuh town which lies approximately 190km south west of Laasqoray has been chosen to be the central command centre for this military activity.



Col. Ahmed Jeeni-Tag,
a commander of the 2nd battalion based in Eilbuh have said to the local media that he ordered his forces to patrol Sool plateau to arrest and to destroy a ring of charcoal traders that has been reported in Sool plateau area.

The Col said that his forces have already captured 4 culprits who they have transferred to the central prison in Laasqoray.




This security crackdown
comes after the local forces have been united by General Abdulahi Ahmed Jama- former General in Somali Army and an American citizen- who returned to his Native Sanaag and Bari to restore hope and order.


Since the arrival of the General -who has received a huge welcome after a long absence, - there's been an enormous improvement of the security in Sanaag in particular and
many people of Puntland believe him to be the needed person to lead this region and Puntland in general out of the current miserable situation in which the pirates and other criminal gangs are reported to be robustly thriving.


The General is also running for presidential position in Puntland State of Somalia.


Last year, the city of Dhahar in South East of Sanaag was the first to establish Environmental Protection Forces armed with heavy battle wagons in order to eradicate the illegal use of charcoal.



This was hugely successful operation and it has received the admiration of other cities across Sanaag and in Southern Somalia which is experiencing similar massive charcoal trading.


The EPC are said to be the back bone of the current operation that is taking place in Sanaag.


LaasqorayNET/Dhahar Online

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U wlc Duke. What is the latest news about Kismayo?


Badhan:-Wararka nagaga imanaya dhanka Magaalada Badhan ayaa sheegaya inay Afuradii ka dib soo gaadheen Magaaladaasi Waftigii uu hogaaminayay C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Mataan [ilka Jiir] kuwaasi oo loo galbiyay Qasri loo qoondeeyay waftigaasi, warka ayaa sidoo kale sheegaya inay waftigaasi dhawaan xog warn siin doonaan Odayaasha Magaalada Badhan.


Waftiga Gen-ka ayaa mudo safaro ku marayay Magaalooyinka Xeebta ah iyo kuwa Banaanka waxayna booqashadoodii ka bilaabeen dhanka Magaalada Ceebuh
halkaasi oo ay kulan kula qaateen Cuqaasha deegaanka,waxana la sheegay inay isku afgarteen ka shaqaynta Amaanka Gobolka.


Intaasi ka gadaal ayaa waftigaasi waxay u boqooleen dhanka Magaalada Dhahar iyada oo halkaasi aad looga soo dhaweeyay Gen-ka ayaa shir Xasaasi ah la galay odayaasha Deegaanka Dhahar walaw aan saxaafada loo sheegin waxyaabaha ay isla soo qaadeen.


Gen-ka iyo waftigii ayaa dib ugu soo laabtay Magaalooyinka Galbeedka xiga ee Gobolka Sanaag iyaga oo ayaamo ku hagaday Buuralayda Macagta halkaasi oo ay Ciidanka Xaalufku ku gubeen Gooba badan oo laga shidi jiray dhuxusha.


Waftigii Gen-ku horkacayay ayaa sidoo kale qoobka galiyay Magaalada Laasqoray ee xeebta leh waxayna kulan la qaateen waxgaradka Magaaladaasi iyaga oo isla soo qaaday taageerida dibu dhiska dekeda Laasqoray.



Jaamac Ayaanle Feyte



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